
This was also posted at Cobra’s website. Here are his notes about this, and other items…

“A short notice from Prepare For Change:

“You can submit questions for the next interview here: http://prepareforchange.net/cobra-questions

“We are getting far more questions that can be answered in a one-hour interview. We will ask as many Cobra questions as can be answered in the hour allotted.

“Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here: http://esaccoalition.org/matrix-faq/

“Victory of the Light!”

Cobra / Prepare for Change: December Interview

Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 788 entries to this date.  See: 2012portal.blogspot.com

To Listen via MP3 format click below

Transcript of the December 20th, interview posted on December 26, 2016

Reposting Rules: All Prepare for Change Cobra Interviews must be reposted in their ENTIRETY with all the content included, unedited, complete as they appear on the pages and in the audio files as well.


PrepareForChange.net and Cobra Interview Transcript

December PFC (prepareforchange.net) & Cobra interview 2016

Malawi Update


I have asked the guys that I correspond with in Malawi, to send me pictures and a short story about 1 orphan each month that I can share with you. This way you will get to know those that you are helping on the other side of the world.

Enock sent the pictures and story this month. Meet 16-year-old Dickson Misewu. Dickson is new to the orphanage. He is continuing his education there. Before coming to Maoni Orphanage he was from Phwesa Village in Phalombe. His father had died and as there are very few jobs in Malawi his mother turned to prostitution in order to have an income. She was last known to be in Mozambique.

Education is not free in Malawi. Each child that is privileged to attend school in Malawi has to pay school fees or they are kicked out of school. With the situation that Dickson was in, he had to leave school in order to find some work so that he could eat and he had no home. He came to the orphanage with nothing. Maoni welcomed Dickson. He was enrolled in the orphanage school and given bedding and a mosquito net; one of the nets that we purchased for them last month.

Dickson is now working on his secondary education. He wants to be a doctor so that he can help his people. Dickson now spends his weekends weeding the orphanage garden which has started growing thanks to the recent rain.

Dickson likes to play football (soccer) and sing worship songs. His favorite color is red. Dickson is now happy and seeing a bright future. He wants to be one that breaks the poverty curse. He is thankful for being at Maoni orphanage.

I will share the pictures with you. We are creating a place on our website where you will eventually be able to see those who you are helping. Be sure to watch for the upcoming Smaly7 YouTube Channel video of this month’s Cobra interview which will begin with pictures from Malawi.

My dear friends and contributors to this Feed Malawi project, please include your email address when you send money for Malawi so that I can thank you for your heartfelt effort. I don’t spend money on stamps because Malawi needs all the help they can get right now. When our foundation is funded, Malawi will be the first recipient of much needed aid in order to create a community that can thrive.

Please continue to help me, so that I can help them. Please send your checks to:

4530 Whittier Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90022.

Please indicate on your check whether it is for Malawi or for Prepare for Change (PFC).

I thank you with all my heart for your generosity.

Lynn – Hi Cobra, welcome back to Prepare for Change for this last month of December 2016. This has been a very interesting, revealing and even shocking year for all of us. I thought that today I would give you the opportunity to sum up the strides forward that we have made as a planet in this year 2016.

COBRA – OK, and the year is not over yet so I will not answer this question before the year is over. There are certain things ongoing that are quite important and they can, to a certain degree change the outlook on this year.

Lynn – Even these last 10 days huh?

COBRA – Yes, 10 days, yes.

Lynn – Wow. OK.

Aaron – Hi Cobra, this is Aaron, I’ll be standing in for Richard this week. A few questions for you and the first question is; First, looking at Benjamin Fulford’s report this week it was stated that David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild were killed last week. Cobra, have your sources been able to confirm this? Is there any knowledge about where these events occurred?

COBRA – No, actually rumors of this and other Cabal member being killed or arrested are popping up all the time. When this will happen it will be very close to the breakthrough and when this begins to happen more massively it will be in the main stream media. (thank you)

Lynn – So we have to get this news from mainstream huh?

COBRA – Mainstream or reliable alternative media which will have, which will back up their claims with undeniable evidence and proof.

Lynn – OK. Well, it has been reported that Bishop Echevarria died December 12th after a bout with pneumonia. Cobra, do your sources confirm this and was it a natural caused death? Are there any immediate ramifications for the Catholic Church and the people of our world by this death?

COBRA – My sources could not confirm this 100% and yes, of course there are consequences for the Catholic Church but not drastic consequences. They have many people who are playing out their agenda.

Lynn – Well he was the leader of Opus Dei……So we consider . . .

This is reported on the internet: http://www.opusdei.org/en-us/section/from-the-prelate/

COBRA – Opus Dei is one of, I would say quite strong organizations within the church but it’s not the most powerful one. And the leader in this case can be simply replaced so this does not, does not create a drastic shift in the church yet. (OK, great).

