From Northern California Anti-Racist Action (NoCARA)
Several weeks ago, the National Policy Institute (NPI) held its annual conference in Washington DC, which ended with NPI head Richard Spencer declaring, “Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail Victory!” as people in the audience threw up their arms in fascist salutes. While images of white supremacists Sieg-Heiling went viral online, it did nothing to stem the tide of media spotlight that the mainstream bestowed upon Spencer. After the conference, white supremacists on the podcast, “Intersectional Alt-Right” with Andrew Anglin (of The Daily Stormer) and Jazzhands McFeels discussed the event and talked about how a gap was widening between the “older vanguard” (like Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and Peter Brimelow of V-DARE) and the “new generation,” (headed by Richard Spencer and many others who grew out of the Alt-Right subculture of Neo-Nazi podcasts and memes). But another key player was emerging: Identity Evropa.
This is a group that stands poised to take the biggest advantage of the growing Alt-Right subculture and ‘buzz,’ and is currently headed by CSU Stanislaus student and Oakdale, CA, resident, Nathan Damigo. Identity Evropa presents itself through social media as a large organization with an established network on campuses across the US. At this point, we think it’s important to take the potential size of IE as reality and organize accordingly, however we find that a select tight cadre seems to be doing much of ‘the work.’
The organization itself is the result of a rebranding of The National Youth Front, also headed by Nathan Damigo. The National Youth Front served as the youth wing of the Neo-Nazi American Freedom Party, which is headed by long-time white supremacist William Johnson, wealthy corporate lawyer. This previous and more open Neo-Nazi formation has benefited IE; For example, IE’s Facebook page is simply the old account for The National Youth Front with a new name. Much of IE’s recent efforts have gone into massive road trips, in which cadre members have traveled around their respective regions putting up posters and stickers, and in some cases attempting to engage with students. By and large these efforts have been thwarted; from their failed attempt at holding a rally in SF to hundreds of posters and stickers being destroyed. IE also spends a lot of energy on inreach into campus groups such as the college Republican clubs and other white nationalist organizations, using Trump’s campaign as a foot in the door much like ‘Alt-Lite’ speakers such as Milo Yiannopoulos have done. We expect that this cross pollination will continue into 2017; especially as the Alt-Right continues to fracture and splinter over part of the movement’s open embrace of Nazism.
According to an interview with Nathan Damigo on Counter-Currents, there also appear to be some IE members who are involved but wish to stay off the radar about their activity, as evidenced by the amount of anonymous Alt-Right twitter and facebook accounts; distinguishable only through their variations of the “Pepe the Frog” meme. According to Damigo, IE does have a wide network of IE members across various campuses in the US and it is growing, especially as IE makes more inroads into College Republican clubs. We think anti-fascists should take Damigo at his word and act accordingly, while also focusing directly on the leadership cadre of IE and exposing their Alt-Right base of support when able.
It must also be noted that Identity Evropa caters towards a very middle-class, (as in Abercrombie store manager, not truck driver) if not upper middle-class audience. The group has strict membership rules, such as no visible hand and neck tattoos. This is important because the ‘niche market’ they are attempting to reach is exclusively young, “professional” men of college age (and who are enrolled in higher education) that are unhappy with 8 years of Obama and excited about the Trump campaign.
Identity Evropa is also one of the only Alt-Right groups to attempt to hit the streets and create an actual organization that recruits members and builds a base of support. These tactics are more commonly seen in traditional Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups such as Matthew Heimbach’s Traditionalist Workers Party and the like. By contrast, groups with Alt-Right branding tend to organize online. Like Heimbach, Damigo claims that these organizations are growing in numbers (which we don’t doubt). At the same time, they haven’t yet been able to muster much of a force on the streets, although this is the direction they know that they are headed in, along with influencing the Trump administration.
As our report will show, their leadership cadre is small and also very exposed, although we hope that this report will help us gather even more information on others within leadership – full names, schools, jobs, etc. In sharing this information, we hope that the wider anarchist and anti-fascist networks we are part of can begin organizing resistance to this new breed of fascist that comes in khaki and polo.
Nathan Damigo drove about 8 hours to drawn on a chalkboard on a San Diego campus with two other IE members. Also, someone really has horrible hand writing with that yellow.
