


not being funny but…if your posting hate or negativity about a character…could u just like…not put it in the character tag? maybe? like there’s a difference between opening discussions then just tagging ur shit ok thanks

I know much of this fandom is new to tumblr and some are new to fandom in general, so let me share some important tips. Important tips in bold, explanations in plain text.

When you make a NEW post, tumblr looks at the first FIVE tags. If you want something to be seen in the tracked tag, put it in those first five tags! Your individual tumblr keeps track of the first 20 tags, so if you want to keep your blog organized but you don’t want to pollute the tracked tags, use tags 6-20.

Tumblr does not add reblogs to the tracked tags ever, so any tags you put on reblogged posts are just for you. Go wild.

Always assume the character tags are for people who LOVE that character. Tagging a character in a hate post is like walking up to a group of people happily chatting about something they love and yelling “your fave fucking sucks and here’s why!” Look – some people are assholes. If that’s your thing, then I can’t stop you. But that’s what you’re doing.


This post will still show up in the “#jasmine burrows” tag on MY blog, but will NOT show up in the tracked tag. And look! I tagged the general fandom tag within the first five tags, so it will show up there and other Holby fans tracking that tag can see and interact with your anti-Jasmine post.

Some big, contentious fandoms establish specific “anti” tags for people who want to read all the negative posts about a character. Holby isn’t a big enough fandom for this really, but you do you. 

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