
This post provides an excellent opportunity for an experienced primary care researcher to conduct qualitative research as part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) funded multicentre REDUCE research programme, aimed at developing and trialling a novel intervention to help people come off inappropriate long-term antidepressant treatment.

This post is funded through a NIHR Programme Grant for Applied Research (PGfAR) led by the Chief Investigator Professor Tony Kendrick, entitled REviewing long term anti-Depressant Use by Careful monitoring in Everyday practice (the REDUCE programme).  It is a collaborative programme between the Universities of Southampton, Liverpool, York, Hull, and UCL, together with staff at the Solent NHS Trust involved in the administration, monitoring, and hosting of the grant.

The Primary Medical Care Group is a member of the NIHR School for Primary Care Research, a national collaboration between the nine departments that performed best in the 2013 REF, which provides major opportunities for networking, training, and multicentre collaborations.

You will have a PhD* or equivalent professional qualifications and experience in a health related area and a track record in qualitative research in a UK primary care setting, and proven experience of carrying out individual interviews, focus groups, and qualitative analysis.

*Applications for Research Fellow positions will be considered from candidates who are working towards or nearing completion of a relevant PhD qualification.  The title of Research Fellow will be applied upon successful completion of the PhD.  Prior to the qualification being awarded the title of Senior Research Assistant will be given.

You will need to take up the post from 3 October 2016. The post is funded for a year in the first instance, with the aim of extending it up to six years subject to receipt of further funding.

This role is subject to DBS clearance.

For further information please contact: Professor Tony Kendrick ark1@southampton.ac.uk or Professor Michael Moore mvm198@southampton.ac.uk

You should submit your completed online application form at www.jobs.soton.ac.uk. The application deadline will be midnight on the closing date stated above. If you need any assistance, please call Jennifer Dickson (Recruitment Team) on +44 (0) 23 8059 3462. Please quote reference 762816LG on all correspondence.

The Faculty of Medicine holds an Athena SWAN Silver Award demonstrating commitment to equal opportunities and gender balance in the workplace.  The Faculty recognises that applicants may seek flexible working patterns which will be considered as part of the recruitment process.  For further information including key benefits designed to help maintain and support employees' well-being and work-life balance, please see our working with us website pages.

Closing Date: 09 Aug 2016

Post Type: Education, Research & Enterprise

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