
This afternoon I read a piece in the Telegraph by the House Fluffie, Mary Riddell. It purported to analyse Britain’s ‘housing problem’ in political terms, but failed miserably on both counts

First up, her definition is wrong: Britain doesn’t have a housing problem, it has an overpopulation problem. And secondly, there is no point whatsoever in analysing ‘the problem’ politically, because the pols will tackle it with the same surface-tickling superficiality as her.

It’s a terribly muddled piece, but then she has always seemed to me a Riddell wrapped in an enigma: I don’t know why the Maily Telegraph employs her, and I haven’t a clue what she wants.

The solution to Britain’s housing demand is not to build more of the damn things, but to do something about the overpopulation. While this is not a global problem, it most certainly is a British one: of the five majors in the EU, we have by far the highest population density, and the least cultivable land. So the answer is to reduce the latter still further, is it? This is what “builds political reputations and wins elections”, is it?

Vote-centric calumny is what got us into this mess in the first place: we now have so many roads down which to kick this can in Britain, we are perilously close to kicking our homeland down the can. A more tricky, tough but real approach to the problem would be to adopt population-controlling strategies right now….and make it clear to the masses that they can by all means have Seven Kids by Seven Fathers – but just don’t expect a house at the end of it.

Forty or more years on, the dreaded Powellite word ‘repatriation’ has such a racist tone to it, no politician is prepared to even contemplate it….and if they did, the EC would be quick to tell them it was illegal under ECHR law anyway. Just as Greece can’t devalue – and thus needs to leave the eurozone – so we too can’t de-immigrate…..and thus need to leave the EU.

Such ideas are of course completely off the radar, but they make sense – if only because, right now, the UK’s population and gdp output numbers don’t make any sense at all. As I have posted several times before, the combination of a daft version of capitalism plus a daft attitude to immigration ensures that we do not have an ice lolly in Hell’s chance of ever providing employment for 64 million people.

There is no need to deport anyone, or smash their shops, or burn their places of worship: that’s just the Nazi mob mentality. But it is what we WILL get unless Britain starts to make life less comfortable for more recent arrivals, less profitable for everyone to have large families….and a lot less easy to find a house. In the end, that will adjust supply and demand, as any sane market always will. But just as roads merely encourage more cars to fill them up, generous migrant welfare and cheap housing encourages more people to come here.

End immigration now, immediately: this is an idea proven by YouGov to be approved by 78% of all Britons, regardless of class or ethnicity. If the reason we can’t is skill shortage, then retrain some of our own people to get those skills.

Idealistic, fluffy europhiles and committed globalists have one dreadful flaw in common: they don’t live in the real world. The future world is not going to be globalist, and it isn’t going to have an EU: it is going to be one of national and communal self-sufficiency with a judicious level of trade in the surplus. As a nation, Britain is so far off course in terms of the export sales, agrarian revival and community mutualism required if we are to flourish in the future, I have almost lost all hope in anyone’s capacity to correct the navigation and get some sensible hands on the tiller.

And on that sour note, I bid you all a good night’s sleep.

Filed under: At the End of the Day Tagged: Britain has an overpopulation probem - that's it, Don't build more houses stop immigration, Don't pump up housing supply reduce demand

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