
Easy healthy recipes for kids are hard to come by these days. But don’t worry! I have some of the best ones on this list, so keep reading!

Easy Healthy Recipes for Kids and the Kids at Heart!

‘Easy healthy recipes’ and ‘kids’ don’t exactly go together. Most of the time, it takes so much effort and time to make nutritious food appetizing, while food for kids often involves ready-made snacks and ingredients that are hardly beneficial. Well, you don’t have to worry about this problem anymore! From hearty breakfasts to tasty snacks, I’ve got them right here! Your kids will surely enjoy these easy healthy recipes!

1. Swiss and Spinach Scramble

Let’s start with something so simple everyone can do it, whether you’re a foodie or not. Everyone loves eggs, and at least one meal of the day has them. These amazing scrambled eggs have cheese, mushroom, and spinach! Something so simple transformed into an amazing dish—it’s what easy healthy recipes are all about!

2. Banana-Bran Muffins

It’s inevitable: kids are going to ask for some sweet baked goods at some point. And we all know fluffy baked goods aren’t exactly the healthiest treats for kids. Good thing you can make them with healthy ingredients! This banana-bran muffin has the nutrition your kids will need from fruits and essential grains!

A photo posted by Homemade Recipes (@homemaderecipesofficial) on
Jan 19, 2017 at 4:26am PST

3. Bow Ties with Bacon and Peas

When making easy healthy recipes for kids, always remember that we are “strategizing”! This means finding ways to go about things in a non-standard way. Take this great pasta dish for example. Yes, it has bacon, but the key is to use it in moderation and up the proportion of peas and other vegetables.

4. All-In-One Instant Pot Chicken

Yes, you can get all you need in one go. Case-in-point: this all-in-one instant pot chicken! This recipe shows you how you can cook to perfection all the nutrients your kids need from all the food groups! Using brown rice is brilliant too: you get only healthy carbs you need!

5. Smoothie Bowls

Smoothies have been a part of easy healthy recipes for a while now, and for good reason! They’re probably the easiest way to mix everything you need together. In making this smoothie bowl, put all the healthy ingredients you’d normally put in a smoothie. Place the smoothie in a bowl to make and top with your kid’s choice of fruit to make a great healthy breakfast alternative!

6. Skillet Gnocchi

Easy healthy recipes for kids can be fancy too! Well, not really. While the skillet gnocchi sounds fancy, it really is just a beautiful combination of healthy beans and veggies cooked with lots of mozzarella. It’s almost like eating the most healthy pizza on earth! An instant favorite for kids!

7. Rainbow Buddha Bowl

This rainbow buddha bowl proves easy healthy recipes can look appealing and beautiful too! You have to start teaching your kids that healthy doesn’t mean icky, and there’s no better way to do it than picking his or her favorite vegetables and arranging them into this colorful bowl. Add sauces he likes and roast some veggies for variety and excitement!

8. Hawaiian Chicken Kabobs

There a million ways to make chicken but very few are healthy for kids. These Hawaiian chicken kabobs belong to those rare delicious chicken recipes people of all ages will surely love! The great combination of grilled chicken and pineapple is simply irresistible!

Never cooked but wanna learn? No problem! Here are easy homemade recipe for begin… #SundayFunDay #recipe #homemadehttps://t.co/jCksuQXoag pic.twitter.com/C436blBWSS

— Homemade Recipes (@BestHomeRecipes) January 16, 2017

9. Green Beans and Chicken Fingers with Tahini Sauce

I don’t know a single kid who doesn’t love chicken fingers. So, I found a way to turn them into one of these easy healthy recipes! The trick to making the most out of this delicious dish is using olive oil to fry the chicken. Also remember to add flavor to the green beans!

10. Banana Oatmeal Snack Cake

Eating oatmeal as is can sometimes be bland, which makes it difficult to serve to kids. Why not make it into a snack? This banana oatmeal snack cake has all the benefits of fruits and oatmeal and the fun and excitement of a snack cake!

11. Apple Ladybug Treats

Arguably the cutest and most adorable dish on this list of easy healthy recipes. These apple ladybug treats will not only give your kids the vital nutrients they need, it could also inspire his inner scientist! If I had had these for my snacks as a kid, I might’ve never looked for anything else!

Watch this video from HASfit for more easy healthy recipes for kids:

Easy healthy recipes are the family recipes we’ve all been looking for! We know how tough it can be to juggle work, recreation, and family. However, we never sacrifice one for the other. We always manage to find a way to give our best to each aspect of our lives. And easy healthy recipes takes care of feeding your family the best and healthiest food out there! No need to worry about not being able to fulfill your duties as mom, wife, or chef. With these easy healthy recipes for kids, you’ll be playing all roles with grace and excellence!

Want more easy healthy recipes for kids? Try these 14 Healthy School Lunch Ideas Your Kids Will Love! Which of these easy healthy recipes will you be serving your kids first? Let me know in the comments section!

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