
Mars will move OUT of BOUNDS on AUGUST 8th until September 23rd.

This is a big deal. What does Out of Bounds OOB mean? It has to do with the declination of the SUN. This is where the Sun travels in the sky which is also the equivalent to latitude on the Earth. The seasons are created when the Sun moves between 23.26 minutes NORTH or SOUTH of the equator.  When the Sun is at 22 South 00 declination it is directly on latitude 22 degrees South latitude on the earth.

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere/ Winter in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE begins when the Sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer,  a circle of latitude  23.26 degrees NORTH of the equator. Winter in the Northern Hemisphere/Summer in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE occurs when The Sun reaches the Tropic of Capricorn, a circle of latitude located approximately 23.26 degrees South of the equator.

The Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere/Autumn EQUINOX in the Southern Hemisphere is when the Sun is on the Equator, it is at 00 00 declination. This is  0 Aries, the beginning of the Zodiac in TROPICAL ASTROLOGY.   In the Autumn in the North/ Hemisphere/ Spring in the SOUTHERN Hemisphere the Sun again reaches the equator at 00 degrees considered to be zero degrees LIBRA.

The Southern Hemisphere signs of Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are derived as the Sun is in these Zodiac signs when in Southern Declination. The Northern Hemisphere signs are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo as the Sun is in these signs when in Northern Declination.

But, the planets, including the Moon can move beyond these boundaries.  Some more often than others. Mars will pass the suns’ limits, traveling OOB, as far south as 26 degrees on September 23, a day after the EQUINOX . When planets are OOB they are wild,  free and unconstrained. They are unpredictable. Mars unchained can be very dangerous an destructive. Mars hasn’t been OOB since 2001.

Mars also meets up with SATURN August  23/24 @ 9 degrees SAGITTARIUS Tropical astrology conjunct to FIXED STAR ANTARES- the rival of MARS.

ANTARES marks one of the four major ARCHANGEL STARS he is ARIEL, URIEL or ORIEL, the Watcher of the WEST.  The STAR marks the heart of the SCORPIO CONSTELLATION which is Sideral.   Antares Iis a super red giant star, 10,000 times brighter than our own Sun located 550 Light Years away. It is the 15th brightest star in the skies. All stars appearing red have angry, passionate, violent associations. Antares means “the rival of MARS: the planet which rules SCORPIO.

The mythology of Antares relates to the constellation of Scorpius. Gaia, the Earth Goddess sent a giant Scorpion to sting ORION the Hunter as punishment because he boasted that he was able to kill all living creatures on earth. Scorpius killed Orion, and Gaia placed them both in the heavens at opposite ends as a reminder to people to beware of excessive pride. Keep this story in mind.

In Astrology SCORPIO, is the most important and soulful sign governing the basic drives in all life, sex, death and rebirth. It is primal.


In ANCIENT CHINA this star was associated with great fortune. It marked a large portion of the regal AZURE DRAGON which was considered to be wise  and beneficial. In Ancient Babylon the star was called URBAT, the creator of prosperity.  The EGYPTIANS worshipped this star as SELKIT heralding sunrise in her temples at the Autumn equinox and as a symbol of Goddess ISIS in pyramid ceremonies.

There is a malevolent ruthless energy associated with this star. It makes people belligerent, tough and aggressive. It is associated with military strategy, risk-taking and courage. It is associated with  disasters, death and danger.

Antares, like the lowest level of the sign Scorpio is based in survival mode at the root chakra. It relates to the defenses to the passion and will to survive, the instinct to kill to feed babies in the animal world, or to defend one’s territory. That is part of own nature and our ancient reptilian brain.

Having MARS and SATURN, the “two greater malefics” conjunct ANTARES exactly AUGUST 23/24 is a very powerful portend. At that conjunction they also square the SOLAR ECLIPSE DEGREE of 9 degrees VIRGO which occurs on SEPTEMBER 1.

This is a karmic significator. We can see further destruction, violence and aggression in the world from Gaia, nature herself,with volcanoes, fires, earthquakes. And riots, wars, political unrest, man made explosions, terrorist attacks on a huge level, a 9/11 repeat. { Pluto was also at 12 degree SAGITTARIUS opposite SATURN in GEMINI at 9/11} .There is also huge dangers of major political leaders being assassinated, which is an ancient association with Solar eclipses.

All energy is neutral. MARS and SATURN can also be used for good. The MARS/ SATURN conjunction begs us to have the passion, the desire, and the drive to get to the higher truth, philosophy and the “spiritual laws” which is really what SAGITTARIUS is all about. The arrow of the Centaur aims higher to the Galactic Center to our ancient stellar origins, to our ancient knowledge of better ways, higher consciousness, as star beings evolving. We are meant to connect with this now.

This conjunction demands that we take a stand for truth and  justice and create boundaries which are healthy to ensure our survival. This is not the same as Donald Trump’s proposed Mexican wall. This means boundaries around what we feel we need to be safe. This may result in walls around where refugees live. The involves limits of those who are supposed to protect our safety like the Police. Sagittarius rules politicians, the legal system, education, international affairs, and optimism. We need to do away with those who are dangerous, boastfull, arrogant and destructive to the Feminine way, to Gaia’s way of Being.

This conjunction could spell disaster for Donald Trump. 9 degrees SAGITTARIUS is conjunct to his Natal Lilith at 5+ degrees SAGITTARIUS. An angry woman may do him in. It inconjuncts his Natal Mercury at 8 degrees of Cancer. The Eclipse degree 9 Virgo is in his first house and in a wide conjunction with his Ascendant at 29 degrees LEO. Antares is opposite Trumps natal URANUS at 17 degrees GEMINI in his 10th house of wordly fame. That symbolizes a fall from power.

It could equally be hell on wheels for Hillary Clinton. The MARS/ SATURN conjunction quincunx’s {150 degrees} her 8 degree TAURUS MID-HEAVEN her highest career standing.  The eclipse at 9 degrees VIRGO is opposite her 18 degree PISCES MOON. The “higher law” for being secretive and manipulative may get her.

The HEART is a very powerful symbol in the placement of this Star.  If we stay in our heart centers, even in the Antares/ Scorpion heart we can still relate to love, in spite of our fears of aggression, attack, and our fears of survival.

The heart of the Scorpion is undiscovered territory. It certainly is the shadow heart. that which we do not love. Are not all hearts the same? Does the Scorpion have a truly black ruthless heart or can it be reimagined, resurrected, healed? Perhaps the heart of the Scorpion has been a victim, acting unconsciously to protect their own heart and feelings? We need to go to the HIGHER HEART chakra. This would be in the above crown chakra level. Connected to the HEART of the GALAXY.

It is very important  to align with the highest level of this MARS/SATURN ANTARES energy, to discover what we are willing to fight for and defend at this time. The image I received was of a KINGHT TEMPLAR, who serves the Goddess. Meditate on what the  heart of the Scorpion is in yourself. I will be doing so as well.

Meditate on what the  heart of the Scorpion is in yourself. I will be doing so as well. Your feedback is greatly desired. We must do this together.

PLEASE SHARE WIDELY, All writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading with me. http://www.taratarot.com

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