Aaron – Cobra, is there anything you can tell us about what is going on under the Denver airport?

COBRA – It is not just what is going on below or under the Denver airport, the whole area around Denver is now the focal point of I would say, half hidden half open conflict between various factions and some of those are belonging to the Cabal. It is a conflict which has been precipitating through the alternative media to a certain degree. And this conflict is just one aspect of big, I would say transformation or big preparation build-up for the final operation which will happen closer to the Event. This is not yet the decisive moment. It is not yet the final push.

Lynn – Corey Goode & David Wilcock agree and keep stressing over & over again that the positive “Earth Alliance” has decided and negotiated with the “Dark Cabal & diverse Secret syndicate control groups” that humanity cannot handle full disclosure because it will bring, according to them: total chaos due to an “emotional shock” and therefore they have all “jointly” agreed, decided & agreed to do a “Partial and Controlled” disclosure and that this process will be rolled out slowly and will take many years, and even a generation or two, until final full disclosure. Cobra, if the murderous psychopaths in charge of our planet and of the Secret Space Programs now have always known the entire unadulterated truth, “All of It” why “WE” the innocent & abused humanity can’t have the right to know the entire truth? Is this true?

COBRA – OK. I cannot confirm those claims and I don’t agree with those claims. Humanity is more than able and ready to handle full disclosure. Actually humanity is more equipped to handle full disclosure than partial disclosure because partial disclosure brings paradoxes into the mind and creates mental stress whereas full disclosure bring clarity. Factions that do not support full disclosure are not of the light. The plan of the light forces is unconditional and full disclosure as soon as possible and as soon as the situation allows it without drastic consequences in the way of dark forces retaliating. But I would say full disclosure is the only agenda we can have here. Everything else is unacceptable. I have not seen David Wilcock or Corey Goode claiming that they are supporting partial disclosure, so I cannot comment on that. (thank you Cobra)

Aaron – Cobra, in your own opinion, when do you think Money, as it exists today, will be relevant as a tool of abundance or enslavement on this planet? Do you believe money will still exist 10 years from now? If not will you explain why and what this new replacement will be?

COBRA – OK. I cannot talk about the time lines or time estimates. I would just say that at The Event, very soon money will become obsolete because we will have, first we will have advanced technologies to materialize everything we need with replicators and 2nd, the spiritual awareness of humanity will be reaching the point where money is not needed any more. So I would say very soon after The Event those things will happen but before The Event it’s impossible. (OK, thank you)

Lynn – So. Does it look like we well get disclosure like immediately following The Event?

COBRA – OK. Disclosure and The Event are coexisting. When The Event pulse reaches, at that very moment there will already be intel dumps in the main stream media and they will escalate and accelerate after The Event quite, quite fast.

Lynn – How long after The Event will the Earth be officially accepted as an official “N3” planet/Galactic society member? Will that be like a generation or less or?

COBRA – Much sooner than that. (much sooner, thank you)

Aaron – What new updates and information can you give us regarding the upcoming ‘solar pulse” known as “The Event” Cobra? And is there any advice that we should be aware of?

COBRA – OK. There have been rumors on the internet in the last few days that The Event will happen in the next few days which is not true. We are not there yet; this is what I can say. And I cannot confirm many of those rumors because they are not based on reality. As to the time estimate when the Event will happen, I have said what I can say already. (OK, thank you)

Lynn – Cobra, can you share with us any of the information regarding the heads of state, Royals and other VIPs that have been visiting Antarctica lately?

COBRA – OK. Not so many of them have been visiting Antarctica. Just a few of those people and one thing that was happening were secret meetings between the Cabal and certain break-away factions about how to solve the problem of the mass arrests because they would like to survive the transformation and they have found no solution so they came back to Antarctica from where they came.

Lynn – Cobra what cosmic body are people in the southern hemisphere reporting on? Do you know anything about this?

COBRA – They are not reporting on a cosmic body. There are many, I would say, unfounded claims of people seeing this or that. If you make any kind of precise investigation into those claims, you soon find out that those claims are not based on reality.

Lynn – We’ve been getting communications from people in the southern hemisphere and they say it is visible to the naked eye, you don’t even need a telescope. So, they are concerned.

COBRA – OK. If somebody can send me solid evidence with a photograph that is not a lens reflection, I would be very happy. (OK, that’s good)

Lynn – There have been strange cosmic events like the huge cloud over Antarctica, strange lights, balls of fire and other surprising sightings and phenomena. Can you tell us anything about what people are seeing?

COBRA – OK, the first, thing there are many quite intense atmospheric phenomena. Some of those phenomena are triggered by the changes which are happening on the planetary surface as a result of the increased activity in the solar system. So it’s not just earth based weather that is changing. It is part of the, I would say, cosmic, cosmic scale change which is happening now in this solar system and beyond. People are experiencing this because also the light forces are supporting those changes in order to awaken people, in order that people start asking questions and finding out what is going on.