Identity Evropa social media accounts to monitor:
Identity Evropa held a rally for 15 minutes before running to their cars while white pedicab drivers flipped them off. From left to right: Unknown, Shawn Michael, Mark Bidwell, Reinhard Wolff, Team Stihl, Unknown, William Clark, Chad Turner, Johnny Ramondetta/Monoxide, Nathan Damigo. Damigo later claimed four of the people pictured here were from “the area” while the rest were from out of town. He also stated that several IE members were off to the side talking with people walking by.
Nathan Damigo (Oakdale, CA):
Make Nazis Short Again! And careful with that tattoo Damigo, you’re about to violate your own dumb ass rules bruh breh. PS – 2007 in affluent neighborhoods called, it wants it’s Hollister back.
Much has already been written about Nathan Damigo, and we have a lot more to say about him in the coming weeks. As for now, check out more about the leader of Identity Evropa here: Nathan Damigo Exposed: Identity Evropa Leader Operating Out Of CSU Stanislaus and here.
John Ramondetta/Johnny Monoxide (Berkeley, CA):
Johnny Ramondetta of Berkeley. Hates people of color, loves their art. WE CAN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP FOLKS.
John Ramondetta, aka Johnny Monoxide, 44, lives in Berkeley, CA and has live-streamed both of IE’s get togethers in the Bay Area for Red Ice. Fun facts: In 2013, Ramondetta got his second DUI arrest after driving drunk in Sebastopol. He currently works in IBEW Local 6 in San Francisco, and at the time of this writing we know that much, if not all of the people that Ramondetta works with are very well aware of his political views and are not impressed or pleased with them in the slightest.
As a result of his being outed as a white nationalist, Ramondetta has changed much of his routine and interactions with the non-racist world, including stopping to get his haircut at “Slick and Dapper” salon in Downtown Oakland and not attending union meetings. He has also complained about his fellow supremacists making fun of his name and not taking him seriously. We suspect that Ramondetta will continue to be the chosen livestreamer for all Alt-Right events in Northern California and will most likely only deepen his relationship with Red Ice, IE, and other such groups.
Shawn Michael/Shawn Mccaffrey (Commerce Township, Michigan):
Do you think Shawn realizes how dumb he actually looks in this picture, or it’s just all of us?
Shawn just remembered that even if this whole Nazi thing doesn’t pan out, he’s still going to be a white rich kid with a lot of opportunities. (older FB account) (set to private)
Shawn, 24, seems to be in the inner circle of the inner circle within Identity Evropa, and he has appeared at both the recent NPI Conference, the IE rally in San Francisco, and was seen in photos with William Clark, Damigo, and Chad Turner in joking discussing ‘retaking Constantinople.’
We suspect Shawn may be the one putting up IE posters at University of Michigan and voter records place someone with his name at: 8361 Dickert St Commerce Township, MI.
Mark Bidwell, San Francisco Bay Area:
The “big brother” on the IE block, Mark Bidwell seems to be connected to wider Alt-Right circles, and we believe that he is involved in writing for the Radix Journal (which he was linking from his twitter account) as well as working potentially with Counter-Currents Books (which has a PO Box in San Francisco). Bidwell also attended a Trump rally along with Nathan Damigo and participated in putting up Identity Evropa posters around the downtown. According to his twitter account he is married with children, is a teacher, and is currently moving. We suspect that Mark is also putting up (or helping to put up) IE posters in San Francisco, which have popped up in several different neighborhoods. His twitter handle may refer to the Sunset neighborhood in SF.
“Every rose has a Evropa!….Just like every Aryan, sings a sad, sad song…”
Nationalist stickers and other items from Belgium, Britain, and Germany:
— Mark Bidwell (@SunsetKing90) November 26, 2016
William Clark (Philadelphia, PA):
William Clark appears to be another key component in Identity Evropa, as he often appears in pictures with Nathan Damigo and other cadre. He was at the San Francisco rally and came all the way from Philadelphia. He has been very out in the open about his involvement in Identity Evropa and also was in attendance at the National Policy Institute (NPI) Conference. His twitter account, sigruna14, has multiple references to Nazi and white supremacist ideology. The sig rune is the lightning bolt “S” symbol used in Nazi symbols such as the “SS” logo. There is also a reference to the “14 words,” a mantra created by white supremacist terrorist David Lane of the Order. Despite Damigo’s best efforts to hide and deny IE’s Neo-Nazi roots, these references as well as the appearance of IE’s leadership at an NPI conference that ended with nazi salutes, tells a different story.
