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Koran Tempo SELASA, 26 JANUARI 2016

Polri Telusuri Peran Aman Abdurrahman

JAKARTA – Pengusutan teror bom di Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, mengarah ke sosok Aman Abdurrahman. Pendiri jamaah Ansharut Daulah dan sudah berbaiat ke petinggi ISIS itu terendus polisi memiliki hubungan dengan pelaku serangan pada 14 Januari lalu. Polri tengah menelusuri peran Aman Abdurrahman alias Abu Sulaiman, yang kini mendekam di penjara Kembang Kuning, Nusakambangan, Jawa Tengah, tersebut.

Kepala Polri Jenderal Badrodin Haiti mengatakan jaringan teroris di Thamrin ada kaitannya dengan Aman, yang dipenjara karena menyokong pelatihan militer di Pegunungan Jalin Jantho, Aceh Besar, Aceh, pada 2009. Saat ditanya apakah Aman yang memberi perintah serangan di Thamrin, “Aman ini kan amirnya. Amir memberikan tausiyah-tausiyah. Ini pasti mengarah ke sana,” kata Badrodin saat ditemui seusai rapat kerja dengan Komisi Hukum Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat di Jakarta, kemarin.

Sosok yang sebelumnya disebut sebagai dalang bom Thamrin adalah Bahrun Naim dan Bachrumsyah, yang diduga berada di Suriah. Petinggi di Detasemen Khusus 88, seperti dimuat di majalah Tempo edisi 18-24 Januari 2016, menyatakan empat pelaku teror, yakni Dian Joni Kurniadi, Sunakim alias Afif, Muhammad Ali, dan Ahmad Muhazin, menemui Aman di Nusakambangan pada Desember tahun lalu. Kepada keempatnya, Aman menyatakan, “Sekarang waktunya melakukan amaliyah.” Kata amaliyah merupakan istilah untuk melakukan serangan.

Direktur Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian Noor Huda Ismail mengkonfirmasi soal adanya pertemuan Afif dan kawan-kawan dengan Aman. Menurut Huda, sebelum ke Nusakambangan, mereka berkumpul di satu pondok pesantren di Ciamis, Jawa Barat. Afif cs meminta petunjuk apakah sudah waktunya untuk melakukan serangan. Aman, kata Huda, mengiyakan. “Tapi Aman hanya merestui, tidak menentukan target dan waktu serangan. Afif dan temannya yang menentukan sendiri,” kata Huda kepada Tempo, kemarin.

Hingga kemarin, Polri menetapkan 18 tersangka dalam teror Thamrin. Namun Polri belum membuat rencana memeriksa Aman, pria yang diduga sebagai “guru” Afif. “Itu hal teknis. Kami belum bisa mengungkapkan,” kata Kepala Bagian Penerangan Umum Mabes Polri, Komisaris Besar Suharsono. “Jangan tanya-tanya soal itu. Hal teknis banget itu.”

Aman tak bisa dimintai konfirmasi atas sejumlah tudingan keterlibatannya dalam teror yang menewaskan delapan orang dan melukai puluhan orang itu. Berbeda dengan narapidana teroris lainnya yang didampingi Tim Pengacara Muslim, Aman sendiri menghadapi persidangan atas kasusnya. Ketua Tim Pengacara Muslim, Mahendradatta mengatakan Aman memang tak mau didampingi pengacara. “Menurut dia, hukum nasional kita tidak sesuai dengan syariah Islam,” kata Mahendradatta, kemarin.LINDA TRIANITA | DEWI SUCI RAHAYU | AVIT HIDAYAT | ABDUL MANAN

Jejak Abu Sulaiman

Nama aslinya Oman Rachman, tapi lebih akrab dipanggil Abu Sulaiman. Saat menulis kitab atau menerjemahkan karya pemikir Islam, pria kelahiran Cimalaka, Sumedang, 5 Januari 1972, ini menggunakan nama Aman Abdurrahman.


Sebuah ledakan terjadi di rumah kontrakan Aman di Jalan Bakti ABRI Kampung Sindang Rasa, Kelurahan Suka Maju, Cimanggis, Depok, 21 Februari 2004. Aman diadili dan dalam sidang 2 Februari 2005 diganjar hukuman 7 tahun penjara. Ia bebas pada Juni 2008.