Lynn – So, in a way it’s a part of disclosure would you say?

COBRA – I would say soft disclosure, not partial disclosure, but soft disclosure. Partial disclosure is something else. Soft disclosure is an attempt of the light forces to bring us as much disclosure as possible in those very unfavorable conditions. Partial disclosure is an attempt of the dark forces to twist and spin disclosure in a way that will present them as something they are not. They want to save their skin and of course this will not, this is not going to happen. (I understand. Thank you for clarifying that)

Aaron – Where is Planet-X in relation to our planet earth now and what is its purpose at this point in relation to our future and in relation to the future of humanity?

COBRA – Planet X is exactly where it was until now. In it’s orbit beyond Pluto and it will stay there. It will not approach the Planet Earth. It is the home of the RM (Resistance Movement) which is fighting for the liberation of the planet. (thank you)

Lynn – Is an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) controlling most of the Draco’s & reptilian races actions & behaviors?

COBRA – To a certain degree but I would not say they are controlling it; I would say there is a certain symbiosis of a negative nature between A.I. …… I should even put it this way. The Chimera group is using A.I. to control Draco’s and Reptilians.

Lynn – Is an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) in control of most of our world governments, financial systems & stock markets?

COBRA – To a certain degree.

Lynn – Do you agree that the A.I. is Chimera’s Artificial Intelligent network—or does it exist as an independent electronic entity?

COBRA – It is not independent. It is always connected with an organic entity.

Lynn – Will the removal of the Chimera’s Veil include Full Disclosure?

COBRA – Yes. (thank you)

Aaron – Cobra, are the Draco’s and Cabal empires still causing trouble & mayhem in other solar systems and Galaxies or are they now encircled & contained within this final bastion of the Draco & Cabal empire called our “Sol” System?

COBRA – They’re contained here. (OK)

The Prepare for Change Team is growing. Now with Bruce at the helm as volunteer coordinator we will finally be stepping forward with new features and activities on our website. If you want to do more than sit on the sidelines waiting for The Event, then join one of our teams. We will have activities in each of the groups: Leadership, Event Support, Renaissance, Technology, Healing, Financial, Media and Sisterhood of the Rose. Go to the “Participate” tab and in the drop down menu select “Prepare for Change Volunteers”.

Prepare for Change Volunteers

Fill out the simple form and we will contact you. January is our formation month for the volunteer groups. Our newest Chair for the Sisterhood of the Rose has come onboard recently. Her name is Bette and she hails from Australia. Bette is planning newsletters and communications with the group very soon.

Lynn – Donald Trump was confirmed as the 45th President of the United States after a vote of the Electoral College on December 19th. President Trump says and claims to be “anti-establishment” but yet he is choosing and appointing transitional CEO’s and Zionists to his cabinet. Do you have any comment on this Cobra?

COBRA – OK. I think I have already answered this question about Trump, who is behind Trump and I would say that actions speak louder than words and few months from now you’ll see how his presidency is. And I would not give fuel to any speculation. Just watch and learn.

Lynn – Do you think he is at all working for the Light? Is there an inclination there?

COBRA – There is a certain potential within him for the light. I would not be overly optimistic.

Lynn – There is another gentleman that’s been on the scene lately, Steve Pieczenik. Is he working with the Light Forces?

COBRA – Yes, he is working with the light forces. (that’s good to know, thank you)

Aaron – Cobra, there is a huge push by the cabal, including laws being pass by governments around the globe to suppress and censor all the “real news” being spread by alternative and social media channels by labeling them as “Fake News” instead. Most popular and relevant alternative media websites and social media pages are now being affected by this heavy censoring, including the ones related to PrepareforChange.net. What is the resistance planning to do to counter this desperate attempt from the cabal to stop the spread of truth?

COBRA – Actually this pathetic attempt will back fire because when people who are only reading the main stream media learn about the so-called “fake” news, they would like to find out what is about this “fake news”, so they will start searching for alternative media and especially when lists of so-called “fake news sites” are published in the main stream media. It’s free advertising for those alternative web-sites and it brings more traffic to them. It is like the presidential race when he (Trump) was given a lot of publicity, free publicity in the media they were against him, but they gave him a lot of publicity and this was part of his key to his success.

Aaron – (I see) This seems to me like a first pre-emptive step in convincing people not to believe in things they are about to hear. In this new war on “fake news” just an effort to convince the masses that upcoming disclosures are not true?

COBRA – Actually they are aware of the power of alternative media in all aspects. But again, they will not be able to stop this. They will actually bring more people into the alternative media.

