
Hello friends! This is a new release by iThemes: BackupBuddy, one of the best WordPress backup and restore plugins in the market.

Download BackupBuddy – 2016.02.26 – Changelog

You can see its latest changes below: – 2015-11-17 – Dustin Bolton
Full release of all changes found in ‘Quick Release’ versions
Updated Malware Scan link URL. — Glenn Ansley
Full support for PHP7 and Mysqli.
Better cron reliability by limiting BackupBuddy actions to one per page load.
Server Tools Page: Improved Cron section.
Added new schedule intervals: Twice yearly, Every 3 Months, Every 6 Hours.
Misc Multisite fixes. – 2015-11-17 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed page title being to small as of WordPress v4.4. Changed h2 to h1 for title function. – Ty Carlson – 2015-11-17 – Dustin Bolton
ImportBuddy: WP_CONTENT_DIR now set to handle check in wp-db class on failure. – 2015-11-24 – Dustin Bolton
Added check for empty options in pb_backupbuddy::load() and retries database again after short wait to help prevent loss of settings if database was missing. WordPress returns false for both no data found as well as a DB error. — Glenn Ansley – 2015-12-01 – Dustin Bolton
Google Drive Destination: Fixed archive limiting problems when Google Drive did not respond with directory listing of uploaded files. — Glenn Ansley
ImportBuddy: Changed data from ARRAY_N to ARRAY_A for ‘SHOW TABLES’ in _dbreplace.php; Removed GTA testing from db test. — Glenn Ansley – 2015-12-01 – Dustin Bolton
ImportBuddy: Removed collation check on import of query. Since this data was already in database it does not need a new check. — Glenn Ansley – 2015-12-08 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed tab styling on Settings page for WordPress v4.4 trunk. – Ty Carlson
Fixed undefined index when importing an older backup with a newer ImportBuddy due to unknown previous Mysql version. – Jeremy Trask
Fixed file permissions error on Windows when deleting files in some cases due to permissions. – Glenn Ansley
Removed ending ?> at bottom of several files with whitespace after to reduce introducing unexpected whitepsace. – 2015-12-09 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed missing limit_single_cron_per_pass default and settings option. – 2015-12-09 – Dustin Bolton
S3 v2 Destination: Added pagination and option to configure the max number of items to show during file listing.
S3 v1 Destination: Limited to only showing 200 files. Please upgrade to S3 v2 if you want to see more files in the file listing. – 2015-12-10 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed cron action limiting title on Advanced Settings page. – 2015-12-22 – Dustin Bolton
Removed stale transient cleanup as it did not work properly, deleting timeout setting but leaving actual transient. – 2015-12-28 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed migration error due to file transfer taking a long time. – Glenn Ansley – 2015-12-28 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed undefined index for schedule on_off for old schedules.
Added new Advanced Option “Force Internal Cron” which forces uses of BackupBuddy’s own simulated cron instead of the WordPress cron to attempt to work around web host caching. This may be limited to manual backups only. – 2015-01-09 – Dustin Bolton
Disabled cron pass limiting until next version. – 2015-01-13 – Dustin Bolton
Removed cleanup_temp_tables() call. – 2015-01-18 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed AJAX compatibility with WPML – 2016-02-01 – Dustin Bolton
Quick Release of upcoming core functionality improvements in next version. – 2016-01-02 – Dustin Bolton
Removed next version alert notices and settings. – 2016-01-03 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed wp-config.php existing in parent directory resulting in it being omitted from backup and failing integrity check as a result. – 2016-01-03 – Dustin Bolton
Added random parameter to end of download link to prevent .zip from being at end of URL due to some hosts blocking that. Merged browse-files-fix. – Glenn Ansley
Disable Browse & Select for FTP destinations with File Management disabled. Merged disable-browse-select. – Glenn Ansley – 2015-02-08 – Dustin Bolton
BackupBuddy Stash Live
Requires PHP v5.3 or newer. PHP v5.3 was released June 30th, 2009.
The easiest to use, most shared hosting-friendly backup solution, without sacrificing any power. Live backup of all content, snapshots stored to Stash, and all files scanned for malware and viruses.
Mirrors your complete site including files, database, and all WordPress content offsite to BackupBuddy Stash Live servers, keeping your backup in sync with your site.
Live backup of WordPress database changes as they occur, including periodic full database dumps to insure nothing gets out of sync.
Backup of all site files to Live servers, scanned regularly for changes, new, or deleted files.
Schedule to regularly snapshot zip files of all the data stored on the BackupBuddy Stash Live servers.
Option to manually create a snapshot of the stored data.
Snapshotting results in a full backup zip file, database only backup zip file, a zip of the theme directory, and a zip of the plugin directory.
