
Hello buddies! There is a new release by Rocket Genius: Gravity Forms version 1.9.13, which improved+fixed lot of things.

Download Gravity Form 1.9.13 – 2015.08.12 – Changelog

There were also some addons updated:

Gravity Forms Authorize.Net Add-On, v2.1, 2015.07.22

Gravity Forms AWeber Add-On, v2.3, 2015.08.04

Gravity Forms Campaign Monitor Add-On, v3.4.1, 2015.08.08

Gravity Forms Coupons Add-On, v2.2, 2015.07.27

Gravity Forms Slack Add-On, v1.2.1, 2015.07.24

Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On, v1.8.1, 2015.08.07

You can read the latest entries in Gravity Forms changelog below:

Version 1.9.13

– Added security enhancements. Credits to Jonathan Desrosiers & Aaron Ware of Linchpin and Thomas Kräftner (http://kraftner.com).

– Updated the German translation.
– Updated the Spanish (es_ES) translation.
– Updated Finnish translation.
– Updated Swedish translation.
– Updated the ‘gform_after_update_entry’ action hook to include $original_entry as the third parameters; added form specific version.
– Updated jQuery events in gformInitPriceFields() to use .on().
– Updated Time field max hour to 24.
– Updated entry exports to use GF_Field::get_value_export().
– Updated the gform_after_create_post action hook to include a form specific version; Added $entry and $form objects as the second and third parameters.
– Updated Sub-Label Placement string.

– Fixed a php notice which could occur when resuming a saved incomplete submission.
– Fixed an issue with the radio button field ‘other’ choice feature.
– Fixed an issue with the Time field when conditional logic is activated.
– Fixed an issue where field values would not appear in notifications.
– Fixed issue with multi-file uploader creating a javascript error on certain situations.
– Fixed an issue with the field filters for the name field.
– Fixed an empty translation string.
– Fixed issue with form meta caching on multi-site installs.
– Fixed PHP notices when product info being prepared during submission, caused by Shipping field with placeholder selected.
– Fixed a layout issue with reCAPTCHA and the Twenty Fifteen theme.
– Fixed an issue with the translation of some strings.

– Removed alt and title attributes from save and continue link to enhance accessibility.
– Removed name attribute from confirmation anchor to enhance accessibility.
– Removed the ‘other choice’ setting from the radio button type Shipping field.

– AF: Fixed an issue with GFToken not saving tokens for asynchronous API calls.
– AF: Updated feed edit page to show configure_addon_message() if can_create_feed() is false.
– AF: Updated has_plugin_settings_page() to check if plugin_settings_page() has been overridden.
– AF: Fixed an issue with the shipping line item in the payment framework Submission Data; item ID was missing which could cause an issue for some gateways.
– AF: Updated get_plugin_settings() and get_plugin_setting() to be public methods.
– AF: Added the ‘gform_submission_data_pre_process_payment’ filter, including form specific version; Allowing the submission data, such as payment amount, line items etc. to be modified before it is used by the payment add-on.
– AF: Updated validation error icon for checkbox fields, adding it after the first checkbox item.
– AF: Fixed an issue with the display of the total pages count on the sales/results page
– AF: Updated get_field_value(), get_full_address(), get_full_name(), and get_list_field_value() to use GF_Field::get_value_export().

– API: Updated the GET /entries/[ID] and GET /forms/[ID]/entries endpoints to return List field values in JSON format instead of serialized strings.
– API: Updated the PUT /entries/[ID] and POST /forms/[ID]/entries endpoints to accept List field values in JSON format in addition to serialized strings.
– API: Updated the ‘gform_post_update_entry’ action in GFAPI::update_entry() to include a form specific version.
– API: Added GF_Field::get_value_export() so the field entry value can be processed before being used by add-ons etc.