(OK thank you) (great back-fire)

Lynn – Forces for justice working within a wide network of international law enforcement and intelligence agencies have begun to arrest Europeans in high places for child abuse, trafficking and pedophilia. Despite the effort to suppress these arrests in the U.S.—by insisting the evidence is ‘fake news’—do you think the movement to arrest major figures involved in this activity in America will take hold among law enforcement agents in the U.S.?

COBRA – OK, this is something that cannot be stopped. Again, this can be delayed but at a certain point the light forces will have so much power in this situation that those arrests will continue and escalate into The Event. (thank you)

Aaron – When will we, as sovereign individuals be able to call & physically summon our spiritual guides & space brothers without being punished or killed by our current dark controllers?

COBRA – After The Event. (OK)

Lynn – What are the names of the main “Guardian ET races” that will physically come to aide & guide humanity immediately after the solar Pulse known as “The Event”?

COBRA – First of course, the Pleiadians and then later the Sirians, the Andromedans, The Arcturians and some other races which are a little bit less known. (thank you)

Aaron – Now that Yaldabaoth’s plasma effects have been diminished (or are they gone now), what is the situation with the strangelet and toplet bombs? Is it possibly much safer to eliminate the controls over humans with regard to the implants we carry?

COBRA – Who claims that it is gone now. It is not gone. (but it’s diminished, right)

Lynn – It is diminished, right?

COBRA – To a certain degree, yes.

Aaron – OK. And is or was the Saturn moon matrix the source energy of the Yaldabaoth?

COBRA – No. (OK)

Lynn – There are conflicting reports regarding Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Some intelligence sources say that he died long ago and has been replaced by a number of look-a likes, while others respected intelligence research spokesmen, including yourself, state that he is alive and very active at work for the Light. Could you specify why Benjamin Fulford’s CIA and NSA contacts are telling him that the real Vladimir Putin passed away a long ago?

COBRA – It is not the highest purpose to answer this question at this moment. It’s sensitive information. (OK)

Aaron – Cobra, is the gamma wave coming to Earth around December the 26th the same as The Event?

COBRA – Again, I am not saying there is any gamma ray coming to the earth on December 26th or 27th and No, it’s not The Event.

Lynn – Cobra, you have said that the positive extra-terrestrials will not allow full scale nuclear war, nor will they allow a World War III. Reading between the lines, does this mean some type of small scale limited nuclear conflict may be permitted to occur? Do the light forces have plans in place to prevent any and all types of nuclear conflict?

COBRA – As much as possible they will prevent all major nuclear conflicts but as you can see from the past, there was already a limited exchange, a limited release of nuclear weapons in the past. So just to answer your question something like Hiroshima will never be tolerated again. (Well, that’s good to know) Yes.

Aaron – Cobra, recently in regards to The Event, Obama recently signed an executive order ordering the US Government to prepare our infrastructure for “upcoming disruptive solar flares”, which we are assuming he is referring to The Event. Does this mean that our iPhones & electronic gadgets most likely won’t work after the solar pulse or Event? What can you say and recommend to us to be prepared for this situation Cobra?

COBRA – The Event is not the same as the solar pulse or shall I specify the EMP pulse. The light forces are not expecting The Event to include EMP pulse. The electronic devices are expected to be working normally at the moment of The Event. (OK)

Aaron – Will The Event effect all beings and life-forms in this solar system? If so how? How will the races living beneath the surface experience the Event?

COBRA – Yes, of course The Event will.…… will affect all beings throughout the solar system. The beings that are living below the surface of the planet will have a big celebration. (alright, sounds great, thank you)

Lynn – What do you know about the off-planet origins of African Black people?

COBRA – Actually I would say that in each race, there are people that are half extraterrestrial origin. The vast majority of the people who have earth’s origin are generally earth people but I would say that all races including black race had assistance in genetic building, genetic development from the past from various different races.

Lynn – What can Black people expect to happen as a result of Full Disclosure?

COBRA – The first thing that will happen is that the situation in Africa will improve drastically. The situation in Africa has been quite stressful for many, many millennia actually because especially the Reptilian Race was using Africa as its main base. And now the Cabal in the last few decades is using Africa for resources so The Event will be a huge relief for Africa and for black people living there. (that’s good to know)

Aaron – Can you give us an idea how the spiritual technology or process used by Draconians will let them be born in human form?

COBRA – OK. I think you’re referring to the teleportation chambers or I would say incarnation chambers when they project their soul essence into the physical body. This is technology they have or shall we say they had in the past quite much, but now to a very limited degree. (OK)

Aaron – Is a human version of a Draconian consciousness the result of human/hybrid clone technology?

COBRA – Mostly no. (OK)

Lynn – Cobra, was Fidel Castro a part of the dark forces?

