
Left to Right: Tammy Hinson, Dillon’s Customer Service Manager; Bob Ingersoll, Volunteer at Heartland Cancer Center; Jamie Hutchinson, Nurse/Radiation Oncology Clinic Manager at Heartland Cancer Center; Sue Cooper, Program Officer at Golden Belt Community Foundation

February is known for being a month of caring and kindness.  Local businesses, volunteers, and charitable organizations come together not just in February, but year-round to show support for area cancer patients.

Sweet Treats

Every week, Dillion’s generously donates cookies to patients at the Heartland Cancer Center.  A cookie is a simple, sweet token that reminds people going through treatment that they are loved.   Volunteers are coordinated through Volunteers in Action (RSVP), to assist with wrapping the cookies, handing out treats, and lending an ear to patients.

Financial Support

The Heartland Cancer Patient Care and Support Endowment Fund (The Cancer Fund), a fund of the Golden Belt Community Foundation, provides small grants to persons in Barton, Pawnee, Rush and Stafford County that are experiencing an unexpected financial hardship caused by cancer.  In 2016, the fund assisted 39 people with shelter, caregiving, nutrition, medical supplies and transportation.

“This fund is crucial in providing support to area cancer patients.  Every story we hear is unique, full of inspiration and heartache.  The reality is that feeding tube supplements, wound care, certain prosthetics, and adult briefs are not often covered by insurance and that is where we have been able to help,” said Sue Cooper, Program Officer.

The Cancer Fund also has assisted with public transportation bus passes, dentures, and auto repairs to get patients to and from appointments.

Care for Patients and Their Families

ElderCare, Inc. is a Golden Belt Community Foundation ‘Cancer Fund’ partner.  The foundation provides grants to Eldercare to assist area cancer patients with respite services, family relief, and meal preparation.  Brandi Gruber, Director of Home Services, shared information about their services at a recent cancer support group meeting.

Donations to The Cancer Fund are endowed, creating a permanent source of support for local patients with 100% of the funds remaining in the community.  To donate or for information on how to apply for a grant, please call the Golden Belt Community Foundation at (620) 792-3000.

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