There are many reasons for you to add a special donate button on your website. For instance, if your site is for a non-profit or charity organization, you can use this button to raise funds for your projects. In addition, if you offer some products or tools on your site that can deal with the issues of your readers effectively, this great button can be used for money making. To be frank, having a donate button showcased has become a hot practice for most webmasters.
In this case, if you are looking to add one but do not know how to do, you can have a look at the following simple guide about how to add a donate button in WordPress.
Install and Configure the Give Plugin
In fact, there are a large number of donate plugins available, but few of them can ensure the same level of functionality and ease of use as the Give plugin for accepting the donation. With this robust tool, you can enjoy a long list of features that help you raise more funds with much ease, such as the allowance for multi-level donations, easy customization for design and enhancement of functions, multiple payment channels, default reporting and many more.
As compared with some other donate plugins we have used, this one has a wide range of configuration options to give you the full control over the donation. Let’s figure out some essential aspects in the following.
If you have already installed and activated this plugin on your site, now, you can find a Donation tab in your WordPress admin. Here, you simply need to click it, and then, press the Settings button for further configurations.
General Settings
For the general settings, you firstly need to publish three new webpages and assign them as the Donation Success Page, Donation History Page and Failed Transaction Page. To ensure the proper working of the first two pages, you need to insert the shortcodes of [give_receipt] and [donation_history] into them respectively.
After that, you need to choose your base country and currency based on the real situation. If it is needed, you can also decide the currency position, thousands separator and decimal separator.
Payment Gateways
This plugin allows three payment gateways that include PayPal, Test Payment and Offline Donation. PayPal is one of the most popular payment methods right now. The Test Payment actually does not ask for any payment information, but can be used to check some fake credit cards effectively. The Offline Donation is for things like cash envelope or checks. Personally, we recommend you to enable all of these gateways for the ultimate donation convenience and choose one of them as the default gateway.
If you enable the PayPal payment, you need to enter your PayPal email, choose the page style if needed, pick up the transaction type of Donation and determine whether to stop the IPN verification process.
In addition, if you enable the Offline Donation, you should modify the email template sent to your donors about how to finish the donation process.
When people donate to you successfully, you need to give them a donation receipt. This plugin already gives a default email template that contains the suitable information to show your appreciation. What you need to do is to upload the logo of your site or your organization, confirm the “from name” and “from email” and modify the messages based on your needs. Even, you can preview the email template to check the final result or to send a test email.
These three parts are the most essential configurations you need to set up. As for the Display Options, Advanced and API, you can leave them as default if you do not have some special requirements.
Create the Donate Button
Now, you need to click the Add Form button for the creation of donate button. Firstly, you need to give it a name. The name will not be displayed on the front-end of your webpage but can give you the management convenience if you have multiple buttons created. After that, you can finish the below steps to create a donate button the way you want.
Donation Options
This plugin allows you to set up either the pre-determined single-level donation or the multi-level donation that helps you add different levels with the custom donation purposes and amounts.
Donate Button Display
If you choose the multi-level donation, you can pick the display styles among the options of Buttons, Radios and Dropdown.
After that, you can decide whether to enable people to input their custom donation amount, along with the minimum amount. Personally, we highly recommend you to do so.
In addition, you can set up a donation goal you want to achieve, and choose the color for the progress bar for completing this goal.
Donation Content
It is possible that you want to say something for this donation activity. If yes, you can choose to showcase the content below or above the donation button. Also, there will be a WYSIWYG editor appearing for you to enter the words.
Showcase Options
From this part, you need to decide how to showcase the payment methods for this donate button, what needs to be entered into the button label for finishing the donation and whether to enable the floating labels.
In addition, you should determine whether to allow the guest donation or only allow the registered people to click the donate button. Even, you can showcase the special Terms and Conditions for your donation and require people to check the agreement box for making a donation.
Display the Donate Button
Now, you can publish this button. After that, this plugin will generate an exclusive shortcode. You simply need to open the editing screen of your target page for showing this button and paste this shortcode. Or, you can click the Give Shortcodes button in the Visual Editor and choose the right donate button for inserting.
In the following, we’d like to show two samples for the single donate button and the multi-level donate button.
Single Donate Button
Multi-Level Donate Button
The post How to Add a Donate Button in WordPress appeared first on HowsHost.