COBRA – Yes. (thank you)

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and at COEO to join a local Prepare for Change group. If you don’t have a local group, then start one. It is very satisfying to connect with people near you that have similar interests. Meditating in a group is even more powerful than meditating alone. Let’s bring on The Event. Our website bills continue, so I ask your assistance for http://prepareforchange.net/ your contribution shows that you like our content and continuing efforts to upgrade our site. Please use the donate button on the right hand side of the website or use the postal address in our transcript. Be sure to note that this donation is for Prepare for Change (PFC) (or Malawi).

Please send your check to: Prepare for Change

4530 Whittier Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90022

Aaron – In regards to E.T.; Can you give us an example of how the educational system of an ascended civilization function?

COBRA – OK. It’s not so much an education system as we understand it on this planet. It’s more of a spiritual transmission which happens through the soul because the soul is capable of higher understanding quite effectively and quite fast. Beings in other more advanced civilizations don’t need to go to school to learn in the usual fashion as we have here on this planet. They are having inner spiritual experiences that reveal to them the nature of reality and they are assisted by higher, I would say spiritual guides that support them in their own learning processes. (alright, thank you)

Lynn – Cobra, are Pleiadians future versions of humanity based on a positive angelic timeline?

COBRA – Not exactly. Pleiadians are not future versions of humanity. Pleiadians are a genuine race that assists humanity to reach towards a similar archetype. (thank you)

Aaron – In Afghanistan are ancient giant beings living in caves being shot at by the US military, and UFO bases and aliens returning fire?

COBRA – I cannot confirm this information. (OK) There is a lot of speculation about many things in the alternative media, and yes, some of that is fake news.

Lynn – Is there is an Extraterrestrial base in Afghanistan?

COBRA – Yes, there are a few of those bases in Afghanistan.

Lynn – So are there different races of beings that occupy these?

COBRA – Yes. (thank you)

Aaron – Cobra in regards to Financial: After the Reset, will everyone get the same amount or will these allocations be different—based upon age, nationality or other factors?

COBRA – Yes, the allocations will be different. It will be some amount given to everybody but then there will be some additional amounts given to people who have merit and people who have certain mission to accomplish with that money. (OK)

Aaron – You have noted that distribution of funds is merely a matter of logistics. Will funds be distributed directly from the AIIB?

COBRA – They will be distributed in a way that will be most efficient logistically and according to the conscious of humanity and the reaction of humanity at that moment. (OK thank you)

Lynn – Cobra, is the financial system about to collapse anytime soon?

COBRA – Not yet.

Lynn – This person says, I can see the difference between the western gold price and the eastern gold price is increasing. Is this a hint?

COBRA – Not yet. There is a certain difference between the Western/Eastern gold price but it’s not overly dramatic. (OK)

Aaron – Cobra, in regards to Syria; Can you give us an update on Syria?

COBRA – Not yet. There are certain things being prepared but we’re not there yet.

Aaron – Is it true that in the last week (second week of December) approximately 14 leaders or operatives, including at least 1 from USA, 1 from Qatar, several from Saudi Arabia, who have been leading the Islamic State rebels were captured by the Syrian army, in an underground bunker in Aleppo?

COBRA – Yes, certain of those, yes they were captured. (OK)

Aaron – And what will happen to these people?

COBRA – It depends on how they behave. (OK)

Aaron – Could you please give us an update on the progress of the mission regarding the Syrian Pentagram region.

COBRA – There was progress at the same time there were gains and there were losses. Light Forces have captured Aleppo and have lost Palmyra. I cannot speak about the reasons yet why they have lost Palmyra but I might release that soon, depending on the situation. There is a very specific reasons why they have lost Palmyra.

Aaron – Should we re-start visualizing the piece of ancient Halafian pottery rotating over the whole Syria pentagram?

COBRA – Yes, that would be very recommended. (OK thank you)

Aaron – Cobra in regards to the History of CHINA: These are questions about the Hongmen, which is a secret society of China. Can you tell us if there is a relationship between the Hongmen and Freemasons and what is it?

COBRA – Actually some people called them the Chinese Free masons. They are not exactly Free Masons but they are a secret society or I would say semi-secret society based on masonic model and there are both positive and negative mixed in those groups out there. Some of them are connected to the Dragons, but I would say not the majority of them. And they are not the Dragons.

Aaron – Can you tell us about their ideals and if their ideals are related to Gnosticism?

COBRA – I would say a small percentage of those groups have a Gnostic ideal but most likely it’s more about brotherhood and support. Actually Chinese diaspora around the world use this to support them in sometimes unfriendly environment.

Lynn – OK, this one is on World Politics—Philippines: Is President Duterte enlightened or over lighted/guided by the Light Forces?

COBRA – No, he is not enlightened. (OK)

Lynn – Is Former Pres. Ferdinand Marcos still alive?


Lynn – Is Marcos related to the White Dragon Society or positive Dragon Families of China?

COBRA – He is related to a certain Dragon group that I will not name or mention.

