Updated: Removed "Horizon 2020 Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials - Societal Challenge 5" as it has been cancelled
Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the largest ever European funding programme for research and innovation. It has a budget of 79 billion euros and will run until 2020. Its aims are to:
ensure that Europe produces world-class science
remove barriers to innovation
make it easier for public and private sectors to innovate together
The Horizon 2020 programme has 3 areas of focus:
Excellent science
Raising the level of excellence in Europe’s science base by:
supporting the best ideas
developing European talent
providing researchers with access to a research infrastructure
Industrial leadership
Stimulating the growth potential of European companies by:
offering access to risk finance
encouraging private investment in R&D
engaging smaller companies by offering support for innovative SMEs
Societal challenges
Reflecting the policy priorities of the European Commission. This covers all stages of research and innovation - from concept to market.
Notes on the EU referendum
See the Statement from Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities and Science, about how the EU referendum affects Horizon 2020
See Chancellor Philip Hammond’s statement guaranteeing Horizon 2020 EU funding beyond date UK leaves the EU
Email the Department for Business Innovation & Skills on any evidence of specific problems being faced by those engaging with EU support
Horizon 2020 Interim Evaluation
Register for the expression of interest to become a member of the Horizon 2020 Interim Evaluation High-Level Expert Group on maximising the impact of EU Research and Innovation programmes as part of the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020
Find out if you’re eligible to apply for Horizon 2020 funding
Horizon 2020 funding opportunities are open to everyone in an EU member state. There are also opportunities for people from some other countries. The EU calls these associated countries and third countries.
You must be a consortium of at least 3 organisations if you want to apply to run a standard research project. Each consortium member must be an organisation that has legal standing such as a registered business, partnership or charity. Different funding competitions may have other conditions.
Contact a National Contact Point for more information on eligibility
Read about other businesses that have taken part in European funding opportunities
Find out what funding is available
You can find a list of funding opportunities on the European Commission Participant Portal.
Horizon 2020 provides different types of funding schemes:
Research and innovation actions
You can apply for funding for projects that establish or explore the feasibility of new knowledge or technology. You can get funding for up to 100% of your project’s direct costs.
Innovation actions
You can apply for funding if your project is close to market. This could include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, market replication or large-scale product validation. You can get up to 70% of your project’s direct costs if you are a business. You can get up to 100% funding if you are a not-for-profit organisation.
Coordination and support actions
You can apply for funding to cover networking and coordinating research and innovation projects. This can include standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising, networking and support services. You can get funding for up to 100% of your project’s direct costs.
SME instrument
You can apply for funding if you are an SME and want to develop your growth potential. There are 3 phases and these cover the whole innovation cycle. You can also access a mentoring and coaching service.
Find out if you are an SME
Fast track to innovation
You can apply for funding for innovation activities that are close to market. To apply, you must be part of a consortium with 3 to 5 partners. Partners must be from at least 3 different EU member states or associated countries.
Pre-commercial procurement
If you are in the public sector, you can act as a buyer to encourage the development of new solutions to problems. This will give you access to innovations before they go on sale to others. This will also open up market opportunities for industry and researchers.
Public procurement of innovative solutions
If you are a contracting authority, you can apply for funding to help you act as a customer for new innovations. These innovations are products or services that are not available on a large-scale commercial basis.
Marie Sklodowska Curie actions
You can apply for funding if you are a researcher. You can get funding for up to 100% of your project’s direct costs.
ERC grants
You can apply for funding if you are looking for support for fundamental research. You can get funding for up to 100% of your project’s direct costs
Find out what funding opportunities are available
Apply for Horizon 2020 funding
To apply for funding you must first register on the European Commission Participant Portal. You will need to submit your proposal and manage your project through this portal.
Once you have submitted your proposal, the European Commission will check that you are eligible. A panel of independent experts will then assess your proposal. There is standard evaluation criteria although this can vary for each funding scheme.
There are several organisations that can help you with your proposal, see section below.
Visit the European Commission participant portal to register and apply
Get help to find a project partner
Some Horizon 2020 funding schemes need you to form a consortium to apply.
Here are some links to organisations that can help UK applicants find partners:
European Commission Participation Portal partner search tool
European Commission CORDIS partner search tool
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)
For more help finding a partner, visit the European Commission website
Get help with your Horizon 2020 application
If you are a UK applicant, you can get help from the following organisations.
National Contact Points (NCPs)
NCPs can give you advice on:
choosing the best funding scheme
administrative procedures and contractual issues
the application process
documents (forms, guidelines and manuals)
finding a project partner
reviewing your proposal
liaising with the commission on the scope of projects
Find your local National Contact Point
The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)
You can get help from EEN if you are an organisation with high innovative potential and ambitions for international growth. EEN can help you with:
going international – finding and connecting with potential business partners across Europe
communicating with the EU
finding other funding opportunities and local initiatives
account management for organisations receiving Horizon 2020 funding
becoming more innovative
Contact EEN in England, Northern Ireland and Wales
Contact EEN in Scotland
The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)
You can get help from the KTN to:
find funding opportunities
form partnerships
develop your project proposals
work with other UK stakeholders to influence Horizon 2020 work programmes
Find out more about KTN
Devolved administrations
If you are in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, you can get help from the devolved administrations:
Northern Ireland – the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Scotland - the Scottish EU Funding Portal
Wales – the Welsh European Funding Office Horizon 2020 Unit
Horizon 2020 events
You can find out about specific funding opportunities by attending a Horizon 2020 event. Future events will be listed here.