Snapshots are fully BackupBuddy compliant zip files.
Snapshots are fully scanned for malware and viruses, able to catch infections not normally found by front-end only scanners.
Automatically requests BackupBuddy Stash Live servers ‘ping’ the site during Live activity to prevent delays between steps for low activity sites.
Your latest snapshot zip file is stored for a week regardly of whether it is also set to save into Stash.
Snapshots may be stored indefinitely in your Stash storage, limited only by your Stash quota.
Advanced options to control additional inclusions or exclusions beyond your BackupBuddy defaults.
Easy to use. Sign in with your iThemes login and BackupBuddy Stash Live immediately starts backing up your site.
Incremental: only changed files are transferred, saving server resources and time.
Regular file auditing. Not only are file transfers verified as they occur but also all files are regularly verified against the BackupBuddy Stash Live server to insure they are still properly in sync.
Works on local development sites as long as either a) site activity exists (such as by you using the wp-admin) or b) you stay on the BackupBuddy Stash Live page to continue to push the cron along.
New Sync verb backupbuddy-get-liveStats for retrieving local catalog/state statistics such as those shown on the BackupBuddy Stash Live page.
Live update of stats when viewing the BackupBuddy Stash Live page.
Stash (v2) destination now requests Stash Server to ping site whenever chunking commences to help push the cron along for inactive sites.
Added single retry when attempting to schedule a one-time or recurring event in case there is a temporary problem.
Only one BackupBuddy cron action may run per PHP page load. Subsequent actions will be rescheduled for the next load.
If any maximum log file size is exceeded it is now trimmed down to 50% of its size (keeping most recent 50%) instead of completely deleting the log file.
Adding remote destinations are now grouped by “Preferred”, “Normal”, and “Legacy” to make selecting destinstions easier.
New option to limit the number of files returned in Amazon S3 (v2) destination. Defaults to 250 files per page.
Resetting plugin settings to defaults no longer resets log_serial value.
Improved cron chaining via spawn_cron().
Fileoptions: Improved handling of attempt at reading locked file. Retries twice after 1 second delay each time to try and wait for unlock.
Fixed backup profile name option dividing profile name and type with underscore rather than dash.
Moved Advanced Setting to override Maximum Execution Time detection from ‘Database’ to ‘Overall’ section as it applies to other processes besides database chunking, including BackupBuddy Stash Live chunking.
Improved remote file send fileoptions cleanup performance.
Remote send fileoptions cleanup now also removed lock file (if exists).
Deployment no longer sends error emails for failed remote sends.
Now limiting the maximum number of notifications (as used by Recent Activity page & Sync) to 25 most recent notifications to prevent excess notification buildup.
Added new deepscandir() to replace deepglob() as deepglob() did not support directories or files beginning with a period.
Anti directory browsing function now recursively creates directory if needed.
S3 (v2) destionation: Fixed ‘Next Page’ button showing even if there are no more pages.
S3 (v2) destination: Fixed inability to delete remote files due to extra slash in path.
Stash (v) destination: Fixed long load times due to trying to load backup type from fileoptions. File listing no longer falls back to fileoptions for backup type.
fileoptions no longer pauses and re-attempts to read a fileoptions file if the file does not exist; now only does this if the file exists but is empty.
Added new {home_url} variable for error notification emails.
Error emails now default to mentioning the {home_url} rather than {site_url} in emails.
ImportBuddy: Now handles Live-formatting SQL filenames, prefixed with underscores. Imports underscore prefixed timestamped SQL files after normal SQL files, playing them back in the order they occurred.
Automatic testing of the reported maximum PHP execution time.
Improved reliability of traditional backups, remote destination sends, Deployments, and BackupBuddy Stash Live.
Many servers report their maximum PHP execution time as a higher number than is actually available. This interferes with BackupBuddy’s chunking during database backups, file transfers,
and other operations which require a lot of time. As of v7.0 BackupBuddy will actually test the available runtime and use the lesser value between the reported and tested numbers to
ensure that chunking commences before time runs out, drastically reducing the chance of timeouts during any procedure where chunking is available and the server is misreporting runtime.
Added additional logging when error is returned accessing remote API during deployment.
Fixed AJAX URL compatibility issue with WPML plugin.
New default log size of 3MB. Updated to new default if old value was either of the old defaults of 10mb or 5mb.
Backup steps now schedule their single event slightly in the past to push to top. -155sec. Live schedules -60 into the past to come in second place.
Fixed manual triggering of PHP runtime checker not showing results properly.
Memory usage logged in Status Logs now indicates current usage rather than peak for better troubleshooting.
Renamed “Local Directory” Remote Destination to “Local Directory Copy” to help indicate its purpose better.