Lynn – OK, the last question in this series is: What is his relation to one known as the “Grandfather”?

COBRA – OK. I would say, he has received a charter from the Grandfather.

Lynn – Does Marcos’ have a role at this time on the other side?

COBRA – Not yet. (OK)

Aaron – Cobra, in regards to Light Forces: Do these light forces intend to hold up this process for as long as it takes, or at some point will a decision be made to allow the process to continue naturally and cease waiting for billions of people who may or may not be ready for a very long time?

COBRA – OK. The light forces are not waiting for people to be ready. The Light Forces are waiting for the very dangers exotic weapons to be removed and then they will just push the button. (OK, thank you)

What about causalities among the Resistance Movement? How is respect paid to those who have fallen in the cause of liberation from forces of darkness?

COBRA – Can you specify this question?

Lynn – Cobra, I think this person wants to know how are the people that are with the Resistance Movement who are lost to this effort, how are they honored or respected?

COBRA – They are not lost. They can reincarnate again or they can use a clone body again. So it’s not the same as on the surface. That is not the end. (OK, that makes sense)

Lynn – Can Light forces be invoked to block the NSA and other dark forces from spying on our communications?

COBRA – Yes it’s good to invoke the light forces and that will help but at this point I would say that no electronic communication is 100% private. (OK)

Aaron – Cobra, what can be done and how can we help during our sleeping state?

COBRA – Those who really wish to assist the Light Forces during their sleeping state need to learn lucid dreaming and then after they have mastered lucid dreaming they can contact the light forces on the higher planes if they know how to do that and assist. (OK)

Aaron – Do archons influence the content of our dreams?

COBRA – Unfortunately, yes.

Aaron – The more I pray and integrate the understanding of l am, God within and the more nightmares I have. Why is this?

COBRA – Because the Archons are trying to attack those who are strong in the light. (Ahhh).

Aaron – Also, can we reprogram our thoughts and actions with affirmations, such as “I am compassion, I am happy, I am the child of the one?”

COBRA – The affirmation does not reprogram the mind. They can assist in re-focusing short attention span to the positive but they will not shift or magically transform your mind. (OK)

Aaron – This person asked: should do this at night before sleeping?

COBRA – You can do affirmations if you wish before you go to sleep and that can help making your sleep easier and better and it can help to a certain degree focusing more on the positive. (OK thank you)

A Note from Lynn: The method of collecting CobraQuestions is changing. I will no longer accept any questions coming to me by any method other than being placed on the website (http://prepareforchange.net/cobra-questions). We are getting far more questions than we can possibly ask in a one-hour interview. I ask that you limit your questions to only 1 or 2 per week. Please be respectful of other people. We will ask as many Cobra questions as Cobra will answer in the hour allotted. It is best to ask your questions early in the month because at some point we have to cut off the questions and start compiling what we have. The interviews are usually conducted in the latter days of the month but there’s always exceptions. I appreciate your cooperation.

Lynn – Our next question revolves around GODDESS ENERGY. In May, 2014 on his “Pleiadian Portal Activation Report” post, Cobra mentioned: “Many female members of the Resistance are living on some objects in outer solar system and using them as relay stations of the Goddess energy from the Galactic Central Sun towards planet Earth.” So my question has two parts… First, are these female beings still using these planetary objects as relay stations?

COBRA – Yes.

Lynn – And, what can we do to help them anchor these energies to this planet?

COBRA – Just connect with them in meditations especially in group meditations when the group is gathered on the physical plane and connect with those beings on those particular objects. (thank you)

Aaron – Cobra in regards to the GALACTIC CENTRAL SUN a person asks: Can a bad person, who had started from the angelic realms, ever be sent to the Galactic Central Sun to start over?

COBRA – Yes.

Aaron – At this point does a higher self separate away from the lower self, to yet again guide the lower and younger aspect of him/herself?

COBRA – In which situation?

Aaron – In regards to these people being sent to the Galactic Central Sun.

COBRA – When people are sent to the Galactic Central Sun the lower self is disintegrated and also the higher self is also disintegrated. It is the end of existence of that particular being.

Aaron – If a very bad person goes to the Galactic Central Sun, what happens to his/her twin flame?

COBRA – That’s a very sensitive question and it’s one of the bigger problems here. And actually what can happen is that the twin flame continues with the existence, the twin soul continues with the existence and needs to wait for however millions and billions of years for the other half to start the evolution again and go through all the process and meet. (OK, thank you Cobra).

Lynn – OK, we’ve had several Spiritual related questions this month Cobra. You said that the people in most countries have lost their soul presence. Did they lose it gradually throughout the incarnations – or, for example, in result of the latest Archon invasion; or what other way does one lose soul presence?

COBRA – Exactly as you have described. They lost it gradually through the centuries and especially since the last Archon invasion. Loss of soul contact was quite drastic.