SusChem 2016 Brokerage Event, 13 September 2016, Seville, Spain, Register for SusChem 2016 Brokerage Event
Horizon 2020 Information Day on 2017 calls for proposals, 14 September 2016, Brussels,
Register for Horizon 2020 Information Day on 2017 calls for proposals
Horizon 2020 Space Information Days 2016, 14 to 15 September 2016, Lisbon,
Register for Horizon 2020 Space Information Days 2016
Information Event: MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN), 16 September 2016, University of Manchester, Manchester, Register for MSCA Innovative Training Networks
Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Information Day 2016, 19 September 2016, Brussels, Belgium, Register for Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency Information Day 2016
Virtual Information Day on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017 ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’, 20 September 2016, online, Register for Virtual Information Day
Horizon 2020 Information Day on Smart Cities and Communities, 23 September 2016, Brussels, Belgium, Register for Information Day on Smart Cities and Communities
Vision2020 Event: Manufacturing 4.0, 26 to 27 September 2016, San Sebastian, Spain,
Register for Vision2020 Event: Manufacturing 4.0
H2020 Space WP 2018-20 Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, 26 to 28 September 2016, Brussels, Belgium, Register for H2020 Space WP 2018-20 Stakeholder Consultation Workshop
ICT Proposer’s Day – H2020 Face2Face Brokerage Event, 27 September 2016, Bratislava, Slovakia, Register for ICT Proposer’s Day
H2020 Consortia Building Workshop, 27 September 2016, London, Register for H2020 Consortia Building Workshop
Information day on the 2016-2017 Horizon 2020 Work programme ‘Smart, green and integrated transport’, 28 September 2016, Brussels, Belgium, Register for ‘Smart, green and integrated transport’ information day
Horizon 2020 Information Day on smart grids and storage, 3 October 2016, Brussels, Belgium, Register for Information Day on smart grids and storage
Horizon 2020 Space Information Days 2016, 4 to 5 October 2016, Prague, Register for Horizon 2020 Space Information Days 2016
Eurostars Autumn Event, 12 October 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Register for Eurostars Autumn Event
Information Event: MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN), 12 October 2016, University of West of London, London, Register for MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
SMEs aim higher with Eurostars, 13 October 2016, Brussels, Belgium, Register for SMEs aim higher with Eurostars
Horizon 2020 Information Day on the Research Public-Private Partnerships, 14 October 2016, Brussels, Belgium
Register for Horizon 2020 Information Day on the Research Public-Private Partnerships
Horizon 2020 Audits: How to get it right, 10 November 2016, BEIS Conference Centre, London, Register for Horizon 2020 Audits: How to get it right
Green Catalysis by Design Scientific Meeting & Student Winter School, 22 to 23 February 2017, Padova, Italy, Register for Green Catalysis
Register to get news and information about Horizon 2020 events
Other funding opportunities
You can also access other European funding and support programmes:
EUREKA is a network of over 36 countries. It supports international collaboration for the development of innovative new products, processes and services.
There is no direct funding available in the UK for EUREKA projects. You can take part if you are a large UK business or academic organisation but you must fund this yourself.
Contact Graham Mobbs, European operations manager - Graham.Mobbs@innovateuk.gov.uk or 07824 599585
EUREKA Eurostars
If you are an SME and want to take part in collaborative research, you can apply to the EUREKA Eurostars programme. EUREKA Eurostars supports the development of new products, processes or services. You can apply with 2 (or more) participants from 2 (or more) Eurostars countries. An SME carrying out R&D must lead the project.
There will be two calls for proposals each year between 2014 and 2020. You will find out if your application has been successful within 14 weeks of the closing date.
Innovate UK funds successful UK applicants. You can get up to 60% of eligible project costs - up to €360,000 per UK project partner.
Only innovative intensive and research-performing SMEs are eligible for funding in the UK. You can also take part in a Eurostars project if you are a large UK business or academic organisation but you must fund this yourself or from other sources.
Contact Graham Mobbs, European operations manager - Graham.Mobbs@innovateuk.gov.uk or 07824 599585
Electronic components and systems for European leadership
You can apply to ECSEL if you are a business or research and technology organisation. ECSEL combines 3 technology areas:
ENIAC nano-electronics
ARTEMIS embedded computing systems
European Technology Platform EPOSS (smart systems integration)
There is no funding available for this programme in 2016. UK companies and organisations are welcome to participate but they will have to self-fund.
Contact Graham Mobbs, European operations manager - Graham.Mobbs@innovateuk.gov.uk or 07824 599585
European Regional Area NETwork
ERA-NET provides funding in specific sectors and themed areas of science and technology.
There are currently no open ERA-NET funding calls. Innovate UK is working with other European funding agencies to develop new funding opportunities. Further information will be available soon.
Contact Graham Mobbs, European operations manager - Graham.Mobbs@innovateuk.gov.uk or 07824 599585
European Institute of Technology
You can also apply to the European Institute of Technology to take part in one of its knowledge and innovation communities (KIC). These KICs bring together the private sector, research organisations and higher education institutions.
Each KIC has a physical centre which acts as a hub for activities such as:
training and education programmes
innovation projects
business incubation
There are 5 operational KICs:
Climate-KIC for climate change mitigation and adaptation
ICT Labs which look at the future of information and communication
KIC InnoEnergy covering sustainable energy
EIT Health covering innovation for healthy living and active ageing
EIT Raw materials including sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, recycling and substitution
In 2016, you will be able to apply to take part in two new KICs. These will be in Added-value manufacturing and Food: sustainable supply chain from resources to customers. There will also be a KIC in Urban Mobility in 2018.