Hi and good evening,
My name is Tony and I’m from Panama City Beach, Florida home of the most beautiful beaches.
I started the saltwater aquarium for my 27th birthday after my uncle purchased me a nano tank. I was very intrigued by the vast color of the Clownfish and how goofy it was. I was very inexperienced and my clown later died. I was hurt and I didn’t know what I did wrong. I started reading and watching a lot of videos from BulkReefSupply and later found out what my mistakes were and how to resolve them. I later started a 55 Gallon Tank and had much success with it. The equipment I used:
36in Current orbit Marine
55lbs of Live rock
2in Sand Bed
2 Hydor Koralia with Wave Controller
2 Marineland MaxiJet 650
Coralife Protein Skimmer 65G
Marineland C360 Canister Filter
Had 2 Saddleback Clowns
Black Bar Chromis
They all were doing very well until I wanted to add more sand and made an amateur mistake and added it directly to tank without letting it cycle for a bit. It created very high ammonia levels and killed all my inhabitants. At this point I wanted to give up. But I didn’t because I loved this hobby so much and failure was not an option.
I then setup a 55 Gallon Long Tank
48in Current Obit Marine
55lbs Live Rock
Jebao WP-25 Wave Controller Pump
2 MarineLand MaxiJet 650 Pump
Coralife Protein Skimmer 65G
2 Marineland C360 Canister Filters (OVER Kill I Know)
Hydor Inline heater
AquaTop In-Line UV Sterilizer 10W - IL10UV
100+ Snails & Hermits Crabs
Yellow Tang-
2 FireFish Gobies
Orange Skunk Clown
Jewel Damsel ( Removing-aggressive)
Jasmine Polyps
Star Polyps
Green Recordia
2 Cleaner Shrimps
4 Cleaner Clams
So far been very successful with this tank as it has been up for almost a year in July! Yay!
YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBL_t_RBw9UNF9mK3ttpz7w
Few of my videos are amateur and only did them to build my confidence up due to me being camera shy. They are by no means successful.
Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/SWRTHobbyistAndSupportCampaign?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
FundRaiser Page: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/first-time-saltwater-hobbyists-potential-biologist--2/x/10692130