
Today is Monday, November 7, 2016

Regular Order, Day 7

More tour guides are needed for Open House on Wednesday evening.  See Mr. Hanemann to sign up.

All tour guides will meet today during the first half of lunch in the auditorium to receive tour guide booklets.

The Herpetology Club will meet today during the first half of lunch in Room 210.

The Varsity Tennis Team will meet today during the second half of lunch in Room 219.

Any students interested in joining the newly-formed competitive gaming club should attend a meeting tomorrow during the first half of lunch in Room 212.

Model United Nations will meet tomorrow after school in Computer Lab 3.

The Jesuit Philelectic Society presents two plays this weekend.  Barefoot in the Park performs Thursday at 6:30 PM and Saturday at 7:30 PM.  Friday night at 7:30PM The Curious Savage perform.  Tickets will be available in the Commons during lunch and on the Jesuit website.

Seniors who have college application deadlines between Nov. 17 and Jan. 1 must turn in their Counseling Request Forms to the Guidance Office by the end of the day on Friday, Nov. 11.

All intramural football referees will meet tomorrow during the first half of lunch on the chapel steps to sign-up for play-offs and pick up their t-shirts.

Top’s tip of the day: Grooming standards must be met at all times and will be checked tomorrow.


Last Wednesday, the Bowling Club continued to shine with Junior Trent Greco bowling a 221 game and a 540 series and Sophomore Adam Francis bowling a 211 and a 588 series. Congratulations Blue Jay bowlers.

On Saturday, the MCJROTC Program competed in the Saint Charles Parish Drill Competition against twelve schools from Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.  The Unarmed Drill Team, led by junior Matthew Richards, placed second in Inspection and second in exhibition drill.  The Armed Drill Team, led by senior John Crowson, placed first in inspection, first in regulation drill, and third in exhibition drill.  The Second Team Color Guard, led by senior Travis Kieff, placed third in inspection; and the First Team Color Guard, led by senior Noah Griffin, placed third in drill.  Additionally, freshman Joseph Ditta, placed third in knockout drill.  As a result, Jesuit was the overall meet champion.\

Members of The Blue Jay newspaper participated in this weekend’s Tom Bell Silver Scribe competition at Loyola University’s School of Mass Communications. The 39th annual competition featured high school journalists from throughout the metropolitan area.  Individual awards also went to the following Blue Jay journalists: In the live competition rounds, sophomore Reed Darcey took second place for Best News Photo; senior Wesley Bennett Faust took second place for Best Photo Gallery.  Among the Maroon and Gold Awards for published work, senior Matthew O’Neill won third place for Best Feature Photo. Freshman Jonathan LeBrun won second place for Best Sports Story. Senior William Fine won first place for Best News Story. And junior Donald Barrett, current editor-in-chief, took first place honors for Best Editorial for his tribute to Father Fitzgerald.  The Blue Jay also was named the Best Overall Newspaper.  Congratulations to our Jesuit journalists

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