Lynn – So, all of the above can have an influence.

COBRA – Yes. (thank you)

Aaron – Human beings are evolving towards higher levels and have a soul. When we, humans, will transform into the enlightened state of being and will have bodies of light, will we still have a soul, or will the soul be returned to the Source at some point?

COBRA – We will BE the soul.

Aaron – At what point will the soul return to source?

COBRA – After our evolution in this dimension and Universe is complete. (OK, thank you)

Lynn – Cobra, this person writes: I’m elderly, without much time left. What does Cobra recommend as the best destination for my soul?

COBRA – OK, it is good to use this time to spend this time to connect with the light as much as possible, to connect with your own higher self as much as possible and let your higher self be the guide in your process of transition.

Lynn – They go on to say: Will I have the option of Pleiadian sphere or 5D earth, or do I go elsewhere?

COBRA – After The Event, yes, but not before.

Lynn – If our soul is from 6th dimension or 6th consciousness level, how is it that we could still risk entrapment after death instead of returning directly to Higher Self or source?

COBRA – It is simply because when you die you have not transformed your personality completely. You still have attachment and you are still subjected to the quarantine status of this planet which extends beyond the physical plane.

Lynn – They go on to say: How can I visualize where my soul is going to ensure my safe arrival?

COBRA – Again as I’ve said, it’s good to connect with your soul and also while you’re still in incarnation you can start connecting with your spiritual guides on the other side. So when the transition happens, that connection will be un-interrupted and they can guide you through the process.

Lynn – They go on to say: Can I continue on as an adult or is beginning again as a baby necessary?

COBRA – If the person is speaking about the next incarnation after The Event, there will be other options. (OK)

Lynn – This person says: I was taught that Seraphim were responsible for taking custody of my soul until resurrection. Can I request that?

COBRA – If you feel so guided, yes.

Lynn – And the last question: Is there a Mansion World?

COBRA – Actually all the dimensions or planes are Mansion worlds. It’s just one expression of how to define a certain level of creation. (thank you Cobra)

Aaron – Cobra, you recently stated the chimera cannot read private thoughts, but can you elaborate on who and who cannot read private thoughts?

COBRA – The Chimera can read private thoughts to a certain degree in certain circumstances but when your vibration frequency of your private thoughts go beyond a certain level, they cannot reach them.

Lynn – Cobra, Is there an all-golden female angel?

COBRA – Yes, such beings exist, not just one. Being golden, being the energy of this particular color frequency. Yes, that exists.

Lynn – Does this group of angels have any part to play in historical events?

COBRA – Yes.

Lynn – What is their purpose?

COBRA – Their purpose is to bring protection and their purpose is to bring inspiration and light. (Oh that makes sense, thank you)

Aaron – Cobra, for years on and off I will on occasion seen a round blue light flash come into my vision, of various sizes and various time durations. It can even occur when my eyes are closed. I know it is of a spiritual nature and I know of other people who see this “blue light orb” as well. Do you happen to know who or what energy it’s from?

COBRA – It is not within my domain to answer this question. (OK, thank you)

Lynn – This one is on ASCENDED MASTERS AND ANGELS: There is information out there that says all archangels are aspects of Lucifer. Therefore, we should not contact them for any help or protection. Can you please talk about this Cobra?

COBRA – That is complete and absolute nonsense.

After doing the Weekly Event Meditation for 3 years now, we have finally coordinated with Matt at COEO to have real synchronized global meditations each Sunday with a guided audio meditation which will play on his site at our synchronized time of 4 PM GMT. Please join us each Sunday at your local time. http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_US-CA.aspx

Aaron – OK, Cobra, still in regards to Ascended masters and Angels (It’s under that category): When two spheres of consciousness intersect to form a Vesica Pisces is one sphere male and the other female or do both spheres contain both energies?

COBRA – Actually on a spiritual plane everybody contains both energies but when the spirit projects towards the physical plane or closer to the physical plane it tends to polarize in one or the other polarity. (OK)

Aaron – And this person asks; Why is the Vesica Pisces so important in sacred geometry?

COBRA – Because it is the doorway. (OK, thank you)

Lynn – Cobra, is the alchemical conversion of carbon (or coal) to diamonds a corollary to that of the conversion of the 3rd dimensional carbon based human body and that of the 5th dimensional crystalline body?

COBRA – Yes, it is symbolic interpretation of that same process.

Lynn – Is there a relationship between Yaldabaoth and the monastery called Waldeba in northern Ethiopia and the Lion of Judah?

COBRA – No. Not directly, I would say at least not directly. (OK)

Aaron – Cobra, who authored the Vedic Scriptures?

COBRA – Actually this is done by highly spiritual developed people in India after the fall of Atlantis but then this was, those scriptures were distorted by the Archons over the millennia. (Hummm, that’s good to know)

Lynn – Cobra were Zoroaster, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and Meher Baba all avatars or high density beings?

