
Infratab Bangalore Pvt Ltd

Job Description

Job will be full time and on site, with first month of probation. We are trying 

Work includes developing interactive web applications which deliver our analytics that include, among others, primarily, charts, tables & other data & statistical visualizations. Work includes 3d-visualizations and building applications that can deliver very large sets of data in quick time.

Work also includes contribution to developing internal tools & applications.

Salary will be inbetween 4.2 - 5.4 lpa CTC.

We ❤ Javascript

Ours is a full-stack Javascript office. We have a great team that has determined our migration towards Javascript and fully substantiated our belief in this choice.

At our backend, we use Nginx as our webserver to serve static pages and files, and NodeJS as our application server for all our server side computations with ExpressJS as our middleware and PassportJS to handle user sessions. Through SocketIO we make our server-client communications and we use MongoDB as our datastore. We also make some of our applications as standalone desktop applications using node-windows & node-webkit libraries

We make single page responsive web applications to be delivered to desktops, tablets and mobile phones. At our client side, we use BackboneJS as our MV* framework with MarionetteJS to provide the application architecture. We also use HandlebarsJS and UnderscoreJS.

We make our svg based charts and visualizations using d3.Chart framework and D3JS library. We make our lives more easy with Twitter Bootstrap and LessJS to organize our front end.

In addition to these we work with many other libraries like pdfkit, oAuth2.0 and add new ones whereever necessary.

We use git for version control and have a local Gitlab server. We use hipchat for office communications and pivotaltracker for our project management.

About Infratab

Infratab Freshtime™ solutions include smart sensor tags, software apps and a cloud database for those handling temperature sensitive products. 

Our patented technology senses temperature and most importantly knows a perishable's condition throughout its tagged life.

Job Perks

Job Perks

We have an Xbox 360 with Kinect and add a new game every month to our library

There is a 24/7 Pantry whose contents are filled democratically

There is a recreation room with Cable TV for cricket and football matches and TV soaps (if that is your thing, we don't judge)

We have regular team outings either to the movies or to places far far away

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