Latest New TLDs at HEXONET:
HEXONET continues to launch more new TLDs on our regular Tuesday schedule, including several highly anticipated new TLDs these past couple of weeks:
General Available New TLDS
.OPR (Russian equivalent of .org)
.机构 (Simplified Chinese equivalent of .org)
.संगठन (Hindi equivalent of .org)
Keep up with the latest New TLDs launch dates with HEXONET's calendar here.
Major Milestone for Registry Operator Donuts
Donuts, the largest registry for new TLDs, has surpassed one million domain registrations this month! Donuts has also recently published a list of several live/example sites that are actively and prominently using their new TLDs.
.NYC Update
.NYC commenced General Availability (GoLive) on October 8th and has already registered over 46,267 domain names! HEXONET was highly successful in registering high-value .NYC Landrush and GoLive domains for many of our clients. The .NYC TLD is anticipated to be one of the brighter new TLDs and is domain name that resellers need to consider offering. Be sure to check out our recent blog post regarding the launch of Digital.NYC, an all inclusive online hub for New York City's tech ecosystem.
New TLD Awareness and Opportunities in China
This summer, SEDO, a service provider and marketplace for premium domain names, published a study that gauged awareness of new gTLD domain names across several countries. The data, collected from more than 1,150 individuals from the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and China, indicated that China was the most aware of new gTLDs.
HEXONET has many leading web hosting companies and domain resellers in China as customers. And though our own numbers show that enthusiasm and momentum for the new TLDs is growing in China, the overall awareness level is still be lagging. Here are some facts that indicate demand for new TLD in China is on the rise:
Looking back to 2012 when ICANN started taking new TLD applications, of the 116 IDN (Internationalized Domain Names) new TLD applications a whopping 73 applications were Chinese character IDNs. Approximately half of these Chinese TLD applications came from organizations and companies based in China, but interestingly, a significant number were applied for by companies from outside China.
在线 and .中文网 opened to the public at the end of April, 2014, to break new TLD registration records in just their first hour of going live! The Chinese government actually registered 20,452 domain names within the .在线 and .中文网 IDNs.
With growing demand for Chinese domain names from outside China, TLD Registry, operator for .在线 and .中文网, recently launched that makes registering high-value Chinese character IDN domain names easy. At this website, Chinese domain names are listed side by side with their English equivalent meanings. And if you are a HEXONET customer, registering these Chinese domain names is even easier since has implemented a direct checkout linked to HEXONET through their "SHOP at HEXONET.NET" button.
Several Chinese TLDs now rank among the Top 20 new TLD. For example, .wang (#5), .公司 (#12), 在线 (#13), .网络 (#17) (source:
Major domain registrars in China are now showcasing new TLDs on their homepages and domain name search results.
The Chinese government also has stated that they will soon require every Chinese government website move to Chinese language domain name.
Major Chinese brands are getting ready to launch their own branded new TLDs.
Mainstream media in China is now covering the new TLDs often.