Gratitude 365 App. Create a mouth-watering online presence for your restaurant with our easy-to-use website builder and boost sales with our integrated...

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News, stories and media buzz related to Gratitude 365 App

  • What is a gratitude attitude? As we are deep into all of the joy and stress that the holiday season offers, it seems like a good time of the year to take a moment to breathe, and simply focus on and be grateful for the things that make our lives better...

  • Gratitude is a subject most of us are familiar with at surface level, but while we may talk of gratitude and share stories about how gratitude has impacted the life of one of our friends or family members, do we truly know what gratitude means? When...

  • As I learn to see the world and my stay on this planet with more grateful eyes, I find many reasons for thanksgiving in each ordinary day. Even the commonplace begins to sparkle when I cultivate the art of really noticing my surroundings, the people...

  • Thanksgiving can be about more that putting up with annoying relatives, gorging on a dead bird, and passing out in a football-enhanced stupor. In fact, Thanksgiving can be an opportunity to practice one of the most powerful health-promoting actions that...

  • “If the only prayer you ever say in your whole life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart With depressing news making headlines on the nightly news and tragedy splashed across newspapers and magazines, the world can seem a depressing...

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