Detasemen Khusus 88 menangkap Aman Abdurrahman di Sumedang dengan tuduhan terlibat pelatihan miliar di Pegunungan Jalin Jantho, Aceh Besar, pada 2009. Peran Aman dalam pelatihan tersebut adalah memberikan sumbangan dana sebesar Rp 20 juta dan US$ 100 kepada Dulmatin. Pada 20 Desember 2010, Aman divonis 9 tahun penjara.


Mohamad Syarif, anggota dari kelompok Sigit Qurdowi, melakukan bom bunuh diri di masjid kompleks Polres Kota Cirebon, 15 April 2011. Aman terseret kasus ini karena disebut sebagai pembaiat Syarif.


Pada 16 April 2014, Aman Abdurrahman berbaiat secara online kepada pemimpin ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Dalam pernyataannya Aman mengatakan, “Ini adalah dari saudara-saudaramu dan pengikut setiamu, yang mengumumkan kesetiaan dan janji untuk Amir kami, Amirul Mukminin Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi….


Terjadi penembakan dan pengeboman di Jalan Thamrin, Jakarta, yang dilakukan oleh Dian Joni Kurniadi, Sunakim alias Afif, Muhammad Ali, dan Ahmad Muhazin. Aman kembali terseret karena Afif diketahui sebagai “murid”-nya dan sempat meminta “restu” sebelum melakukan serangan.BAHAN: DIOLAH MANAN DAN EVAN/PDAT, DARI TEMPO, MILLAHIBRAHIM. WORDPRESS.COM, INSTITUTE FOR POLICY ANALYSIS OF CONFLICT, ILUSTRASI: IMAM YUNNI


The Jakarta Post

The rise of Aman Abdurrahman,

IS master ideologue

Rendi A. Witular, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Headlines | Mon, January 25 2016, 6:27 PM

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Unlike his contemporaries, cleric and terrorist convict Aman Abdurrahman has never seen war. He never fights along his fellow jihadists in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria or in any domestic sectarian conflict.

But Aman’s preaching is so contagious that Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, the elder statesman of the regional terrorism network, has succumbed to his doctrine and authority.

Aman’s notoriety was recently extended with the alleged involvement of his followers in an attack targeting police and foreigners in a Central Jakarta district packed with shopping centers, embassies, the UN headquarters and government offices on Jan. 14. The attack killed four civilians and four perpetrators.

Bahrun Naim, who is suspected by the police to have orchestrated the attack and has been in Raqqa, Syria, with the Islamic State (IS) movement since early 2015, was a member of Aman’s prayer community before leaving Indonesia.

Afif, also known as Sunakim, identified on the day of the attack wearing a DJ Tiesto shirt, shared Aman’s ideology as he joined Aman’s terrorist training camp in Aceh in 2010, as well as his prayer community.

“The perpetrators shared a similar doctrine that has been widely preached by Aman,” National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Anton Charliyan said recently.

While the police have not uncovered any evidence to suggest that Aman orchestrated the attack, many in the intelligence community have pointed to Aman’s proliferating doctrine and his ability to win over many influential figures in the terror network as invigorating for the terrorism movement.

It was not until the establishment of IS in 2013 that Aman and his takfiri doctrine (an offshoot of fundamentalist Salafism that accuses other Muslims of apostasy, and therefore liable to be killed) gained ground in the domestic violent jihad community long dominated by al-Qaeda’s Salafism doctrine.

Takfiri is the prime doctrine of IS, a terrorist organization that has occupied territory in Syria and Iraq in its quest to repeat the glory of the Islamic caliphates.

Introduced by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 2001, takfiri is represented by his group Tawhid wal-Jihad, and was quickly adopted by Aman for distribution in Indonesia through Aman’s version of Tawhid wal-Jihad.

Unlike Ba’asyir’s al-Qaeda splinter, Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), which focused its attacks primarily on Western interests, Aman and his followers have declared war on anyone, including fellow Muslims, who refuse to follow their doctrine.

However, Aman’s track record during Ba’asyir’s heyday between 2000 and 2011 was not as impressive as his JI fellows.

Aman was sentenced in 2004 to seven years in prison for a failed terror plot. The bomb, prepared by his group, was prematurely detonated in the terrorists’ hiding spot in Cimanggis, Depok, West Java.

