
Book: A Dip at the Sangam – by Reuben Lachmansingh

Discover how sugar – white gold – changed the world, and how coolie indentureship replaced slavery through trickery and kidnapping. Against the backdrop of plantation life, the author, a master of innovative historical fiction, lures the reader into a world of intrigue, adventure, and romance.

Caught up in this grand scheme, thugs snatch Raja away from his pretty wife and herd him to join the hundreds of thousands before and after him onto a sailing ship in Calcutta headed to the distant colony of British Guiana. The year is 1869.

When the British fail to return Raja to his homeland, he makes good as a free man in the new colony. In his old age, he returns to his native home. Will he relight the spark of a once beautiful romance? Does he find solace in the Old World or the New?   Read more and Order from Amazon       also     Read first chapter free – Download PDF



Road to Belwasa is in many respects a sequel to the author’s first book, A Dip at the Sangam, which was short listed for the First Book Guyana Prize for Literature.

Available in paperback and Kindle … Look inside at book on Amazon.

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About the Author – Reuben Lachmansingh

The author is a graduate in biology of the University of Toronto, a specialist in biology from the Ontario College of Education, a graduate of the Winghill and Humber Schools of Creative Writing, and an honorary companion of the University of Guelph.

He’s worked as a civil servant and a science and biology specialist teacher, is a multi-award motelier and an entrepreneur. In his free time, he travelled the world, practised Taekwondo, and played League as well as World Golden Oldies cricket tournaments, earning medals from a New Zealand and a South African team.

Home – Excerpt – “A Dip at the Sangam”   Excerpt – “Road to Belwasa”   Shortlisted: 2014 Guyana Prize

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