
After several months and several beta versions, Apple released the final version of iOS 10.1 this morning. As expected, iOS 10.1 brings the highly-anticipated “Portrait” mode to users of the iPhone 7 Plus. In addition to the Portrait mode, however, iOS 10.1 also brings a number of new features and bug fixes to users with compatible iOS devices.

The “Portrait” mode for the iPhone 7 Plus, first introduced at the September iPhone 7 and 7 Plus release event, utilizes the phone’s double-lens camera to allow users to shoot photos with a “shallow depth of field”. The effect is known as a “bokeh” and is typically only found on high-end cameras; it captures a subject (typically a person, hence “portrait”) in incredible clarity, while the objects in the background are beautifully blurred. Users shooting in Portrait mode can even see a live preview of the effect on the display of the smartphone – a feature that isn’t even typically found in high-end DSLR cameras.

In addition to the Portrait mode, users can enjoy a number of new features, such as the display of wide color gamut photos in the grid views of the Photos app, Transit support in the Maps app for Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya, the option to replay bubble and full screen effects in Messages, and more. Several previous issues have been fixed in the OS release, as well – most notably, a fix for a Bluetooth connectivity issue with third party devices. Several issues with the Messages app that have been plaguing some users, including opening to a white screen or sent videos being stripped of their audio have also been addressed. Previous issues found in Safari, Mail, and certain widgets have also been fixed.

iOS 10.1 is available on the iPhone 5 and later, iPad mini 2 and later, 4th generation iPad and later, and 6th generation iPod Touch. To manually update to iOS 10.1, visit Software Update in the Settings app, and tap install. It’s always recommended to backup your phone before installing a new OS, as well as to plug your phone into a wall charger and ensure you’re connected to Wi-Fi so as not to incur any data charges.

Featured Image: BGR.com

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