One sock done! The second sock ribbing is nearly done. I haven’t made socks in quite a while and I seemed to have overcompensated – I added a ew stitches to the pattern but probably wouldn’t have needed to as its a bit wider than it needs to be – but it’s all good since I do hate tight socks.
As usual my worries about not having enough yarn for the second sock were unnecessary. I weighed the sock and compared it to the yarn left and have plenty. I usually do, but that yarn that’s left after making one sock never looks like it could be enough. I do love the way the yarn has knit up – it just looks like someone took paint brush and flicked colors all over it. Once the socks are done they will earn me the “Fill Your Boots” badge for the Yarathon.
I’ve also been planning my second quarterly KAL project for the ESK Yarnathon. Remember you can join in the Yarnathon fun at any point so it’s not too late – all the info is on the ESK website.
The Q2 project requirement is:
Q2 – Summer Yarns – Complete a project using a yarn that contains silk, cotton, linen, bamboo, seacell or Outlast. Earn a bonus star by using a yarn with 60% or more of that fiber.
I’m going to make a rectangular wrap using the Feather and Fan stitch – I love knitting this stitch because it’s so simple but keeps things interesting. I’ve got some Hand Maiden Sea Silk (70% Silk and 30%Seacell). So – bonus star for me since the yarn I’m using is 100% of the required fibers. I have it in these gorgeous colors.
The colors are Charcoal (you can probably figure out which ones that is) and the other is Corsica. I bought them with the plan to use them in a project holding one strand of each together since the multicolor has the gray in it. I also plan to use a bit larger needle than normal so that it opens the design up a big more. In my mind this looks brilliant – but will have to wait until I get started next month to see if it really works. This yarn is so silky and soft and has a lovely sheen to it.
Now if you want to join in the Yarnathon fun (you can find all the info by going to Once there, click on the Yarnathon button and it will take you to a page with this at the top
You can see the map of Candyland and prizes along the way, the KAL info, and all the various links to info and badges/points/ and rewards/prizes along the way. There’s other fun games and triva, etc along the way too.
So far, I’ve earned the following badges (the colored in ones of course)
Many of the badges/points I won’t do because they are just for items I don’t want to knit. But new badges come out each quarter so it will be interesting to see what they come up with – and some projects can earn you multiple badges.
And this blog post – other than sharing the fun and what I’m knitting for the Yarnathon, it serves another purpose — there’s a badge for that (Phone-A-Friend) :-).
But instead of knitting, I’m off to go play with fabric this afternoon. There’s a pile of batiks calling my name.