
Based on the editors’ long time research and experience with the two companies, this Lunarpages vs InMotion comparison is made to help you thoroughly review the reputation, price, feature, uptime, speed, and support of their shared hosting services.

Before entering into more comparison details, we would like to present you the following rating table to gain a generalized understanding of multiple common aspects of the two companies’ hosting packages.







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Lunarpages Review

InMotion Review

About Lunarpages and InMotion

Lunarpages, founded in 1998, is a company providing IT solutions along with web hosting services targeted mainly towards enterprise-level users. Having set foot extensive hosting services, the company used to be a popular web host in the whole field. However, in recent years, it has been losing the market share for multiple reasons that we will detail in sections below.

By contrast, InMotion has maintained a good reputation since its inception in 2001. Topping the list of most well-known hosting review sites and communities, this company is offering multiple high-quality shared hosting plans to meet the needs of individuals and small-to-medium sized businesses. It now has 200+ staff dedicated to serving millions of users on a global scale.

Hosting Package & Price

Lunarpages shared hosting services start at $4.95/mo, which is reasonable at first sight compared with the industry average $4/mo. However, this cheapest price applies to 5-year billing terms only. If you want to sign a shorter contract with the company, you need to pay a fairly higher price that is up to $10.95/mo to get your hosting journeys started.

Besides, there are many hidden fees with Lunarpages, making its hosting services by no means budget-friendly. For example, if you selected a 3-month or 6-month billing cycle, you need to pay another $30 setup fees. Moreover, while many other web hosts provide cPanel for free, you need to pay $2/mo for using this control panel with the company.

The hosting services of InMotion, on the other side, are affordable for almost all-level users. This company has three plans named as Launch, Power, and Pro. In regular cases, InMotion prices these plans from $7.99/mo to $15.99/mo.

But now, it is running a sales campaign, providing an up to 56% discount for users to access the plans at $3.49/mo, $4.49/mo, and $7.49/mo via this exclusive promotional link. Check the following table for more detailed information about the prices and discounts of InMotion three hosting plans.





Regular Price





56% off

55% off

53% off

Effective Price




How to Claim

Link Activation

Link Activation

Link Activation

InMotion Promotional Link Activation

Money Back Guarantee

As many other web hosts do, Lunarpages provides a 30-day money back guarantee for users to ask for a refund if they are not satisfied with its hosting services. InMotion, however, lengthens the specified period to 90 days.

Frankly speaking, InMotion money back guarantee is one of the longest among the companies we have reviewed in the past years, making it possible for users to try out the hosting services in a worry and risk free manner.

Feature Offerings

Taken as a whole, the features available with InMotion are richer than that of Lunarpages. To illustrate this point more clearly, we have made a comparison table as below to display some of their feature offerings. What worth mentioning is that the prices for the selected plans are valid to 2-year billing terms.


Plan in Comparison

Basic Shared Hosting


Domain Allowed



Disk Storage



Monthly Transfer



Email Accounts



MySQL Databases




SSH Access

Marketing Credits







Not Recommended


By the table above, it is true that Lunarpages seems to allow much more server resources than InMotion. However, as it is widely known that with a shared hosting solution, you cannot expect anything like unlimited resources because you have to share a single server with other users.

In this case, what Lunarpages has promised is only a sweet promise. The storage, bandwidth, domains, etc that you can access are quite finite in the real practice. As for InMotion, this company is straight with its allocation of resources, making the information in the table more reliable.

Besides specifying the available server resources, InMotion is also easy to use and includes its hosting plans with multiple freebies, making the services much more cost-effective than that of Lunarpages.

Ease of use – While Lunarpages provides a nameless web-based control panel, InMotion offers users with the highly reputable cPanel control panel for managing websites with ease. Also, it integrates the control panel with a 1-click installer to help users install 310+ open-source applications within few clicks.

Free extras – InMotion includes a series of freebies within each of its hosting plans, such as free site transfer services, free site building tools, and so on. Lunarpages, however, lacks many of these offerings.

Uptime & Speed

Lunarpages promises to ensure users’ websites running in a stable and fast environment. In order to guarantee the best performance, as it has claimed, the company utilizes multiple data centers that feature the most standard configurations, including redundant UPSs, 24x7x365 monitoring, advanced security systems, and many more.

Since May 2015, we have hosted a sample WordPress site with Lunarpages to check whether it is reliable or not. According to the monitoring results, the company has barely delivered a 99.90% uptime in the previous month.

Wildly known as one of the most reliable web hosts, InMotion has made constant efforts to grant users with excellent uptime and speed. It utilizes two world-class data centers on the West Coast and East Cost of US. Also, it takes advantage of high-performance Dell servers and advanced technologies like BGP4 network to commit an average of 100% uptime in the real world.

Besides maintaining a better uptime record, InMotion also wins over Lunarpages in regard to the loading speed. As you can check in the chart below, this company is up to 252% faster than its opponent, taking only 237ms for the response to each server request. Technically speaking, InMotion server response time is quite extraordinary in the entire field.

Technical Support

It goes beyond saying that almost all users will encounter some unexpected problems during their hosting journeys. In this case, the quality of technical support plays a critical role in the overall hosting services.

To render users with convenient communication, both Lunarpages and InMotion provides a toll-free telephone, live chat, email, and ticket system for users choose based on their preference and needs. In addition, they offer a forum and multiple social media for users to share ideas and exchange experience.

When compared more extensively, however, we’ve found some limitation in Lunarpages technical support, making its hosting services again less competitive to that of InMotion. For example, its support staff, as many webmasters have reported, are not responsive and efficient, taking a long time to get a simple issue fixed.

Summary – InMotion Is the Better Choice

From what we have explored in this Lunarpages vs InMotion comparison, InMotion is beyond no doubt the better choice for shared hosting. Besides providing a huge list of features, the company also guarantees excellent performance along with responsive technical support for you to get quality services at a small cost.

The post Lunarpages VS InMotion on Shared Web Hosting appeared first on HowsHost.

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