
There were fireworks last night. It is Victoria Day in Canada, Yes we still celebrate the Monarchy. We have a Queen. Prince Harry belongs to us Canucks too.I still get a thrill from the fireworks.

You need to pay attention to the things and elements that are calling to you. This can come as songs that get stuck in your head, synchronicity, conversations, a repeating phrase, a symbol, a dream that repeats.

Ultimately the Universe is talking back to you. The more you listen and pay attention the louder and clearer the communication. Each and every one of you is a receiving station. We are NEVER alone. There is so much to know, to learn, to explore and remember. 

There is the prime symbol, the main event, the lynchpin where most of us are stuck that we need to unravel. There are so many ways to unwrap the package. Why do we stay stuck, blind, limited, half- baked, martyrs, suffering?  In my work as a Tarot card counsellor and Astro-therapist I hear so many of people’s life stories.

YOU HAVE TO ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS. Yes. Question everything that comes to you.  Learn to trust your own intuition.


I don’t think of myself as a channeler. I go into deep meditations and I do get multi-dimensional information. I have been receiving this information since my earliest memories of around three years old. It doesn’t seem strange or unusual. Has this happened to you?

We were at a little gathering of friends on Sunday. A woman asked me what I did. I know Oriah Mountain Dreamers’ famous book THE INVITATION which came from a poem, begins with “It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living..” from the David White poetry process. I told her I was professional psychic, Astrologer and Tarot card reader. I am always surprised that others find this unusual. I never think of myself as unusual. Well I know that I was never the same as everyone else but not unusual because what I do is usual for me. She was a deeply Catholic religious woman. I was very interested in her story. I asked her about her EPIPHANY. Epiphany is one of my favourite words. I taught it to my daughter when she was 8 years old. She definitely felt powerful knowing the meaning of that word and impressed her friends.I respect those that have deep devotion whether its Catholic, Jewish, pagan as long as it’s from their heart and not doctrine.

I was not raised Catholic. Christmas is a holiday that exist outside of my childhood experience. It is a learned behaviour for me. But lately MOTHER MARY is coming up in my consciousness. I don’t think of Her in the Catholic sense. She is a MOTHER GODDESS, Queen of Heaven, ancient mother figure which Catholicism appropriated.  But she is very beautiful, unconditionally loving, and as pure and as high a light as you can get.  I had a dream maybe over 20 years ago and in the dream a large ship appeared. The name of the ship was STELLA MARIS. Star of the Sea an ancient name for THE GREAT MOTHER. 

Yesterday I connected with an old girlfriend who lives in Norway. We met in Israel in 1976 when I came to a kibbutz near Gaza to stay and she was already working there. We shared a tiny living space for 5 months. Then travelled together to Greece for a month. We reminisced over  getting caught in a sandstorm while camping out in the  desert under a plastic makeshift tent near EILAT in the middle of nowhere for three days, unable to leave our tent. Singing under the stars, hiking down from Masada on a FULL MOON, where I had a transcendent experience, walking to GAZA to see the Meditterean sea. I did much time travelling while in Israel, I loved the energy of Jerusalem, the temple mount, the ancient sites, Bethlehem but hated the politics. It’s so wonderful to stay connected to those you had shared experiences with many years ago and to still feel the warmth and specialness of that connection. I have friends who I still connect with who I’ve known since I was 8 years old.

I was feeling the ascending energy of MARS getting ready to shoot himself out of a cannon on the 19th at 6:31 pm PDT. We were quite antsy, grumpy, frustrated for the last day or so.

My daughter was conceived 17 years ago last night. A voice THE VOICE that guides me- said NOW! I knew we had conceived her right away. The interesting thing was I was thinking about dates and star alignments. May 17 is when the SUN CONJUNCTS the PLEIADES every year, its at 28 degrees of TAURUS in Tropical astrology.  My husband and I were very interested in the Pleiades and were reading Barbara Hand Clow’s book when we got together 18 years ago. We got to meet her right as our relationship began in fact. We have always driven SUBARU’s because of the Pleiades. I realized that we had gotten married on AUGUST 17 which is 3 months or 90  degrees in an Astrology chart. The famous “L.” aspect. Our daughter’s astrology chart features 28 degrees of TAURUS on the top of her chart- the M.C. or Medium Coelli/High Noon position.  I just realised this and it blew me away. My son also has CHIRON in his natal chart at 29 degrees Taurus. YEs the UNiverse is always sending us pieces of the puzzle.

Mother Mary and Qwan Yin and her dragon came up in a healing I experienced last month in Sedona while attending Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop- his last one. Dru- as he is known did a group healing. There were 103 people in the room and thousands on line virtually. It was very powerful. 

PAY Attention to what is calling you. A friend of mine called to tell me she was feeling exhausted, she is launching a big project, and she’s been inspired and putting out megawatts of energy. She was wondering if she should cancel her upcoming appearances because she was feeling so exhausted as she felt she had already birthed her baby- the project.. I tuned in that she was still in labour and exhausted from that, her baby was not yet born. If you feel exhausted and stuck,  ask yourself which stage of labour you are at? It is really like giving birth. 

Ponder on this rambling heart-felt offering and tell me what comes up for you.

I pulled a Card from my newly acquired Universal TAROT OF MARSEILLES restored by Alejandro Jodorowsky found at the GOODWILL in Sedona for $3.99 = 21 the UNIVERSE.

Inspirational card of  the day


MASTER of MONEY, the physical world, he is the CEO of the land

He rules the physical body, hard work. He is the keeper of resources, the physical facts baby,

YOU need him to manifest your dreams. He is head honcho of fortunes.

the FIRE OF EARTH- he is Mature Masculine active energy in the feminine earth, He is the progenitor, the sperm, the passion for earth, love of the Great mother in his positive aspect. 

In the ZODIAC – He rules the last decan of LEO and the first two decans of VIRGO from August 11- September 11.

Isn’t that the time  during which I got married? Hmmm….


I am strong and ready to manifest my heart’s desire. I am co-creator of the Divine physical realms. 

I want to connect with all of my readers more closely and intimately.

Sun leaves TAURUS MAY 20 @ 7:59 pm PDT/10:59 pm EDT

WELCOME GEMINI TIME- its two two two SUN’s in one. GEMINI is ruled by the KING OF SWORDS in the Tarot.

AIRY DUAL sign  is always more upbeat, mercurial, magical, childish, easy, LITE, curiouser and curiouser, talkative, dilettantism, quixotic another of my favourite words, immature, indecisive, angel/devilish. 

COME to a 5 day workshop on manifesting your dreams Aug.  3-7 at the beautiful GRAIL SPRINGS SPA in Bancroft Ontario




All writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

get a reading with Tara Greene http://www.taratarot.com




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