54 Renewed CNA Practice Exam Questions on Interdisciplinary Team Members
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Click on online certification questions below for your complete success to become a CNA:
Major health profession that the majority of people had consulted?
Are all health professions regulated across Canada?
Do all professions which have a clinical practicum have a national exam?
Top three areas of practice for PT
Antifungal, analgesic, antibiotic, astringent, corticosteroid, caustics, immune modifiers, wound healing agents-must be TOPICAL use-Oral antibiotics and NSAIDs
How many drugs can chiropodists administer into feet?
Education for chiropodist
What classes of drugs can chiropodists prescribe?
Where do most pharmacists work?
Assessment of physical function and the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of physical dysfunction, injury or pain, to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment function or to relieve pain
Physiotherapy education
Classes of nurses
Dieticians scope of practice
PT scope of practice
Community pharmacy
Chiropodists can asses:
Where do most pharmacists work?
Areas of practice for OT
Most dieticians work in:
-Qualifying examinations with the Medical Council of Canada-Certification by Royal COPS or the College of Family Physicians before obtaining license by Ontario COPS
Physiotherapy education
Physicians require what education:
Physicians examinations:
Dietician education
4 year program including 12 month internship and additional 3 years prior to entry
RPN education
Physiotherapy education
RN education
Chiropractor education
4 year university program + 35 weeks internship-Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination
RPN education
Physiotherapy education
Chiropractor education
Dietician education
-Doctoral degree-1 pre and 1 pst year on supervised practicum-Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology; Jurisprudence examination; oral examination
Psychologists education
Chiropractor education
Physiotherapy education
Psychological associates education
Group/solo practice > education > hospital
Areas of practice for OT
Top practice areas for psychologists
Top three areas of practice for PT
Education for chiropodist
CCO Legislation and Ethics exam, Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board knowledge and clinical competency exam-Registration with Chiropractic College of Ontario-Dr. of chiropractic degree
Dieticians scope of practice
Podiatry vs. Chiropody
Examinations for chiropractors
Education for chiropodist
Nurses regulation includes:
Are midwives regulated across Canada?
Primary goal of RHPA?
Physicians require what education:
Regulated Health Professions Act-Regulates and coordinated health professions
RN education
RPN Autonomy
RN Autonomy
-Confirmation of diagnosis-Skin pricks for monitoring capillary blood levels-Psychotherapy for dietetic scope-Prescribing and dispensing oral hypoglycemic agents and enteral and parenteral nutrition-Prescribe and manage therapeutic diets
What are dieticians requesting a change in?
Most dieticians work in:
Dietician education
Physicians require what education:
4 year Bachelor's
RN education
Dietician education
RN Autonomy
RPN education
Foot, diagnose and treat and prevent disorder or diseases of foot by therapeutic, orthotic, and palliative means
Classes of nurses
Psychologists education
Chiropodists can asses:
Chiropractor education
Mental health, neurological system, general practice, CV and respiratory, digestive/ endocrine, etc
Areas of practice for OT
PT scope of practice
OT scope of practice
Top three areas of practice for PT
Assessment of nutrition and nutritional conditions and prevention and treatment of nutritional orders by nutritional means
Chiropractor scope of practice
PT scope of practice
Dieticians scope of practice
Dietician education
Community > other areas > hospital
PT scope of practice
Classes of nurses
OT scope of practice
Majority of NPs work in:
-Planning, implementing and documenting nursing care plans-Observing, assessing and monitoring patient symptoms, reactions, and progress-Collaborating with team members of patient treatments, and examinations and counseling patients-Administering medications and blood products, as prescribed by a physician or according to established policies and protocols-Operating or monitoring medical apparatus, or equipment-Assisting in medical procedures or surgery-Managing cases, and developing and implementing discha
Duties/Responsibilites of nurses
Classes of nurses
Differences in RNs and RPNs
Chiropodists can asses:
No. Unless in hospital, LTC, CHC, public health unit and CCAC
PT scope of practice
Areas of practice for OT
Does OHIP cover RDs?
Classes of nurses
No. Possibly if a school recommends it?
Psychologists education
Is psychologist covered by OHIP?
Does OHIP cover RDs?
Psychologists scope of practice
Autonomy for less complex patients, but need to consult/collaborate in providing care for complex patients
RPN education
RPN Autonomy
RN Autonomy
How many drugs can chiropodists administer into feet?
How many controlled acts are laid out in the RHPA?
Occupation therapists education
What classes of drugs can chiropodists prescribe?
-Regulate practice of profession; govern members-Develop, establish, maintain standards of qualifications-CE/quality assurance/practice standards/competence-Protected titles-Internship, education, passing of exams
Number of regulated health professions in Ontario?
What classes of drugs can chiropodists prescribe?
Which is the largest group of health professions?
What are governing bodies or self-regulating health professions responsible for?
-Acute complex injury-Acute complex illness-Initial diagnosis and treatment of chronic disease-Treatment adjustment of unstable chronic disease-Ante natal care post 32 weeks/L&D/immediate maternal care/newborn care-Initial diagnosis and treatment and treatment adjustment of primary mental health care-Referral to rehab-Referral to hospital-Initial treatment or adjustment of palliative care
Nurses regulation includes:
Nurse practitioners are NOT responsible for:
Nurse practitioner responsible for (general):
Similarities in RNs and RPNs
-In ON, both considered together-P = more training and larger scope of practice
Education for chiropodist
Primary goal of RHPA?
RPN Autonomy
Podiatry vs. Chiropody
-Health assessments (examinations, tests, diagnostic procedures)-Diagnosis-Treatment (prescribe, perform surgeries, acute care management)
Duties/Scopes of practice for physicians:
Extended scope of practice includes:
Areas of practice for OT
PT scope of practice
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