Indoo. Wayfinding & space management software, enabling organizations to build an indoor GIS. Learn how ArcGIS Indoors works.
Indoo. Wayfinding & space management software, enabling organizations to build an indoor GIS. Learn how ArcGIS Indoors works.
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Skolkovo Innovation Center will take part in the world’s biggest mobile event - Mobile World Congress, in Barcelona, Spain, on 27 February - 2 March 2017. MWC traditionally brings together industry leaders, visionaries and innovators to explore the trends...
Most of us are aware that our phones contain a GPS (Global Positioning System) chips, but how much can they really track our phones? The NSA assembled a team called Geolocation Cell or Geo Cell, with analysts and technicians from the National Geospatial...
Jasper Wireless M2M LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ILS Technology, a Telit company, and Jasper today announced their expanded collaboration to help mobile operators deploy successful IoT initiatives on the Cloud-based Jasper Platform and...
Market Research HUB – Market Research Company Primary Growth drivers for this market is the reduction in the cost of radio-frequency identification (RFIDs). RFID tags are broadly used across numerous sectors, such as logistics, automotive, construction...
Every business or organization, regardless of size or industry or location, has assets that need to be tracked and managed. Years ago, this was done by sorting through boxes of paper receipts and hand-written into an expense accounting report. Eventually...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
Indoor Mapping, Wayfinding & Space Planning Software | ArcGIS Indoors
ArcGIS Indoors is an indoor mapping, wayfinding & space management software, enabling organizations to build an indoor GIS. Learn how ArcGIS Indoors works.
The SLAM Revolution - Past, Present and Future... -
The SLAM Crowd Engine automatically updates maps by collecting data from phones inside the building, allowing for constant, accurate indoor navigation.
It is SLAM time - The SLAM Engine™ is here -
Mapping a building has never been so easy! The SLAM technology helps set up an Indoor Navigation framework with minimal manual input.
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