“The power of Hitler compels you!”
Chad Turner (Southern California):
Turner has been involved in IE from the start and hardly ever leaves Nathan Damigo’s side when the two of them are in public, acting as a bodyguard for his much smaller leader. He was at the Berkeley rally in May of 2016, wearing a white Trump hat and arrived with Spencer, Damigo, and John Hess on the campus before it began. Turner can be seen in this video putting up IE posters in Downtown Berkeley with John Hess of Phoenix, AZ. Turner was also at the rally in San Francisco, along with the NPI Conference in Washington DC. Turner and Reinhard Wolff have made several appearances at SDSU attempting to recruit more support. We suspect that Turner along with Wolff are residents in the Southern California area and either attend, or live close to SDSU, as several times now they have canvassed and talked with students there on the campus.
Turner on the SDSU campus talking with students.
Welp, there goes 40 bux. Turner putting up posters in Downtown Berkeley with John Hess which were quickly destroyed.
Reinhard Wolff (San Diego/El Cajon Area):
Wolff at San Diego State University. It’s dark. Turner is nowhere to be seen. No parents. Wolff so scared.
Wolff and another member (identity not known) looking for a spot to place IE posters at the University of Alabama, Birmingham
Reinhard grimmises to do any work without the support of his maid. “Must…use…Aryan…strength…to…push…through…this…thumbtack!”
Reinhard Wolff says he started thinking about race in 7th grade when he moved from all-white private schooling to a public school (oh the horror) where he experienced a shock as he started having to go to school with black students and kids that didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth. At 18-19, he developed an interest in conspiracy theories, and after moving through an “Alex Jones phase,” is now making videos about conspiracies for Red Ice, which itself moved from using videos and podcasts to talk about conspiracies to full on Neo-Nazism.
Wolff credits former KKK and Neo-Nazi leader David Duke and Wolff’s 4chan activity during George Zimmerman’s trial for killing Trayvon Martin as additional influences on his political views. Wolff is deeply connected to the white nationalist and Alt-Right scene, and during the last NPI Conference he not only repped Identity Evropa but also livestreamed for Red Ice Radio. According to the Daily Aztec:
Reinhard Wolff is a member of Identity Evropa and an SDSU alum. Given the controversial nature of his work with the organization, he confirmed “Reinhard Wolff” is a pseudonym, but he was able to provide verification of his previous enrollment at SDSU. He graduated in May 2016 with a degree in social sciences. He has been placing posters on SDSU’s campus and engaging with students. Specifically, he’s been engaging with white men.
Wolff, still terrified of students at public schools attempts to bargain for his life before this lowly toiler steals his wallet at SDSU.
Twitter: (account suspended)
Twitter: (new account)
Wolffe on left, Turner on Right on a San Diego, CA campus during “Project Siege.”
Who We’re Still Looking For:
These are members of Identity Evropa we are still looking to find more information on. If you can help us or know who these people are, please get in touch!
“Team Stihl” Unknown
The man wearing the “Team Stihl” hat was at both the UC Berkeley rally in May of 2016 and the SF rally in late 2016. At both times, he was seen wearing a hat for Stihl, a corporation that sells items such as chain saws and can be found in home improvement stores.
We suspect that this may be his Facebook:
“Balding Evropa” Unknown
“Polo Shirts Uber Alles” Unknown
This person was later photographed leaving a bar, Broken Record, with Nathan Damigo and a few other individuals. Identity Evropa stickers were found in the area at the same time, and numerous posters have popped up in the same general area. We suspect that he is a San Francisco resident and possibly involved in Counter-Currents publishing. We also guess that he is continuing to put up posters in the San Francisco area and lives there.
We suspect this might be his twitter account:
Too bad there’s not a gym to fix your face!
Other IE Members:
Federico Andres Dotti Irvine, CA
Tfw your mom cuts your allowance.
Federico Andres Dotti is a senior at the University of California Irvine majoring in math. He joined Identity Evropa some time in late June, expressing an interest in spreading IE’s propaganda in his local area. Though Dotti has chosen not to make public appearances as a member of Identity Evropa at any IE events or conferences associated with the alt-right, several of his social media accounts reveal that he has been networking and building a rapport with fellow fascists both inside and outside of IE. Dotti grew up in Argentina where he has spent most of his life, but takes pride in his Italian/European heritage, which he considers a more definitive characteristic of his identity. Dotti is most likely responsible for the Identity Evropa posters that have been appearing at UC Irvine.