During his time in prison, Aman met with Ba’asyir, who spent time in prison for terrorism between 2005 and 2006. In 2008, Aman was released after receiving remissions for good behavior.

Soon after his release, Aman collaborated with Ba’asyir to form a joint terrorism training camp in Aceh in 2010 that united the different factions of terrorism groups. Due to the Aceh camp incident, Aman and Ba’asyir received nine and 15 years in prison, respectively, and are now detained in a supposedly maximum-security prison on Nusakambangan, an island off the shores of Cilacap, Central Java.

But while Aman is kept behind bars, the police have accused his followers of involvement in several terror plots, including a suicide bombing at a mosque inside a police headquarters in Cirebon, West Java, that only claimed the life of the perpetrator in 2011.

His doctrine is also blamed for a string of attacks that killed several police officers, including one in Pamulang, South Tangerang, Banten, in 2013.

When IS was declared in 2013, Aman used his flare to lure others into joining his group, particularly JI hard-liners who longed for action at a time when Ba’asyir’s influence was waning.

Encouraged by Aman, Ba’asyir agreed to pledge his allegiance to IS in mid-2014, enraging his own family and loyalists who had long provided support to al-Qaeda splinter faction Jabhat al-Nusra in its fight against Syrian government forces.

“Aman is IS’ master ideologue in Indonesia. He has long preached the takfiridoctrine, and IS has served his cause,” former National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) chairman Ansyaad Mbai said recently.

“He can easily lure people into his influence through his eloquence in preaching. Many extremists have high respect for Aman for his extensive knowledge of the religion as his fluency in Arabic is unrivaled by his peers,” he said.

After the merger of many terrorist factions into Tawhid wal-Jihad, Aman renamed his organization Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) to propagate IS ideology and recruitment in Indonesia.

Through his group, Aman manages his followers, conducts recruitment for IS and spreads IS propaganda behind bars.

Aman, also known as Oman Rochman, is among the few individuals in Indonesia trusted by the IS hierarchy, with their recommendations and schemes considered sufficient without additional references from IS headquarters, according to research by the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC).

According to the National Police, Aman’s JAD has produced four prominent figures: Santoso, a former JI member who leads the Eastern Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) in an insurgency movement in Poso, Central Sulawesi; Bachrumsyah, commander of the Western Indonesia Mujahidin (MIB), who has joined IS in Syria but still has pools of followers in Greater Jakarta; Bahrum Naim, the recent attack orchestrator; and Salim Mubarak At Tamimi, known also as Abu Jandal, who has also joined IS in Syria.

The police suspect Bachrumsyah, Bahrum and Abu Jandal of collaborating from Syria to direct more attacks in Indonesia through their followers.

Bachrumsyah, a dropout communications student from the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah in South Tangerang, Banten, is among Aman’s staunchest disciples recruited through his prayer community in Pamulang.

In July 2014, Bachrumsyah uploaded a video to YouTube inciting Indonesians to join IS.

Similar to Bachrumsyah, Bahrum was also recruited by Aman through his prayer community in Bandung, West Java, between 2008 and 2010. According to the National Police, Bahrum often visited Aman in Nusakambangan to hear him preach.

Born in Sumedang, West Java, on Jan. 5, 1972, Aman was mostly educated in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren). He earned a Bachelor’s degree from the Islamic and Arabic College of Indonesia (LIPIA) in Jakarta after seven years of study.

The college is a branch of the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh.

After graduating, he served as a lecturer and preacher at the campus and at other education institutions in Jakarta, Bogor and Bandung, West Java. However, he was dismissed in early 2000 for his radical adoption of the takfiridoctrine.

With Aman’s doctrine proven to be contagious and detrimental, as evidenced by the Jan. 14 attack, the prison authority has finally confined Aman into an isolation cell on Nusakambangan.

Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Tito Karnavian recently acknowledged the extent of threat that the takfiri doctrine will pose in encouraging future attacks, and the need for the public to become more aware of such teachings.

“The movement is more dangerous than those inspired by al-Qaeda. The takfiridoctrine means that everyone is permitted to be killed whereas, al-Qaeda prioritizes attacks on Western symbols,” said Tito, who has been handling Aman’s cases since 2003.


– See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/01/25/the-rise-aman-abdurrahman-is-master-ideologue.html#sthash.zzN0ZEQA.dpuf

Filed under: Intelijen-Terorisme

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