Version 1.9.12
– Added get started wizard to initial installation.
– Added accessibility improvement by changing the way field labels are hidden.
– Added Russian translation.
– Added support for line breaks when displaying entry notes.
– Added form specific version of gform_entry_post_save filter.
– Added ‘minItemCount’ parameter for repeater script.
– Added the datepicker to the date fields in the entry filters on the entry list, export page and add-on results pages.
– Added gf_do_action() to allow providing a list of modifiers for a action.
– Added the ‘gform_disable_installation_status’ filter for disabling display of the Installation Status section on the Forms > Settings page.
add_filter( ‘gform_disable_installation_status’, ‘__return_true’ );
– Updated tab labels in the form editor for the start paging and end paging fields.
– Updated some entry meta related strings to be translatable on the entries page column selector.
– Updated GFFormDisplay::get_max_page_number() to be a public method.
– Updated the list of currencies to display USD, GBP and EUR first.
– Updated repeater.addNewItem() to support manually adding an item.
– Updated repeater.removeItem() to support manually removing an item.
– Updated repeater script to support removing ALL items (and still adding new items back).
– Updated the gform_field_choice_markup_pre_render filter to include a field specific version and also to apply to select choices. See https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/gform_field_choice_markup_pre_render/
– Fixed typo in the form editor getting started steps.
– Fixed WP_List_Tables error in WordPress 4.3 for feed lists.
– Fixed a false positive being identified by some security scanners under certain conditions.
– Fixed WP_List_Tables error in WordPress 4.3 for Notifications lists, Confirmation lists and Payment Add-On sales results pages.
– Fixed minor grammar errors in Payment Add-On Framework.
– Fixed an issue with the number field where a placeholder with a percentage symbol will display incorrectly.
– Fixed an issue with the gform_entry_detail_title filter.
– Fixed notice in WP 4.3 with Widget constructor deprecation.
– Fixed an issue with the formatting of some negative values for the number field.
– Fixed an issue with the gform_disable_notification filter.
– Fixed an issue with the way GFFormsModel::create_lead() handled some multi-input field types.
– Fixed issue with special characters on drop down fields not allowing field to be maintained across pages in a multi-page form.
– Fixed a php warning related to the password field strength validation message.
– Fixed an issue with the saving of incomplete submissions and the credit card field.
– AF: Added GFFeedAddOn::supported_notification_events() to allow for custom notification events.
– AF: Added GFFeedAddOn::add_feed_error() for logging errors that occur during feed processing. Error is added to the error log and as an error note to the entry.
– AF: Added “gform_{slug}_error” and “gform_{slug}_error_{$form_id}” hook to allow actions to be taken when a feed error is added.
– AF: Added extra validation to select_custom settings field for when the field is required, the custom choice is selected and the custom value is blank.
– AF: Moved note helpers from GFFeedAddOn to GFAddOn.
– AF: Moved note helpers from GFPaymentAddOn to GFFeedAddOn.
– AF: Added support for can_create_feed() to Payment Add-On Framework.
– AF: Added “input_type” property to text settings field to change the type of the input field.
– AF: Added GFPaymentFeedAddOn::creditcard_token_info() to supply feed data to GFToken Javascript object for payment gateways that require creating charge tokens with Javascript.
– AF: Fixed an issue with GFFeedAddOn::maybe_process_feed() processing multiple feeds for GFPaymentAddOn based add-ons e.g. if conditional logic was not enabled on all the feeds.
– AF: Fixed select_custom settings field showing multiple validation errors when field was invalid.
– AF: Fixed an issue with GFFeedAddOn::has_feed() which caused it to return true even if feeds were inactive. Caused Stripe add-on front-end scripts to be included when not needed.
– AF: Fixed plugin settings save messages saying feed was(n’t) updated when using the Feed Add-On Framework.
– AF: Fixed an issue on the uninstall page where the confirmation message does not get displayed in some cases.
– AF: Fixed a php notice when creating a new feed for some add-ons.
– AF: Fixed no field map choices being presented if field type is an empty array.
– API: Added support for the placeholder and cssClass properties to the entry filters.
– API: Added support for the datepicker in entry filters.