According to his LinkedIn profile, he works for Riot Games and currently attends UC Irvine School of Business.
Gabriel and Katy Kansas
Gabriel Wilson was the first IE member to seriously embarrass the organization on a wide scale.
Gabriel Wilson and his girlfriend Katy Galloway (perhaps the only woman to ever be allowed near Identity Evropa) made a name for themselves as they drove around the Mid-West, putting up Identity Evropa posters and stickers. Soon after, Wilson busied himself with leaving racist chalk messages outside of a local university, which he admitted to doing like a total dumbass to a reporter. Then soon after that, racist and threatening phone calls were made to the Dean of the same school, who has African-American children. Wilson is strongly suspected to have made the calls, although refused to answer questions when asked by news reporters. Wilson was also disowned by the local Libertarian Party, after he attempted to get involved in building up their local chapter and they found out he’s a total Nazi. At the time of this writing, it is unknown if Gabriel and Katy are still involved in Identity Evropa, or if Damigo is holding them at a long leash for making the group look like a bunch of drunken KKK members.
Katy’s Email:
More info at:
Nor Cal IE Member
IE member in Santa Cruz/Northern California (possibly putting up IE stuff in San Jose/SJSU and UC Santa Cruz).
Evan Thomas Royal Oak, Michigan
Nathan Damigo and Evan Thomas at Red Fox English Pub in Royal Oak, Michigan
July 22, 2016
Thomas and Damigo at the National Policy Institute conference November 19, 2016
Evan Thomas centered his activity around organizing state-wide conferences from about 2006-2009, inviting speakers such as Jared Taylor to his events. His experience must have come in handy, as Nathan Damigo captioned the above photo of him and Thomas at the last NPI conference in November 2016 with “Identity Evropa volunteers coordinating the conference.” Thomas is active in the so-called identitarian movement and has done reporting on these movements in Europe.
Jared Huggins Atlanta
Jared is a member of IE who attended the NPI conference and has been involved in a variety of white supremacist groups including white student unions and the Traditionalist Youth Network.
That face you make when your mom lets you outside to be really quietly racist while surrounded by black people.
Rashy haircut.
John Hess Arizona
“Nathan, you don’t write, you don’t call…*sob*.”
“John Hess” is the dumb-ass name of a Phoenix, Arizona based man who made the jump from the National Youth Network to Identity Evropa with Nathan Damigo. Hess was one of the few, the chosen, that came with Damigo to UC Berkeley for a rally in May of 2016. More info on Hess here and here. Hess is also an out and out Neo-Nazi, known to post pictures of Hitler on his facebook and work with other Nazi groups such as the National Socialist Movement who are also active in Arizona. We haven’t seen Hess pop up in a while outside of Phoenix, so maybe he’s out of favor with the leadership of IE.
Identity Evropa Ohio:
IE Ohio Twitter:
Leader IE Ohio Organizer:
Handed out 200 red pills this weekend at the Ohio State Milo tour stop. Our movement is growing. #AltRight
— The Stoic Male (@TheStoicMale) November 8, 2016
This profile has many IE friends, likely is in IE:
Jake Cox: Big on IE:
Nathan Damigo has mentioned networking with others in the movement through The Hestia Society, which has chapters in San Francisco, New York, and Vancouver. This is their website: American Vanguard, which was also at NPI, has a very similar style and presentation as IE and the groups regularly meet. Other groups and projects close to IE include Counter-Currents Publishing and of course, Richard Spencer at the National Policy Institute.
Identity Evropa wrote on their recent trip to the NPI Conference, which included they said, 26 members:
[That] we are the intellectual vanguard of the American right cannot be doubted. Now is the time to press harder than we have before to make ourselves and our ideas more prominent on the national stage. Our movement is no longer a head without a body. We have the momentum to propel ourselves into the future, and Identity Evropa will be on the front lines of this fight helping to lead our people to a better and brighter future.
Let’s be sure to sweep IE and their shitty ass posters and stickers off the street, and build up our own movement in its place.
To share your information about Identity Evropa, contact us here: nocara [at] riseup [dot] net
The post Identity Evropa: Mapping the Alt-Right Cadre appeared first on IT'S GOING DOWN.