
New Moon in Capricorn 1:53 am EST/ 5:53 am GMT is conjunct Mercury Retrograde and we are rethinking, resting, reflecting, resifting through what happened in 2016. A lot! News that actress and mother of Carrie Fisher who just died yesterday  has also passed on just now is very sad but also is a symbol of he strength of the mother-child bond.

There’s that powerful cardinal T-square involving Jupiter in Libra, opposed to  Uranus conjunct  Ceres and Eris in Aries, although squaring Pluto in Capricorn, yes the fireworks have just begun.

Mars is conjunct Neptune and South  Node in Pisces impacting our need to let go of old karmic contracts now.

Saturn the ruling planet of this Capricorn New Moon, which is a Feminine earth sign,  is conjunct Juno in Sagittarius @ 18 degrees Sagittarius.

A feminine genius is being brought into this Dark Moon phase as Saturn and JUNO trine with the AMAZONIAN tribe of  Uranus, Ceres, Eris conjunction.

Saturn sextiles Venus in Aquarius and sextiles Uranus + Ceres + Eris. It’s a good time to innovate.

Venus trines  Jupiter in Libra

That’s good for freeing up relationship have to’s and brings chaos into traditional love. Expect the unexpected hearts.

Vesta, the goddess of focus and dedication to the heart-flame of purpose is in Leo and inconjunct this new moon. The work is on making sure your long term goals are dedicated to their task of guarding the Vestal heart flame. Vesta is investments, not just money to make more money but what are you are invested in in ever aspect? That is the major question.

Use the three days of new moon to focus on your new beginnings for 2017. Remember that there was a full moon 4 years ago at this same degree in 2012, and 4 years before that.

Plan where to put your energy.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

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