
Up close and personal with the red-hot Macho GOD of Testosterone tonight May 30-31. It’s the warrior God’s closest approach since 2005.  MARS the planets makes its closest approach to earth in 11 years. We would draw down Mars energy tonight to make magic for our own use and also we could STOP DONALD TRUMP!

The approach occurs on TUESDAY morning of May 31st. Tuesday is MARS’ day. Mardi in French, The correspondence is perfect. Call upon Mars to increase your strength, courage, bravery, and passion.

MARS Magical aspects: controlled power, energy, and endurance, passion, sex, courage, aggression and protection.  This is best time to perform spells and rituals involving courage, physical strength, revenge, military honors, surgery, the breaking of negative spells, dynamic energy, matrimony, war, enemies, prison, hunting, politics, contests, protection, victory, and athletics.

Energy, force, “MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.” Initiating, patentizing, fiery, strength, power, passion, sexuality, rage, anger, aggressive, will power, masculine fertilizing, war, judgments and petitions; victory against enemies, terribleness toward enemies, stopping of blood.

MARS confers: honors and riches; causes discord, strife and hatred among men and beasts, chases away bees, pigeons and fish; hinders mills, renders misfortune toward hunters and fighters, causes barrenness in men and women and animals; strikes terror into enemies, compels enemies to submit.

Here are some ancient planetary, and other correspondences to Mars from the Roman Henry Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy.

Beneficial Influences:

Intelligence of Mars: Graphiel

Construction of the Planetary Sigil

This sigil, published by Henry Cornelius Agrippa in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy and frequently repeated in other publications, is constructed through numerology and magic squares. The name Graphiel is spelled out in Hebrew, and then each Hebrew letter is associated with a number, as the Hebrew language inherently does. Each number is located on the magic square of Mars and a line is drawn to pass through each number.

MARS rules all men, testosterone, Deities of war, protectors, working with metal, male sexuality, destructive forces, self-interest, force, sex drives, competitiveness, activity, athletes.

Mars ruling of Body parts:

muscular system, blood, bile, gallbladder, adrenal glands, tendons, genitals, arteries, the head -{Donald’s hair}and face

Basic energy, physical strength, vitality, immune system, injuries, accidents, blood or immune disorders



Donald is a MARS RULED man.  A” MARS ATTACKS! kind of man. Extremely macho, testosterone driven, war monger. He has MARS right on his 29th critical degree LEO ASCENDANT which is conjunct to the traditional STAR of ROYALTY- REGULUS. Mars governs The Donald’s I.C. at 24 degrees SCORPIO- NOTE that degree. This is the marker of the 4th house, Donald’s home, literally, his childhood, his unconscious, his mother, his deepest secrets, his most private house, real estate, endings, midnight.

MARS also rules Trump’s 9th house which is 21 degrees of ARIES. The 9th house governs politics, foreigners, law making, honesty, hypocrycy, all talk and not much delivery, higher education, travelling, inspiration and humour.

The Donald is in very good astrology aspects now I hate to admit it. So lets throw him some adverse Martial energies and slow him down. NOTE MARS retrograde will stop and turn Direct at 23 degrees 4 minutes of SCORPIO on June 29. Right on The Trump’s 4th house roots, ruled by MARS. This charges up his foundation. Mars will also square his Natal Mars.

In the TAROT, MARS is also associated with TRUMP# 4 called THE EMPEROR or KING

Which happens to be Trump’s Soul Number!  He is destined to be the BOSS, the King, looking out for veterans and small people? Hogwash. It’s all about ME, #numero UNO.

Trump’s Personality Number is #22. Born June 14, 1946, he’ll be turning 70 years old, it adds up and reduces to #’s 22, 13, 4.

TWENTY TWO is a MASTER NUMBER, in the TAROT is the symbol of THE FOOL

This is Trump’s disguise. Number 22 is the symbol of ENLIGHTENMENT. He is an old soul. He has huge karma with immigrants. He should not ever take himself seriously, nor should the public.

Remember the Fairy Tale about the EMPEROR’S NEW CLOTHES?

The fake tailors convinced the vain Emperor that their clothes were the best although there was nothing there? Rather than look foolish, the Emperor went along for the ride. He ended up parading around in his underwear until a young innocent boy- the real energy of the Fool- spoke up and said “Look, the Emperor’s not wearing any clothes.”  Bernie Sanders says this. And that’s what we have to do and see right now too.


“I call upon the planet Mars to reverse Donald Trump’s commanding force and harm none.”

The other hidden teacher number to Trump’s Numerology is the Number 13. DEATH.

Those who crave power do so because of fear of Death. We want to control death, an impossibility. Change, transformation, rebirth is the name of the game with Death. Those that resist change die and bring death upon those around them.

So i urge all of you to be the innocent naive boy energy who speaks the truth and says this Emperor DONALD ain’t really got any cred, he isn’t worthy of being the EMPEROR of America. He will only bring DEATH. He is a wounded macho bellowing warrior who never fought in his life. Yes Veterans do deserve more respect and care of course, that is obvious.

Call upon Mars to bring DEATH, Donald’s hidden teacher number to Trump’s campaign.

Collectively we could stop him using the Planet MARS’ energy.

This is WHITE MAGIC. The intention is to bring higher consciousness to the world, not negative fearful hatred and separation. Make sure that your invocation is to harm none. I will be calling upon Mars tonight and every night all weekend while I am teaching my workshop in Bancroft. Lets do this together. I am very passionate about this.

Please let me know if you are working the MARS MAGIC.- text me 416 230 5347.

MARS WILL BE CLOSE TO THE EARTH until this weekend JUNE 5th.

Spirit of Mars: Barzabel

Numbers: 5, All the 5’s in the small cards of the Tarot, Disks, cups, swords, wands. 25, 65, 325

Divine Names Answering to The Numbers of Mars: He, Adonai

Angel: Camael

ARCHANGEL: KAMAEL Angel of Strength

Angelic order: SERAPHIM,

Animals: Vulture, Pile, Wolf, Bears, Horses, Boars,

MAGICAL BEINGS: Furies  Chimeras  Basilisk

Vowel sound for the planet is 0

Metal: Iron; red brass is recommended for drawing down baleful influences

Stone: Diamond, iron.

GODS ASSOCIATED : ARES, All fire, lightning or volcanic Gods, Ab Kin Xac, Gwydion, Huehuetotl, Huitzilopochitli, Odin, Tiwaz, Vulcan, Woden, Thor,Deimos, Polemos,

Chi You in China and Yang Jian,

Ku Polynesian God of War,

MANGALA, HINDU God of War, Shiva, Yama,



#80, Hebrew letter:   Pe (mouth)


ATHENA, Minerva, Macha, KALI, Durga, LILITH, Freya, Maeve, Morrigan,Annan, Neith, Sekhmet, Sobek, Enyo, Keres, Nike, Pele, Inanna, Ishtar, Nergal, Valkyries, Anat,

Too much Mars can mean fever, rash, infection, stress, aggression, ulcers, hypertension

PLANTS: mistletoe,Pepper, Pennyroyal, Belladona, Basil, Ginger,cardamom, Coriander,thistles, turmeric, wormwood,


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene,

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

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