
#tsummit2016 New models in higher education with @_ChristineOrtiz (MIT) Richard Miller @OlinCollege

This digest was created in real-time during the meeting, based on the speaker’s presentation(s) and comments from the audience. The content should not be viewed as an official transcript of the meeting, but only as an interpretation by a single individual. Lapses, grammatical errors, and typing mistakes may not have been corrected. Questions about content should be directed to the originator. The digest has been made available for purposes of scholarship, posted by David Ing.

T-Summit 2016, Transformational Approaches to Creating T-Shaped Professionals, National Academy of Sciences Building, March 21-22, 2016

Moderator introduction by Jim Spohrer, IBM

Moderator: Katherine Frase (IBM), VP of Education Business Strategy

IBM’s second moon shot, should see more Watson in education

Panel about new models in higher education


Christine Ortiz (MIT)

Richard Miller (President, Olin College of Engineering)

[Christine Ortiz (MIT)]

“The Research University in the New Millennium”

“MIT Dean Takes Leave to Start New University Without Lectures or Classrooms” | Jeffrey R. Young | Feb. 1, 2016 | Chronicle of Higher Education at http://chronicle.com/article/MIT-Dean-Takes-Leave-to-Start/235121 .

Youtube video from SXSWEDU last week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYlXObCah5Q

Four components:

Flipped curriculum, no classrooms

Transdisciplinary research, not departments

Powered by technology (developing by Jason Wong)

Societal platform, university more embedded in society

Looking holistically, systemically.

A personalized flipped curriculum

Student comes in, has a project-based core

No distinction between undergraduate and graduate

All content pushed online

Use open educational resources (in early days, looking at 4 to 5 years to launch)

Want university to be embedded in the university and society:  students are freed up to engage outside of the university

Virtual knowledge scaffold as personalized

T-shaped student:  how to integrate personal and professional capital with F2F project core, virtual knowledge scaffold and ecosystem

Building platform for virtual metacurriculum

Allows more personalized learning pathways

Rather than a T, thinking of the Tree-Shaped Students

Computationally-assisted precision curriculum design, throwing out disciplines

How to design all of the branches of the tree for an emerging body of knowledge

Can unbundle, curate

Challenge:  national framework for open educational resources, advocating for that

Want to build the design process for students

Faculty would be curating and approving with external stakeholders

Examples of potential transdisciplinary learning pathways

e.g. intelligence = cs + math + physics + bio/bcs + ee+ hass

Looking at course-based undergraduate research, to structure younger students and move them to self-directed

Could have thousands of templates in pathways

Would like to build a database of open educational resources

From MIT, three programs to be integrated:

Students can go in and out

Had started 3 years ago in Israel

Project-based class, students working with team with companies in Israel

How to integrate social, cultural, historical with technology on the ground

Would like to have embedded

At MIT, large center Alfred P. Sloan University Center of Exemplary Mentoring

Want mentoring to be primary in pedagogy

Cross-cultural cohort mentoring

At MIT, Engineering Leadership Curriculum, to leading creative teams

Project-based, hands-on

Guest lectures

Self assessment

Case studies

Would like to integrated in project-based core

[Richard Miller (President, Olin College of Engineering)]

Was the first employee of Olin College in 1990

Were 4 founders, philanthropists, but none were engineers or worked in higher education

No tenure, no tuition fees, things having an expiration date

Did as an experiment at 2001

Brought in 15 boys and 15 girls, who lived on construction trailers while campus was being build

Called them partners, they weren’t students

Did experiments every 5 weeks

Designed experiments to fail, can’t design to fail in real schools

Learned: kids are way more capable than you expect

Things don’t happen, because universities structure to prevent failure

What could you remember from your undergraduate education?

Little, except the project done in senior year

So, then have to have 2 years of calculus and physics before?

Gave them a challenge:  5 weeks to create design the sensor that put on the finger, start with the patent literature

Get the information, make it work

At the end of 5 weeks, we’ll kill this, and find out where people got stuck

In 5 weeks, they had it working

Brought in the hospital version, calibrated, both did the same thing


No, don’t need 2 years of calculus and physics to pick up a wrench: A lot of technological advances didn’t require theory

Exceeding own expectation made them 2 feet taller, had a can-do attitude (as compared to the first year math death march)

If you’re starting something new, don’t be afraid to experiment

Learned from Howard Gardner:

Intelligence has 7 types

More with context and narrative, then mathematics

Developed a new definition for an engineer:  imagines what hasn’t been, and then do with it takes to make them