Added alert to Local Directory Copy destination informing about how BackupBuddy already stores a local copy of backups and that this is for additional copies.
Live: Watched for file changes and uploads immediately: Added media, plugins, themes via WordPress. Deleted media and plugins.
Added protection against email flooding if too many error occurs too closely together.
Changed EJS template extension from .ejs to .htm to prevent MIME type issues on IIS (Windows) servers.
Enhanced emails added with HTML styling for better presentation of notification emails.
Quick Setup Wizard now automatically chooses the newest version of a particular Remote Destination compatible with your server.
Function running too long message no longer displays for zip file creation step since it tracks the time since zip file growth and warns on that.
Now logging currentl sql file to 9010 error log file for troubleshooting.
No longer reporting error for failed schedule creations as long as we can verify the schedule does indeed exist.
ImportBuddy: Upgraded Stash restore functionality to use new Stash v2 API for improved performance and foreward compatibility.
ImportBuddy: Improved Stash restore functionality interface.
Deployment: Added new option to compare files between sites based on file hashes for enhanced reliability detecting file changes.
Added deprecation notice to old legacy remote destination configuration to help discourage use: Dropbox (v1), Amazon S3 (v1), Stash (v1). No ETA on retirement but further notice as well as more alerts will be displayed prior to retirement. – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Added improved notice if PHP version is insufficient to run Stash Live. Requires PHP 5.3+.
Only loading password hash class if not already defined to avoid conflict with other plugins which always load it.
Added ‘This may take a while’ notice to sending modified files step.
Added 15 second delay after a fileoptions file shows finished (eg finished send) before cleanup/removal to prevent removing too early if two processes are running simultaneously. – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Now cleaning up failed fileoptions file transfers immediately if exceeding file limit. – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Added additional safeguard to prevent sending more queue data if shutdown already fired.
Button to delete all data files now notes that it resets Stash catalog as well.
Multisite: Fixed issue where subsites tried to run main network site scheduled backup.
PHP7 fix for database backup procedure. — Glenn Ansley
Added additional logging for corrupt fileoptions file when in Live mode (eg corrupt catalog file detected).
Fixed fileoptions class to lock fileoptions file before attempting to read. – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Duplicate SQL queries made in a row now trimmed down to a single query for improved performance / less overhead.
Updated options exclusions list for improved performance / less overhead.
Updated postmeta exclusions list for improved performance / less overhead. – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Stash v2: Removed ability to view site files for other sites backed up into Stash, including option to enable this feature. – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
ImportBuddy: Fixed backups in importbuddy.php directory not showing under Windows due to PHP bug: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=42501 – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed potential error being displayed when updating posts when running – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Stash Live on Multisite: Fixed various URLs handling Network Admin format. – 2015-02-09 – Dustin Bolton
Stash Live on Multisite: Fixed Disconnect from Stash URL for Network Admin. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Added additional logging to PHP runtime tester.
Upgraded bundles S3 v2 cacert.pem. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Added /wp-content/cache/ as a default directory exclusion for traditional backups and as a hard-coded default for Stash Live.
Added Advanced Troubleshooting Options formatted view of local tables from the catalog. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Changed from ASP-style <% %> tags in Stash Live templates to <# #> and {{ }} to avoid conflicts with PHP asp_tags mode. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
fileoptions unlock() calls now by default only unlock locks set by their own instance to preserve integrity.
Stash Live: Fixed problem where process may regress to an earlier percent completion due to corrupt catalog.
ImportBuddy: Fixed backup file listing not showing.
Stash Live Advanced Troubleshooting: Fixed Last Snapshot button.
Stash (v2): Fixed remote snapshots not showing up in some cases if www/non-www prefix changed. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed some Snapshots and Backups not listing on Stash Live or Stash (v2) destination pages. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Removed /wp-content/cache/ as a default exclusion.
Increased file send wiggle room to 6 seconds up from 4.
Fixed max execution time override not being applied to send time limits.
Changed state fileoptions file to be readable even when locked. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Full release of quick release updates.
Various Stash Live improvements, especially with the first backup not completing. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Do not send database update for options update if option_name == ”. – 2016-02-10 – Dustin Bolton
Added new variable, $ignore_not_writable, to top of importbuddy.php to allow manual override of the server reporting the directory as not writable. – 2016-02-11 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed wait_on_transfers max time minutes not working due to destination settings not being loaded.
Fixed Stash Live authentication for site URLs prefixed with www since v7.0.1.6. – 2016-02-12 – Dustin Bolton
Added check for curl before running Stash Live and displaying alert is missing in addition to PHP version check.
Changed error 8439734 to 5002.
truncate_file_beginning() performance significantly increased (1-2 magnitudes).
