
An American homestead in winter is an opportunity to do amazing indoor projects. So, without any further ado, here’re 20 indoor projects to make the most of your winter time!

Awesome American Homestead In Winter Indoor Projects

The days are getting shorter and the air gets a little more chilly, but a homesteader’s work never stops. Fortunately, there are lots of productive indoor homestead projects can be accomplished inside the warmth of your home. Whether you’re just getting started with homesteading or just daydreaming for the big day to happen, here’re a couple of my favorites that’ll give you fresh food and useful products during winter.

1. Dehydrating Your Food

Dehydrating your food is an amazing homestead project during a lazy afternoon. Your food will definitely last longer through dehydrating. Learn awesome tips on how to dehydrate your food and have a stockpile this winter.

2. Canning

I would say that canning is a staple here in my homestead when it comes to preserving my crops. I have lots of veggies and fruits amid fall season. And during the winter season, it gives me lots of time to do canning. So, check your freezer folks and feast not just on one but 26 canning recipes and ideas.

3. Build An Indoor Garden

You don’t need to have a green thumb to be able to build an indoor garden. You just need to have a will to have fresh greens all year round. Who doesn’t want that? I made a sweet indoor garden and this allowed me to have fresh delicious greens even in dead winter.  Here start with these 15 vegetables and greens for your indoor winter garden and don’t forget to have indoor grow light to give them extra lighting.

4. Plan Your Very Own Square Foot Garden

A square foot garden is a wonderful winter homestead project! I love and enjoy my very own square foot garden so much. I bet you can also come up with your own design of square food garden. And on time you’ll see you’ll be able to grow your own food in just a square foot garden.

5. DIY Winter Blankets

Just in time for the cold weather! So, if you want to keep your whole family cozy and warm better make them their very own DIY warm winter blankets. I know they’ll appreciate your effort.

6. Make A Rag Rug

A cold floor will remind you of the cold weather outside and that will surely dampen your spirit. Don’t let that happen! Check out your closet and find some tarnished clothes to make your own rag rug. It’s a fun winter project to help you beat the winter boredom and coldness.

7. Construct A Bee Hive

This one will do in your garage! I do beekeeping in my homestead and yes on winter that’s the time I ask my husband to build our bee hive. Building a bee hive is simple but it is a time-consuming process. So, winter is the best time for it. Depending on the size and your preferences but bee hive should meet the needs of the number of bees you want to keep.

8. Soap Making

If you want the luxury of making your own product, I’m sure you’ll enjoy making some soaps during winter. Don’t just settle for one but enjoy and explore these 23 different ideas of soap making.

9. Make Your Own Tonic Syrup

What does tonic syrup do? Well, it enhances vitality and strengthens the immune system. It’s winter and it’s also the season for cold and flu. Don’t let anyone in your family miss any of the winter fun activities just because of cold and flu. That’s a big NO, NO, NO in my homestead. Prepare your very own tonic syrup from all natural ingredients and fight off winter cold and flu.

10. Prepare Crockpot Drinks

Put your good crockpot to good use by making some warm and fancy crockpot drinks. I’m sure everyone in your homestead will be in a festive mood once you serve them a warm and simmering crockpot drink.

Read up on the benefits of using a wood burning stove today and you just might get one for your homestead! ???? https://t.co/OM7rnmBqpZ

— Homesteading (@HomesteadingUSA) January 17, 2017

11. Make A Homemade Calming Lavender Lotion

This is the best alternative calming lotion of what you can buy from stores. It’s chemical free, moisturizing, and it can be your perfect Valentine’s day gift.

12. DIY Lavender Laundry Detergent

I love homemade products and even my laundry detergent is homemade. This DIY lavender laundry detergent is my favorite. It makes my laundry day more enjoyable and relaxing. And even in winter, I have days that I do our laundry and of course, I’m still let nature dry our clothes through line drying.

13. Make Herbal Remedies

Winter is the perfect time to reinforce your supply of herbal remedies. Dying begins with dried herbs and alcohol requires time to extract and a dark and cool place. Herbal remedies can be mixed, and recipes polished to combine great taste with the medicinal qualities you’re after. So, start making your herbal remedies now!

14. Sew A Dog Coat

Don’t forget to help your beloved pooch stay warm this winter season. You know how much joy they give us, so it’s also right that we keep them warm and cozy as well. Show some gratitude by sewing a dog coat perfect for your canine.

15. DIY Fleece Fabric Craft

I love fleece, especially during winter! It’s warm, comfy, and I can find lots of uses for them. Every winter, I always have time to create a craft out it. This fabric will keep you busy and gives you some products absolutely useful during winter.

16. Knit Your Heart Out

If knitting is your thing, winter will give you the luxury of time. Once trap indoors, knitting can thoroughly give you hands a work to do. Have fun with these 33 easy knitting projects and set aside the winter blues.

17. DIY Hand Warmers

Hand warmers don’t need to be expensive, DIY it and adds your most creative personal touch to make it even warmer. Stay warm this winter with DIY hand warmers.

18. Crochet A Blanket

If knitting is not for you, probably a crochet project will do. Keep busy and warm this winter with some blankets that you can crochet.

19. DIY Some Accessories

Winter can give you ample time to craft some beautiful accessories to elevate any look. Make use of the season to DIY some accessories at the comfort of your couch and with a hot drink on your side table.

2o. Clean Up

Do a general cleaning with DIY natural cleaning products. A clean home will definitely boost your spirit. And, winter is not an exception of not having a clean home.

Want another cool indoor homestead project? Check out this video from Rugged Homestead:

There you have it, my fellow homesteaders! Enjoy your winter with these 20 indoor homestead projects. Winter is not a season to stay as gloom and cold as the weather. It brings beauty and lots of room for us to stay productive and creative. Our homestead should never sleep during winter. Makes the most out of your wintertime and keep your homestead alive. Happy Homesteading!

What winter projects would you add to the list? Share your tips with us in the comments section below.

I believe winter calls for a perfect breakfast, how about you prepare some mouthwatering pancakes? I bet everyone in your family will have a great head start!

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