Engineering is more about vision, than about mathematics

Every February, NSF proposals

Just-in-case engineering

Was a trustee at Babson College

They use the word innovation all of the time, without science, no NSF grants

Innovation as about doing things and framing things, that it changes the way people live

People can’t imagine how the world was, before that

e.g. credit card

e.g. iTunes, doesn’t include Nobel prize in physics

A graduate is high up in leadership of Facebook: sells and opportunity to tell your personal story to people you care about

You become important in someone else’s life

Maslow:  belonging

Facebook allows us to do this when it’s otherwise inappropriate

To be an innovation today, need more than math or science

Go beyond knowledge to address attitude, values and motivations

Piaget:  what’s left over

Not just teaching calculus, teaching attitudes values and motivations

Frase:  role of art

Decade of design, importance to motivate

Olin was there already

[Katherine Frase]

P-tech program

What about employable skills, what happens in 2-years colleges and higher high school

P-tech in NYC

School in Brooklyn, so bad, city let IBM play

Partnered with CUNY, 6-year program

IBM promised to interview with

Not a charter school, it’s someplace local

Principal believed in students

Courses could take Gen-X and technology

First group of students has now graduated

Can-do attitude

Answer is not that industry should take over education

Most education still done by professionals in school

Model now picked up in Chicago, Connecticut, Australia

Ties together pathways to employment and pathways to employable skills

Not everyone should be on an IT path

However, not just a T-shaped engineer will need soft skills, everyone will need some computing and data skills


When we blow up the traditional structure, what do we do about accreditation, what the diploma says, and how they get interviewed for a job.

Richard: For first 5 years at Olin, got this question from parents

Can’t accredit until the first students graduate

In the end, Olin was accredited

Have reinvented curriculum 3 times before the first class graduated

Accreditation board:  define mission, define outcomes you expect, define process, then feedback to continually approve

Christine:  A model at UT Austin

MIT has been approved for micro-masters

Converting from MITx into credits

Doing it from beginning

Will probably not have accreditation for the first parts

Will probably do what Olin did

How to maintain, from broad portfolio of educational options, now everyone wants to be engineer or do math.  Where does it fit in higher education suite?  What about students that only want to study one thing.

Christine: some elements transferrable

Focus on science and technology (technology in the broadest sense, with technology and humanities and social scientists)

Innovations that could be transferrable

Thinking about how to bring down costs

Our specific focus in on science and technology

How can we can’t find engineers who walk and chew gum, take 3 years to train.  EC2000, Engineer 2020.  Part that seems to be missing is corporations.  There are 20 companies (like IBM, Dell, Cisco) that get this.  If you have to start the conversation, you won’t get there.

Richard:  Can only teach what you know.

If start from individual performance (towards a Nobel), don’t know what it’s like to teach in a group

Change the way Ph.D.s are prepared

Bring students into a candidates weekend, put them in groups of 5, they’ve never met before

Evaluated on attitudes, values and motivations

Need to capitalize on the people around you, and the people around them

Universities need a comfort level around this

Engineering is almost unique in the way we ignore experience in industry

Faculty in medicine get most of the pay in clinics

Law school faculty have mostly passed bar, dean

How many engineering deans came from industry:  much closer to science than to professions

Christine:  MIT has committee structure

How can industry be involved at the more granular level:  faculty creating pathways and endorsing curriculum

Want more pathways relevant to industry

e.g. crowdsourcing and social media

Can we do this using technology?

For every pathway, there are many more sub-pathways, for different job areas

Some companies are using machine learning to analyze job descriptions and roles

Thinking about how we use technology to do this

UNC Charlotte trying something similar, but different.  Engineering, Ph.D. then 15 year in an architecture department, studio.  Problem was it doesn’t scale up, need a relationship with students.  UNC Charlotte gets a wide range of students.  Starting from private, not public?

Richard:  started a new institution, but only because scale of change not welcomed

First partner was U Illinois Champaign, 40,000 students

Have worked with them for 3 years, have integrated into the first 2 years

Book: A Whole New Engineer http://wholenewengineer.org/

Even U. of Illinois is selective, not open enrollment

Last 2 year working with U. Texas El Paso, open enrollment, 2/3 Hispanic students

They’re taking elements, and getting results

Methods will be adopted at all levels, not just elite

Christine:  Have been looking at UT Austin, scaled up to 900 students, tiered model: undergraduate, graduate, faculty

Graduate education model, MIT

Have had architects, like studio interaction, drawing interaction

Have faculty sit in the classes they assign to the students

When you hire new faculty, make sure they work in teams with people from other disciplines


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