Moon’s in Leo today till Saturday. It’s time to PARTY ON. It’s all about the Passion, your HEART and will.
Every individual person wants to be King or Queen of their own territory if not for a day or so. It’s loud proud, creative, self-expressive, competitive. Get your leadership STAR on. The mood is upbeat, happy. Leo is the sign of
There’s a nice mind expanding earthy trine from Mercury in Taurus trine Jupiter in Virgo today.
Remember that MERCURY enters its Shadow phase today at 14 degrees Taurus, the degree it will Stop and Turn Direct at after it Retrogrades from 23+ degrees TAURUS on APRIL 28 until May 22nd.
This is a great day for a THINK TANK, for planting new ideas, for fertile thoughts and to nurture long-term goals.
TAURUS energy is slow, plodding, sensuous, practical, resourceful, artistic and can be lazy. VIRGO energy is detailed, on budget, nit-picky, perfectionist, extremely intellectual and analytical and works tirelessly to get the job done.This trine balances out that smother yourself in chocolate syrup with working to get the job done on deadline.
LEO MOON trines MARS in SAGITTARIUS late tonight in PDT and tomorrow in early a.m.
After all your hard mental and physical work, you will want to stay up late celebrating.
This is a positive fiery trine and if you aren’t partying you may be restless, on the prowl or hunting big game in your sleep.
The FIRE and EARTH Motif continues on Friday and over the weekend.
More about that later.
I am sorry I am late with this. I have been feeling quite exhausted and redoing my website is a major pain in the ass. I am also getting ready to go to Sedona Arizona again for a month-long writing sabbatical. I have to get my book into finished shape.
MARS retrograde is the perfect time to do this. I will write about Mars RETRO and how it will affect all of you shortly.
MARS- will be in REACTION MODE from April 17 until June 29th where MARS will take us down into HADES SCORPIO, deep soul scraping territory to fix a lot of old soul issues. I can feel this. It will take until AUGUST 22nd for MARS to get back to the 8+ degree of SAGITTARIUS the degree it went Retro at.
That is a very long for us to REFLECT. Remember -it’s all about all those Re things. RE-ACTING is a huge one and in Shamanic warrior training or in Buddhism if you are reacting you are caught in a karmic/emotional web. This is a great time to do recapitulation techniques. I will be happy to assist you in that.
It is a breathing technique to remember past forgotten memories which hold you back in the present as they haven’t been resolved. This technique was given to me from the lineage from which Carlos Castenada wrote about with Don Juan. Whether you believe that Don Juan was real character or not the techniques and journeys that Carlos describes are real shamanic one.
I will be available for phone readings while I am in Sedona which is on PDT.
I would love to do some teleconferencing from Sedona. And especially MAy 1st which is BELTANE which is always a favourite holiday to me.
I would really appreciate if you donate to support me while I am in Sedona especially. I have been spending so much time writing on this blog which I love to do but I need to change how much time it takes. I will probably post videos and Instagram and I will explore Patreon too.
Some of you have kindly reported back to me that my website does not show up on certain search engines. I see it doesn’t show up on BING. I am switching from an old flash format to a modern one. That should be fixed in a day or so.
PLEASE SUPPORT ME, on a monthly basis, even $2 is great. I care about you all – the 5th button down is a DONATE button
Or book here
Fight for your right to Party- Beastie Boys