
Updated: Partners Panels Handbook updated and Multidisciplinary Panel Brochure added.

These panels are available for use free of charge by a number of other public sector bodies.

The panels have been procured through fully compliant Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) processes, and offer a quick and efficient means to procure high quality, good value development related technical services, such as property and project management, engineering, planning, and multidisciplinary services.

Over recent years, our panels have been used by around 200 partners to deliver around £130 million of development related services. Users have reported significant savings in procurement time, and rates provided are extremely competitive, in many cases much lower than for comparable panels or for open procurement.

Current panels

Our current panels are detailed below, together with their OJEU notice references.

Delivery Partner Panel 2

OJEU tender notice 2012/S 564-103639

See the DPP2 page for more information.

Property panel 2014 to 2018

OJEU Reference No. 2013/S 235-408288

The property panel commenced on 18 June 2014 and will run for 4 years.

Property panel members
(PDF, 19.6KB, 1 page)

The services offered under this panel are given in the
Property panels schedule of services
(PDF, 100KB, 5 pages)
. Our panels can be used by a wide range of public sector organisations. For the property panel a
List of potential panel users
(MS Word Document, 155KB)
is available.

Multidisciplinary panel 2014 to 2018

OJEU Reference No: 2014/S 020-031462

Multidisciplinary panel members
(MS Word Document, 22KB)

Multidisciplinary panel schedule of services
(MS Word Document, 25.9KB)

Multidisciplinary panel brochure
(PDF, 1.71MB, 2 pages)

The public sector organisations able to use the new multidisciplinary panel will be as for the property panel above.

Economics panel

OJEU notice identifies: Not formally procured as being available to other public bodies, but a list of consultants can be shared for use where OJEU compliant procurement is not necessary.

How do I use the panels?

To access our panels, please email consultantpanels@hca.gsi.gov.uk for more information. Partners will be required to sign up to an
Technical panels access agreement
(MS Word Document, 67KB)
with the HCA in order to use our panels.

The Panels Handbook 2014 to 2018

Partners guide to HCA panels handbook 2014 to 2018

PDF, 128KB, 15 pages

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The Panels Handbook 2014 to 2018 gives guidance to procuring services through our panels, including the current property and multidisciplinary panels.

Selection of panels

Panel firms are sourced through competitive tender processes at regular intervals, usually every four years. The panel tender process is subject to the HCA’s procurement policy. Re-tendering of panels is advertised in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Prospective panel members are advised to use the search facility via the OJEU Tenders Electronic Daily website or subscribe to a tender search company specialising in this field.

No unsolicited information

Potential suppliers and consultants are requested to refrain from sending unsolicited details of their goods, services and skills to the HCA, as we are unable to retain this information.

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