
Host Raul Antony is joined by Al Ridenour, author of “The Krampus and the Old Dark Christmas”. We discuss the historical threads that led up the Krampus, how the creature was introduced to American culture, the 2015 horror film, and Ridenour’s history with the Cacophony Society. We also talk about Neofolk and Heathen Culture as it relates to world of the Krampus, including a surprising connection to one of our favorite artists at Heathen Harvest.


Allerseelen – Herbstlied

Sturmpercht – Die Wilde Jagd

Waldteufel – Allerseelengebet

Jägerblut – Gruß Vom Krampus

Additional Notes:

The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas at Feral House
“The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas: Roots and Rebirth of the Folkloric Devil” by Al Ridenour (Heathen Harvest Review)

The post The Forest Passage #21 – The Krampus with Al Ridenour appeared first on Heathen Harvest.

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