
We will be aiming higher in our expectations as Mercury trots through the 9th sign From Nov 12- December 2nd.

Mercury in Sagittarius is the TRICKSTER in a HORSE COSTUME

Mercury in SAGITTARIUS shoots from the hip quite literally. Aiming its arrows of truth, beauty and optimism higher in pursuit of the big questions. Why are we hear? What is the meaning of Life? We will naturally be talking more naively and honestly to the point of  saying too much.

Mercury in the SAGE is after wisdom, intelligence, justice, philosophy and inspiration. We will want to read a lot, especially history, we will want to know how to back up our pursuits of justice through education, knowing that if we have the knowledge we can back up what it is we seek. This is a about FREE SPEECH. Travelling, taking classes in a wide range of subjects, mysticism, philosophy, Leonard Cohen’s poetry, languages,exotica, yoga, animal rights, and our communities needs, these are all Sagittarius pursuits.

Our minds are free to roam, this is a good thing, to realize we have common ground in many histories, languages and cultures world wide.

SAGITTARIUS’s symbol is the rainbow, always a sign from Heaven that there is a bridge between Heaven and Earth.

Sedona’s famous double rainbows

If you see rainbows, know that it is synchronicity telling you that your prayers are being answered.


Yes we have one more Mercury Retrograde this year which is quite unusual. The “storm” period begins as Mercury crosses the Galactic Center at 28 degrees SAGITTARIUS on December 1st. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 2nd, officially turns Retrograde on December 19th at 15+ degrees of CAPRICORN, those powerful middle degrees and conjunct to PLUTO in CAPRICORN and squaring JUPITER in LIBRA and URANUS in ARIES. A power packed Cardinal T-square.

Get ready to have a very merry Retrograde Christmas Holiday. It is a Christian Holiday and it should be called what it is to the majority of Catholics in the world today. If we are to be truly liberal we need to be inclusive and honor all the religions and holidays and not be afraid to offend someone else’s religious beliefs who may feel left out. This is the true spirit of Aquarius.

Yes our New Year 2017 begins with a Mercury Retrograde in CAPRICORN, indicating that there will be some recalls, rehashing, reviews, karmic business headaches to deal with in 2017.  We can’t start anything new in 2017.

Mercury turns DIRECT January 7th 2017 at 28+ degrees SAGITTARIUS on the G.C.  So relax and chill.

It will take until January 28th until Mercury passes the 15 degree Capricorn Retrograde degree.  So don’t worry about fulfilling your New Year’s resolutions this year. You will have time to prepare during the Retrograde.

A retrograde Holiday season is best celebrated in very traditional old-fashioned ways. Make your own gifts, give to the poor, connect with family and old friends. Its not about fancy shiny gizmos or toys or the latest thing. Christmas is based on the ancient Celebration of Saturnalia which the Romans celebrated to let slaves be equal to their masters. It was a time of festivities, cross-dressing and making fun of higher ups.

This time of year in the Northern Hemisphere celebrates Winter Solstice, the ancient pagan festival of YULE, the turning of the seasons of the year.  We celebrate the victory of the FEMININE darkness during the longest night of the year, which gives way to the return of the LIGHT, the masculine SUN at the Solstice, December 21st. The story of Christ’s birth is an overlay onto the old religions and was literally translated as a son of God for the real Sun.

Retrogrades are good times to reflect on the past year. It has been a hell of a year. Many famous and well loved musicians passed away, David Bowie, Prince and now Leonard Cohen and we are at Nov. 12 as I write this. Well you know what’s been happening.

2017 also begins a new 10 year cycle in Numerology as it is a #1 year. The year of the MAGICIAN in the TAROT which is also the dual-nature planet Mercury.

The MAGICIAN is the beginning of a new 10 year cycle. The MAGICAN’s message is that you are the Magician. You get to create your magic using your mind, intention and consciousness. We all have this innate power. So we need to be very careful of every thought, both consciously and unconsciously and bring that apparent duality into one focused idea. Magic is the nature of the Universe. To cast a spell one simply puts one’s attention, emotion and will behind what one desires. I recommend only doing WHITE MAGIC or positive intentions.

What magic do you wish to make in 2017? Think about it. Share your thoughts here if you feel moved, Our collective thoughts shape a greater reality.

Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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