Hoyden About Town. Laughs, science, progressive politics and foiling diabolical masterminds.
Hoyden About Town. Laughs, science, progressive politics and foiling diabolical masterminds.
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BY Mathews George Chunakara :: When the terminology “geopolitics” was coined at the dawn of the 19th century by the Swedish political scientist Rudolph Kjellén, it epitomised an organic conception of great power rivalry and expansion...
See also: o6-20-16 Cobra Interview 05-26-16 Cobra Interview 05-03-16 Cobra Interview 3-2016 Cobra Interview 10 – 2015 Cobra Interview 8 – 2015 Cobra Interview 2 – 2015 Cobra Interview Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact...
NOVANEWS The Specter of Authoritarianism and the Future of the Left by C.J. POLYCHRONIOU 1. It is widely believed that the advanced liberal societies are suffering a crisis of democracy, a view you share wholeheartedly, although the empirical research...
Originally posted to It’s Going Down we are not activists. we are pissed off. there is a difference. — LA ONDA (@QueOndaLA) January 29, 2016 Everyday seems to bring a new travesty. A new crisis. A new fear. Every bit of news we get seems to herald...
It’s a mixed and confused world. But its problems don’t change – they just take new forms. Three decades ago, with the end of the Cold War and the dismantling of the South American dictatorships, many hoped that the much talked about ‘peace dividend...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
The Wrong Conversation? No, Doctors Don’t Need to Mention Weight Loss More – Hoyden About Town
An article has appeared in today's Conversation suggesting that doctors need training to feel confident in bringing up their patients' "excess weight", so they can broach the topic more, including wit...
The Hoydens blog on life, laughs, science, progressive politics and foiling diabolical masterminds.
Contraception in the media – Hoyden About Town
Media articles on contraception surveys and how silly teh wimminz are pretty much always bother me. For a whole variety of reasons. Here's one of them. There is so much elided, left out, glossed over,...
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