
Hi Everyone and Happy Friday! It's been a very busy week at MIT Cables!

I have just received this update from Kent Loughlin, VP- MIT Cables regarding the status of all Vero shipments:

Dear Vero Backers: Thank you once again for your investment of money, and more importantly,  the investment of patience and support for a great idea from your friends at MIT! We love you for this!


You put your money where your interests lie and we are honored and thrilled to be part of this experience of personal audio enjoyment and fulfillment. Early reviews are in and we have a winning product we will take to the world market in 2016. When it hits, it will be because of your support. Thank You!!!!

With this post, I am delighted to say we have reached the "home stretch" and Vero is flying out the doors right now, on their way to every Vero backer that has an order in the queue. It is anticipated by Monday December 7th we will have shipped every verified order! USPS tracking confirmations will follow on December 8th and 9th.

NOTE: If you have not received contact or confirmation of shipment by December 10th please call, 916-625-0129; do not write. Most likely you are not receiving your email confirmations from MIT. Please check your spam filter first.

Once you receive your Vero Cable, and have had some listening experience, we would really like to get your feedback on your first impressions and ask that you post this information on our forum. We would love to know how Vero is improving your system.

Very soon, we will let you know about our upcoming project, our Vero Headphone Amplifier, which had its debut at RMAF 2015 last October. The hallmark of the new Vero Amp is less noise and a lot more musical pleasure. We know you’re going to love it!

Again, thank you for your continued support and patience. We know you are going to be thrilled with your Vero products!

Sincerely, Kent Loughlin, VP MIT Cables

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