
Each week I read a number of customer service articles from various online resources. Here are my top five picks from last week. I have added my comment about each article and would like to hear what you think too.

11 Reasons Why Customer Advocacy is the Bedrock of Your Business by Robbie Richards

(JitBit) In this post, we’ll be discussing the importance of customer advocacy and why you must get on board, or else risk weakening the bedrock of your business.

My Comment: Customer advocacy is powerful. Customers who are willing to recommend you to their friends and colleagues are your best marketing. This article has eleven “data drive” reasons customer advocacy is important and seven tips on how to increase advocacy. There is something here for everyone.

How to Build Trust with Internal Customers by Elaine Fogel

(Elaine Fogel) Whether your business or organization has one or a hundred employees, it’s important to honor them, treat them with respect, and turn them into your best brand ambassadors. And, it doesn’t have to cost a lot to accomplish this!

My Comment: Too many times a company (and employees of the company) focus on the outside customer and forget about the internal customer. The best companies know better. This excellent article on internal customer service shares seven ways to build trust with your employees. Trust is a big part of what customer service is all about.

Jay Baer’s Top 3 Tips for Acing Customer Service in the Age of Social Media by Matt Hunkler

(Forbes) If you follow the best practices in digital marketing or customer service, then there’s a good chance you’ve come across a blog named Convince & Convert and have heard of Jay Baer.

My Comment: My friend and colleague Jay Baer, author of Hug Your Haters, is an expert on social media and customer service. The author of this article, Matt Hunkler, reports on three of Jay’s thoughts regarding social customer care. This is important information that everyone should pay attention to: Answer negative reviews, embrace criticism and care about all of your customers.

There is One Quality that Builds Loyalty and Trust by Renuka Rayasam

(BBC Capital) Businesses often use sales numbers or other figures to gauge how well they are doing. Or track other results, like competence, in order to measure employee performance. But when it comes to building trust with customers and within teams, it turns out that warmth is a key element to success. But how exactly do you measure something so seemingly abstract? Especially as warmth might look different to different people?

My Comment: According to this article, there is one quality that will help build trust and loyalty with your customers more than any other. That is “warmth.” It is the “warm feeling” that the customer has when they do business with you. That feeling primarily comes from the people who engage directly with the customer. This article not only shares why this works, but also backs it up with some stats and facts.

A look ahead: How artificial intelligence (AI) will affect customer service by Alexander Huls

(Telus) For most of its 60-year history, the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) has been limited to science fiction movies.

My Comment: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in the customer service world. Can a machine learn enough about a customer – and communicate with a customer – better than a human? One of the important points of this article is that AI is enhancing human to human interactions, not replacing them. The author even shared one of my comments in the article. The article is short and to the point, with some insights that should help you understand and embrace how AI will support customer service.

Shep Hyken is a customer service expert, professional speaker and New York Times bestselling business author. For information contact or www.hyken.com. For information on The Customer Focus™ customer service training programs go to www.thecustomerfocus.com. Follow on Twitter: @Hyken


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