Show link:
Talked about (among other things):
Foods and stuff and energetically “charging” them.
Energies related to this Kp blog post..
Cosmic Disclosure episode 7.
Radio interview of John Pilger… indigenous rights, and how what he said correlates with the Kingdom of Hawai’i re-energizing.
Well, there’s more stuff in here that I forgot about.
Lada Ray new post about the Kp blog and Kingdom of Hawai’i and Alie James (Kingdom supporter).
Openings = new connections.
Meeting with Blossom Goodchild (blog) tomorrow.
Audio player
(note: if a commercial comes on at the beginning, just click ahead about 1 minute.)
MP3 download link:
[Pre-show notes: “Yeah, you heard me… it’s all about “Apocalypses, Openings, and Cosmic Eggs”. So there.”]
Filed under: apocalypse, energies, Kauilapele message, new energies Tagged: Kingdom of Hawai'i, Kp Radio Hawaii, Lada Ray