Fixed Stash Live scripts running on admin pages when user that does not have access to BackupBuddy loads them. – 2016-02-12 – Dustin Bolton
Added BackupBuddy version into Stash Live logging. – 2016-02-16 – Dustin Bolton
Changed message when trying to unlock a fileoptions file of a different ID to be less worrisome. These are normal to see in the log.
If URL ends in .zip, add random additional parameter to help get around Varnish-related issues on some servers. – Glenn Ansley
Properly update ‘next run’ settings when overwriting existing schedules on settings import. – Glenn Ansley
Fixed Stash Live additional exclusions list trimming trailing slash.
Added additional logging to track down issues with lock ID.
When cron kicker fires too soon fixed time ago being wrong.
When cron rescheduler triggers it now logs the previous method as well.
schedule_single_event limits scheduling of ‘live_periodic’ method to once to prevent potential multiple schedules due to its rapid activity.
PHP runtime test with a blank result now does not error.
Fixed BackupBuddy version being logged in Live periodic functions. Also added WordPress version. – 2016-02-16 – Dustin Bolton
getBackupTypeFromFile() no longer scans zip files that do not behin with ‘backup-‘.
fileoptions now checks if file exists before checking lock status.
fileoptions now deletes any existing lock file if actual fileoptions file for it does not exist.
Added version number to Stash Live status screen to aid in support when customers provide screenshots. – Ty Carlson – 2016-02-16 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed deepscandir() startAt position not being set when chunking. – 2016-02-16 – Dustin Bolton
Failure to create DAT file during Stash Live halts process as it is needed.
Duplicate calls to run live_periodic cron twice in same page load now drops second in a row to run. No need to reschedule as two should not run at the same time. – 2016-02-16 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed excluded files not getting immediately deleted. – 2016-02-17 – Dustin Bolton
Now excluding backupbuddy_temp directory from Stash Live.
Now excluding Sucuri temporary files (such as IP blocks, etc) from Stash Live.
Added additional details for Stash Live advanced troubleshooting option to view Snapshot status.
Now resetting failed file send attempts on daily init for Stash Live files that exceeded maximum fail counter. – 2016-02-17 – Dustin Bolton
Updated Google Drive remote destination instructions. – Glenn Ansley
Updated PHP maximum runtime tester to help avoid triggering PHP bug resulting in hanging process. – Chris Jean
Update Stash destination wording when no backups are found.
Updated MO file for German translations. – Glenn Ansley
Now excluding 3rd party backup plugins’ backup files and Sucuri temporary files for Stash Live by default.
Misc improvements to Stash Live logging. – 2016-02-22 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed to local table listing for Stash Live.
Now clearing backed up timestamp for database files just prior to sending new updated copy for better tracking of unsent files.
Added logging of first 5 files and tables pending send when running wait_on_transfers step.
Increased wait_on_transfers step delay to 10 seconds of sleep, from 5.
Added additional logging to wait_on_transfers step to troubleshoot send problems. – 2016-02-22 – Dustin Bolton
Stash Live status now attempts to strip any PHP errors or warnings preceeding returned JSON data. _statsPoll.php.
Stash: Fixed backup files not being sent into backup type directory due to backup type detection failing, thinking file did not begin with “backup-“.
Fixed backup type detection always failing to detect type. – 2016-02-22 – Dustin Bolton
Added additional error notifications to catch certificate issues sending to Live.
No longer a fatal error if during remote file deletion a send fileoptions file is stuck locked. – 2016-02-24 – Dustin Bolton
Fixed backup listing in Windows displaying an extra backup.
Added new Stash Live ‘View Troubleshooting Data’ button to display an overview of all troubleshooting data. – 2016-02-26 – Dustin Bolton
Various Stash Live improvements, including many updates from Quick Release versions.
Now only outputting status when adding many files at once every 20 items instead of each to reduce log I/O overhead.
Fixed missing mysql_error check in mysqlbuddy.php – Glenn Ansley
Better UI handling if Stash Quota not currently available – Ty Carlson
Check PHP version is new enough before giving Stash Live notice. – Glenn Ansley
Fix undefined variable in Multisite. – Glenn Ansley
Change option for default plugin access value from ‘administrator’ to ‘activate_plugins’ to match default options. – glenn Ansley
Stash Live: Improved Troubleshooting via new “View Troubleshooting Data” button.
Added new Stash Live ‘View Troubleshooting Data’ button to display an overview of all troubleshooting data.
Now displays possible detected memory timeouts.
Now displays PHP and BackupBuddy logged errors and warnings.
Now displaying both local and master memory limit values for reported PHP memory limit.
Added new “Download Troubleshooting Data” button at bottom of Stash Live page.
Misc fixes.

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