
I have been so super busy getting my post divorce life in order that I had to hit PAUSE for just a short time on my #BeREAL series.  But I have some great voices left to share soon.

In the meantime though…

I want to share a few good things to offset the negativity that has been lurking on all the social sites lately.  I mean, we have election time coming up and we are seeing the worst in people unabashedly stepping out from the shadows and they are barking.

So something good.

My friend Byron Hamel just finished a wonderful film about a group of tough bikers who are fighting child abuse.

“The mission of the Guardians of the Children (GOC) is to recognize and react to child abuse and educate the public to do the same; to serve as advocates to provide strength and stability to families in crisis; and be an answer to the prayer of an abused child or teen for courage, support and protection.”

If you want to help good people do good things you can do that just by watching this trailer<img src="https://s0.wp.com/wp-content/mu-plugins/wpcom-smileys/twemoji/2/72x72/1f642.png" alt="

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