Version 1.9.11
– Added some accessibility features.
– Added ‘gform_entries_field_header_pre_export’, ‘gform_entries_field_header_pre_export_{form_id}’ and ‘gform_entries_field_header_pre_export_{form_id}_{field_id}’ filters for modifying the fields header in the entry export.
– Updated loading of the text domains to prevent loading them more than once.
– Updated list field pre-population to accept an array in the same format currently saved to the database. This change is backwards-compatible and will accept the old array format.
– Updated GFFormDisplay::get_input_mask_init_script() to disable the input mask for Android phones. This is a temporary workaround for some issues with certain models of Android phones.
– Updated some security precautions.
– Updated shortcode parsing so that “form” is the default action.
– Updated Finnish translation.
– Updated the ajax submission <iframe> tag to include the title attribute when HTML5 is enabled in the settings to comply with WCAG 2.0.
– Removed the duplicate_setting from the multiselect field type.
– Fixed an issue with the select and multi-select type fields which could result in the incorrect choices being selected.
– Fixed notice.
– Fixed a formatting issue in the payment results table.
– Fixed a warning in debug mode on the updates page.
– Fixed fatal error if insert_with_markers() not available.
– Fixed an issue with the updates page not displaying the “No updates available” message appropriately.
– Fixed an issue with validation of the Reply To field on the edit notification page.
– Fixed a minor CSS conflict with the Lite Tooltip plugin.
– Fixed issue with number field formatting for certain currencies.
– Fixed an issue with the Swiss Franc currency.
– Fixed notices caused by new primary column parameter for classes extending the WP_List_Table class.
– AF: Added ‘gform_post_payment_action’ hook to allow actions to be taken when payment events are completed. See https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/gform_post_payment_action/
– AF: Added “after_input” property to text field setting to show text after the input field.
– AF: Added maybe_override_field_value(). Override to prevent use of the gform_{slug}_field_value filter or to replace with a customised filter.
– AF: Added can_create_feed() to control rendering of feed creation UI.
– AF: Added “gform_{slug}_field_value”, “gform_{slug}_field_value_{$form_id}” and “gform_{slug}_field_value_{$form_id}_{$field_id}” filters to modify field value.
– AF: Added “get_first_field_by_type” function to get the field ID of the first field of the desired type.
– AF: Updated field map choices to show “Select a Field” as first choice.
– AF: Updated field map choices to show message to user asking them to add a field to their form if no fields of designated type were found.
– AF: Updated Feed Name to display a default incremented name based on existing feeds in the add-on.
– AF: Fixed PHP notice with field select setting field due to undefined first choice label.
– AF: Fixed an issue with the app uninstall confirmation message not displaying.
– AF: Fixed an issue with the feed name in some maybe_process_feed() logging statements.
– AF: Fixed an issue with the default feed name not incrementing correctly based on field name.
– AF: Fixed a PHP notice for settings fields if field_type setting property was an array.
– AF: Fixed a PHP warning related to sales pagination.
– API: Fixed an issue with GFAPI::update_entry_field() where values for field IDs higher than 99 get added instead of updated.
– API: Fixed an issue with the Serbia and Montenegro choices in GF_Field_Address get_countries() and get_country_codes().

Version 1.9.10
– Added security enhancements.
– Added the gform_field_types_delete_files filter, including form specific version, for modifying field types to delete files when deleting entries.
– Added a javascript hook gform_pre_conditional_logic. Fires before conditional logic is executed.
– Updated Swiss Franc symbol to CHF.
– Updated some delete queries so that they perform better on large databases.
– Updated the links in the help page.
– Updated query which deletes entry values from the entry_detail_long table to be more performant. Thanks @strebel!
– Fixed an issue with the Address field in the form editor where the country input was not hidden when a country specific address type was selected.
– Fixed an issue in Internet Explorer when editing a drop down with choices that are part of conditional logic.
– Fixed an issue with exporting entries and the list type Custom field not outputting it’s value correctly.
– Fixed issue with conditional logic ‘less than’ operator not saving properly.
– Fixed a PHP notice in the form editor when saving a form with a Page field without next button conditional logic.
– Fixed an issue with the formatting of Paragraph, Post Body and Post Excerpt field values when merge tags are processed in some situations.
– Fixed an issue with the input mask setting in the form editor where the mask is not saved correctly.
– AF: Fixed an issue with the add-on uninstall process where app settings are not removed.
– AF: Fixed a database error during the add-on uninstall process when no forms exist.
– AF: Added get_dynamic_field_map_values( $feed, $field_name ); Returns array of mapped fields for a dynamic field map field and their values.
– AF: Prevent “Add Custom Key” option from being added to dynamic field map choices if “gf_custom” exists in a choices child array.
– AF: Added get_list_field_value( $entry, $field_id, $field ); Returns a comma separated string for the specified column or when multiple columns are not enabled.
– AF: Updated get_mapped_field_value() to use get_field_value().
– AF: Updated get_field_value() to use get_list_field_value().
– AF: Updated get_field_map_choices() and get_form_fields_as_choices() to include the List fields individual columns.
– AF: Fixed styling issues with the app settings uninstall tab.
– API: Removed deprecation notices from GFCommon::get_us_state_code(), GFCommon::get_country_code(), GFCommon::get_us_states() and GFCommon::get_canadian_provinces().
– API: Added GFFormsModel::get_fields_by_type() and some refactoring.
– API: Added GF_Field::get_input_type() helper e.g. $type = $field->get_input_type();
– API: Added GFAPI::get_fields_by_type() for returning an array of form fields of the specified type or inputType.
– API: Updated the Web API to hook into the template_redirect action instead of the pre_get_posts filter. This fixes an issue for add-ons that need access to posts.

Currently paying subscribers will find the updated download link in your account page.

Otherwise, join the club and start enhancing your WordPress websites today.

The post Just updated: Gravity Forms 1.9.13 appeared first on HARLOND GPL CLUB.

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