Updated: RGF Round 4 selected bidders announced, also due diligence workshop on 23 July 2013.
Round 4 selected bidders announced
Congratulations to the 102 bids that have been selected from the 309 bids received in round 4. View the list of RFG Round 4 selected bidders.
All bidders should have now been informed of whether their bid has been selected.
If you have not been informed, contact the RGF Secretariat on 020 7215 6758, 020 7215 3821 or 020 7215 6061 or email growthfund@bis.gsi.gov.uk.
We appreciate that unselected bidders will be disappointed. Round 4 received a huge demand and was a very competitive process. We wish all bidders the best for their future projects; you may like to consider other funding schemes.
We will provide feedback on Round 4 applications, if you request it, as part of the next bidding round for RGF. In the meantime to register your interest to receive feedback, email growthfund@bis.gsi.gov.uk.
What happens next?
You will need to agree terms and conditions, work through the due dilligence process, and finalise your offer. Your BIS case officer will be able to help you.
For a general overview of the Regional Growth Fund (RGF), see Understanding the Regional Growth Fund
Due diligence
If your bid is selected you will need to provide a report confirming the project or programme represents value for money and that it will deliver the benefits set out in the application. This is important as RGF bids are selected by ministers on the basis of the application form.
A bidder must obtain the services of a due diligence provider to prepare this report, and the scope of the report must be agreed with the BIS case officer.
Timetable for the due diligence process
If your bid is selected, you will work with the RGF team to complete a due diligence process to agree the terms of the support RGF can provide, and provide assurance that the project or programme can be delivered.
Due diligence report providers
The RGF due diligence guide explains who is eligible to carry out this work, how you can be engaged as an approved organisation, and outlines the scope of the due diligence required.
Please note that BIS must approve an applicant’s choice of due diligence provider and due diligence providers will be required to submit a declaration (available below).
RGF declaration for due diligence providers
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quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("RGF declaration for due diligence providers").
The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills invites prospective due diligence practitioners to a workshop on 23 July 2013. The workshop will reference the scope of work for Round 4 due diligence.
The workshop aims use learning from previous RGF rounds to improve the effectiveness of the due diligence process. It will focus on common financial due diligence and state aid issues, providing practitioners with guidance and examples for the types of comments and analysis we are looking for when reviewing your reports. It will help due diligence practitioners to focus their reports on important areas, leading to a more effective and efficient process for the applicant.
The workshop will be on 23 July 2013 from 10:30am to 1:30pm followed by refreshments, at 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET. It is intended for Senior Managers, Directors and Partners. We are operating a first-come, first-served basis.
To attend this workshop, e-mail growthfund@bis.gsi.gov.uk
Summary agenda:
Round 4 overview and timetable
state aid overview
conclusions and recommendations provided in the due diligence reports
additionality and the minimum level of grant
analysis of job assumptions
gross grant equivalent and aid intensity analysis
financial due diligence
Due diligence contacts
If you have any queries once you have reviewed the guidance, or if you would like to become an approved RGF due diligence service provider, please contact Ruth Forbes on 020 7215 6518 or email: ruth.forbes@bis.gsi.gov.uk
What successful bidders must do
A joint communications approach is an important responsibility for RGF recipients. If your bid is selected to receive RGF funding you will be required to work with the RGF team on all communications and publicity relating to a project or programme receiving RGF support.
This means that government officials may:
request small amendments to press releases and other marketing materials
negotiate timings of announcements with you
offer ministerial quotes in support of your announcement and publicise it with you
in some cases offer you a visit from a minister to see how the RGF contribution is being spent
It is essential that recipients inform the RGF team of media activity in good time and coordinate communications with government.
Help available with communications
Support is available. Contact the RGF team if you have any queries about your publicity, to notify us of any proposed plans, or for further information about communications.
For general enquiries you can reach us at growthfund@bis.gsi.gov.uk
For marketing and logos contact Valerie Panton on 0207 215 3821 or email Valerie.Panton@bis.gsi.gov.uk
For press releases contact Angela Lomas on 01928 794995 or email Angela.Lomas@bis.gsi.gov.uk
You can contact Hannah White, the RGF Communications Manager on 0207 215 5164 or email: Hannah.White@bis.gsi.gov.uk
The RGF identity guidelines will also help bidders to promote projects and programmes with RGF support.
Grants and monitoring
Grant claims can be made each quarter. It is important that successful RGF bidders provide quarterly monitoring reports which will be a requirement set out in the grant offer letter. Monitoring takes the form of two spreadsheets. One monitors the project’s overall delivery progress while the other monitors:
grant draw down
jobs delivery
You will have a nominated officer who can give you assistance and feedback. The monitoring and grant forms below should also assist you.
RGF monitoring and grant claims
Successful RGF bidders will need to complete and provide monitoring reports on a quarterly basis, which will be a requirement set out in the grant offer letter. There is a monitoring report in the form of a spreadsheet on expenditure, grant draw down and jobs delivery and a second one on overall delivery progress for the project. These are available below.
Grant claims can be made each quarter and attached to the monitoring reports, using the claim form provided below. Guidance documents for recipients of RGF are also provided which will explain monitoring requirements, how to complete the forms and the principles behind the RGF risk and issue management policy. Recipients will need to provide an update on any key delivery issues and risks as part of the monitoring report on delivery progress.
RGF Quarterly Monitoring report template for delivery progress
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publication ("RGF Quarterly Monitoring report template for delivery progress").
RGF Quarterly Monitoring report template for finance and jobs
MS Excel Spreadsheet, 4.97MB
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quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("RGF Quarterly Monitoring report template for finance and jobs").
RGF grant claim form
MS Word Document, 179KB
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To request this document in an alternative format such as braille, audio
or a different file type please email
quoting your address, telephone number along with the title of the
publication ("RGF grant claim form").
Information for SMEs
Please see Regional Growth Fund: a guide for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Other funding available to unsuccessful RGF bidders
Any business still looking for government support to help them grow can look at the page for other sources of funding or go to the government’s Business finance and support finder.
We have further information on other funding schemes which you may wish to explore.
Other contacts
BIS contacts
BIS Regional Growth Fund Team: 020 7215 6758, 020 7215 1691 or 020 7215 1589
BIS Local Offices
North West 0161 2610350
Yorkshire and Humber 07798 675138
North East 07825 841 835
West Midlands 0121 3454640
East Midlands 0115 8724736
Central and South West 07990 692252
South East 020 72153295