
Updated: Updated list of data tools for child health.

This resource is in development and will be added to over time, so please let us know if you do not find the information you need or if you would like to give feedback.

About this resource

What it does

Public Health England (PHE) provides many high quality data and analysis tools and resources for public health professionals. The PHE data and knowledge gateway provides direct access to these resources.

Who it is for

The resources help local government and health service professionals make decisions and plans to improve people’s health and reduce inequalities in their area. They can be used by anyone with an interest in understanding the health of the population and how it varies across the country.

Restricted access content

You don’t need to login to access most tools. However, some tools require eligible users to register and login, to protect certain types of data. Information about how to register will be available on the individual resource web page.

Types of content

The resources cover a wide range of public health areas, including:

specific health conditions – such as cancer, mental health, cardiovascular disease

lifestyle risk factors – such as smoking, alcohol and obesity

wider determinants of health – such as environment, housing and deprivation

health protection, and differences between population groups, including adults, older people, and children.

The tools were produced by organisations that are now part of PHE, including public health observatories, the Health Protection Agency, cancer registries, UK screening programmes and the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse.

Future plans

This resource links to the content on these former organisations’ websites. This will be added to over time to cover a wider range of tool types and topics.

Longer term, the plan is to bring all the data and analytical content from these websites together.

Getting help

Use the help and guidance provided within each specific tool. If you have questions about a specific tool, please use the contact details on the website for that tool.

A to Z list

View an alphabetical list of the data and analysis tools.


Cancer commissioning toolkit (login or registration required)

Cancer e-atlas

Cancer mortality profiles

Cancer patient experience

Cascade (The UKCIS replacement) (login or registration required)

GP practice profiles

Gynaecological cancer hub

Gynaecological cancer profiles

Head and neck cancer e-atlas (profiles)

Head and neck cancer e-atlas (resources)

Head and neck cancer hub

National cancer intelligence network

PCT profiles

Prevalence e-atlas

Service profiles

Skin cancer hub

Skin cancer profiles

Thirty day postoperative mortality after colorectal cancer surgery in England

UK cancer information service (UKCIS) (login or registration required)

Urological cancer hub

Urological cancer profiles

Child and maternal health

Breastfeeding profiles

Child health profiles

Children and young people’s health benchmarking tool

Children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing (CYPMHW) profiling tool

Comprehensive CAMHS integrated workforce planning tool (login or registration required)

Data atlas: children, young people and maternity

Disease management information tool (DMIT): children (now part of the Improving Services Toolkit: children with long-term conditions) login or registration required

Early years profiles

Health behaviours in young people: what about YOUth?

Improving services toolkit:children with long-term conditions; children who are ill login or registration required

Infant mortality profiles

JSNA navigator: children and young people

Key data on adolescence by Association for Young People’s Health

Knowledge hub: children and young people’s maternal health

National child and maternal health intelligence network

Needs assessment reports: CAMHS, children with disabilities, continence in children, maternity, mental health in pregnancy, the postnatal period and babies and toddlers, speech and language

NHS atlas for variation in healthcare for children and young people

Outcomes versus expenditure tools: CAMHS, child health maternity and newborn (login or registration required)

PREview planning resources: early years

School age children profiles

Service snapshots : CAMHS, disability, infant mortality, maternity, obesity, teenage pregnancy and vaccination and immunisation

Tools and data directory: child and maternal health

Topical reports: early years, key risk factors indicating harm or poorer developmental outcomes in children, reducing unintentional injuries, school-age children, youth justice

Youth justice health and wellbeing needs assessment toolkik

Youth justice and liaison toolkit

Young people’s profiles

Comparison, practice and performance

Atlas of variation in healthcare 2015

Commissioning for value packs

National general practice profiles

Public health outcomes framework

Spend and outcomes tool

Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) (login or registration required)

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco

Alcohol learning centre data tools

Co existing substance misuse and mental health issues

Drug and alcohol monitoring system (DAMS) (login or registration required)

Healthier lives: drugs and alcohol

Information on drug and alcohol treatments (NDTMS)

Liver disease profiles

Local alcohol profiles for England (LAPE)

Local tobacco control profiles for England

End of life care

End of life care profiles

End of life care quality assessment tool (ELCQuA) (login or registration required)

National end of life care intelligence network

General health profiles

European health profile tool

European regional health profiles (I2SARE)

Global Burden of Disease study for England compare tool

Health profiles

Local health (neighbourhood) profiles

Small area indicators for joint strategic needs assessment

Health impact assessment

Health impact assessment (HIA)

Health inequalities

Health inequalities gap measuring tool

Health inequalities intervention toolkit

Health inequities indicators

Infant mortality tool (part of the health inequalities intervention toolkit

Life expectancy calculator: local authority and ward level

Longer lives

Marmot indicators for local authorities in England

Potential Years of Life Lost Tool

Segment tool: segmenting life expectancy gaps by cause of death

Health protection

Health protection profile

Injuries and violence

Injury profiles for England

Learning disabilities

Improving health and lives: learning disabilities

Learning disabilities profiles

Long term conditions

Cardiovascular disease profiles

Children and young people diabetes community health profiles

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence model

Diabetes community health profiles

Diabetes footcare activities profiles

Diabetes outcomes verses expenditure tool (DOVE)

Diabetes prevalence model for local authorities in England

Disease prevalence models

Healthier lives:diabetes, hypertension and NHS Health Check

Interactive health atlas for lung conditions in England (INHALE)

Mortality among inpatients with diabetes: profiles

National cardiovascular intelligence network

National diabetes information network

Outcomes verses expenditure tool: cardiovascular

Variation in inpatient activity: diabetes

Mental health

Children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing (CYPMHW) tool

Co existing mental health and substance misuse issues

Common mental health disorders profiles

Community mental health profiles

Mental health dementia and neurology profiles

National mental health, dementia and neurology intelligence network

Neurology profiles

Severe mental illness profiles

Suicide prevention profile

Obesity, diet and physical activity

Adult obesity maps

High impact of physical inactivity (HIPI) tool

Local authority child obesity data tool

Obesity data and tools

Obesity knowledge and intelligence

Obesity tool for local authorities

Standard evaluation frameworks


Population screening programmes: legacy screening portal for extranet (login or registration required)

Population screening programmes: quality assurance

Sexual health

Sexual and reproductive health profiles

HIV and STI web portal

Social care, adults and older people

Excessive winter deaths (EWD) in England atlas

The older people’s health and wellbeing atlas

Contact us

Please send your feedback about these data and analysis tools to datagateway@phe.gov.uk.

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