In case you missed it, the Kepler X-47 screening at Comic-Con International's film festival is FREE, and you do not need a badge to attend (however, you won't get admission to other Comic-Con events). Kepler X-47 screens this Thu. July 9 at 7:35pm, at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, Grand Ballroom D. If you're in the San Diego area, definitely take some friends and family along to watch the film, the Q&A, and grab some drinks with us afterwards (place TBD).
One of the first things I did after switching careers and moving to Los Angeles was take a directing class at UCLA extension, "Directing Workshop I," to test the waters and see how much I would like making films. I met a talented filmmaker, Nathalie Sejean, one of the few women directing students in the class, who also happened to share an interest in science fiction. Since then, she's made more films and created a fantastic website and resource for independent storytellers, Mentorless, which I regularly follow. I recently had the opportunity to guest blog for Mentorless and wrote an article with tips on how to work with VFX, "How to Deal with VFX on an Indie Film: 12 Tips to Stop Worrying and Save Your Time, Money and Sanity." Read up on what to do and what not to do.
***Reminder: For those of you who donated at the Human Zoo Exhibit level and above, I need your addresses in order to fulfill snail mail rewards.***
Finally, SciFiNow Magazine featured the Kepler X-47 trailer on their website, which I'm geeking out about. Read the article here.
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