
Trey Gowdy is one of the premier legal minds in America and no one is better at smacking down liberals. Yesterday, the 9th Circuit Court struck down President Trump’s constitutional temporary ban of refugees from seven Middle Eastern countries. This is a set back for Trump, but not one he can’t overcome. He will either take this all the way to the Supreme Court or rescind and reissue the executive order in another form. The game is afoot and Trump doesn’t lose.

The rulings of the 9th Circuit Court are reversed a staggering 80% of the time. What they did to President Trump’s executive order is totally unconstitutional and will not stand. It was a purely political decision using ‘due process’ as a shield that won’t hold up. Trump is well within his presidential powers to ban refugees coming into the US… just like Obama, Bush, Clinton and Reagan all have done. Refugees and immigrants that are not citizens, do not have constitutional rights in this country. For the left to claim they do is revisionist and shows how little they understand and care for the Constitution and the rule of law.

From Gowdy.House.Gov:

“No one familiar with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals should be surprised at today’s ruling. The 9th Circuit has a well-earned reputation for being presumptively reversible. Unlike the district court order, there is at least a court opinion which can be evaluated.

Of particular interest is the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals’ suggestion that even those unlawfully present in the country have certain due process rights with respect to immigration. The Court cites Zadvydas v. Davis, 533 U.S. 678, 695 (2001) for the proposition that even aliens who have committed and been convicted of certain crimes while in the U.S. unlawfully may have due process rights with respect to travel to or from the United States. In addition, the Court ventures curiously into its own role in reviewing a President’s national security conclusions.

Legal permanent residents, non-citizens with current valid visas, non-citizens with expired visas (which were once valid), aliens with no legal standing, aliens who have committed a crime but have not yet been deported and aliens who are not even present in the United States but seek to come are just a few of the categories the Supreme Court will need to determine what process is due, if any. It seems clear to most of us – not on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals – there is no right to come to this country for non-citizens of the United States. It also seems clear judges are neither in a position, practically or jurisprudentially, to second guess national security determinations made by the Commander in Chief. There is a reason we elect the Commander in Chief and do not elect federal judges.

For those, like Alexander Hamilton, who once or now wondered if the Judicial Branch would be too weak. Wonder no more.”

No one has a ‘right’ to come to this country… period. Judges should not have the right to question a presidential mandate like this in regards to national security. Trey Gowdy nailed it in his statement as only he can. Gowdy, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations, is renowned for his rapier-like wit when issuing criticism. And it was in no short supply in his Thursday statement on the matter.

Gowdy’s final line above is gold. We now have rogue judges trying to rule the country. Just who is in charge anymore?

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