COBRA – Very few of them were avatars. Some of them were highly developed beings. Some of them were not developed beings. (thank you)

Aaron – Can you share your thoughts on Krishna? Who he really was and what was his influence?

COBRA – He came from Sirius star system and his mission was to bring enlightenment to humanity. (OK thank you)

Lynn – Who or what gave us numerology?

COBRA – Numerology is one of the ancient science, spiritual sciences that was highly practiced in Atlantis and numerology that we have now is just one fragment that was preserved in mystery schools after the deluge of Atlantis. (thank you)

Aaron – Cobra, in order to ascend, I was told that I must balance and clear my chakras and have my third eye open. Is there an easy way or what can we do to go about accomplishing this task?

COBRA – OK, ascension is not as simple as balancing a few chakras. Ascension is quite deep and a most transformational process and this will take some time.

Aaron – Also, will the incoming energy wave that occurs during The Event help us balance and clear our chakras and open up our third eye?

COBRA – Yes it will help. (OK, thank you)

Lynn – Is there a “spiritual” part of DNA that has transferred between incarnations?

COBRA – Yes, but no through physical DNA. There is always a part which remains in the soul essence and re-creates again in the next incarnation.

Aaron – Can a magnet interfere with the frontal biochip signal?

COBRA – Unfortunately not.

Aaron – Can a magnets help during meditation?

COBRA – They can help, Yes. (OK, thank you)

Lynn – Cobra, where did whales and dolphins originate and what is their purpose here on Earth?

COBRA – They came from Sirius star system and their purpose is to anchor the energies of lightness and joy in the planetary energy grid especially through the oceans.

Lynn – Will they be ascending with us humans, and Earth Gaia, too—to 5D?

COBRA – They will be very deeply involved in the planetary ascension process.

Aaron – Every morning I wake up and hear electrical humming. It seems to follow me. I hear it in my bedroom, I hear it in my basement. My wife never hears it. As I become busy I don’t hear it but when I slow down it returns. This has been going on for roughly 6 months. What is this?

COBRA – It’s a part of the Chimera’s veiled technology infra and ultra sound technology which controls the surface population. It’s actually present all the time. Some people can hear it, some people cannot. Because it’s on the upper and lower thresholds of human hearing. So infrasound’s around I would say 10-50 HZ and ultrasound somewhere between 15-20 kilohertz. (OK. thank you)

Lynn – Cobra, this person states; I’ve noticed that many channels are popping up on YouTube posting your interviews. Some of your interviews on these channels also contain strange sounds, echoes and discordant frequencies that I find a bit disturbing. Many seem to purposely put wrong dates on the interviews which seems to frustrate listeners. I feel that these may be more cabal dis-info agents (who are ALL over YouTube) trying to put off light-workers. I am thinking that they may be including subliminal negative messages in these reposts of your interviews. Do you agree with this Cobra?

COBRA – OK, I will put it this way, my blog and only my blog is the official RM outlet so everything that is posted there is OK. I cannot guarantee anything that has been posted elsewhere under my name because some people have changed what I have stated and manipulated it in some other outlets. So if you’re in doubt, go to my blog and check if it’s there. I can guarantee for that.

(Cobra approves of all the interviews that we do (PFC) and post here on Prepare for Change.net)

Aaron – Cobra, in regards to LANGUAGE AND SYMBOLS: Who or what group or from what planets do our languages come from?

COBRA – From many sources, from many different sources. The evolution of language on this planet was quite complex.

Aaron – When were we given our languages?

COBRA – Actually, languages on this planet have evolved since the time of Atlantis. (OK)

Lynn – Thank you for being with us today, we always enjoy these interviews. All of our listeners look forward to hearing your words.

Cobra – Yes, thank you for organizing these and allowing people to hear all those answers that are a response to their questions.

Lynn – Happy holidays to you Cobra and we will see you next month.

Aaron – Thanks again Cobra.

Cobra – Yes, happy holidays to everybody and Victory to the Light!

Lynn – Thank you and Victory to the Light!

Aaron – Thank you.

Cobra – Thank you. Bye-bye

Lynn – Bye-bye


In closing I would like to thank the whole team that has made this interview possible:

Cobra for being a gracious guest. His website is: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/

Aaron—my interview partner & sound technician

DOV for our theme song: Voices of the World

DaNell for her transcription expertise

CobraQuestions team: Megan, Shawn, Robert, Gwyneth & Dorie for their organizational help

Untwine for modulation & editing

Eduardo & Dane behind the scenes

and all our wonderful listeners!

And remember always that…. We are all Voices of the World.

Music: Voices of the World

Filed under: apocalypse, ascension, cabal, energies, new energies, partners in contrast Tagged: Cobra, Portal 2012, PrepareforChange.net

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