
Leading NHS clinicians and universities will benefit from new world class facilities and support services built by the 5-year funding package totalling £816 million – the largest ever investment into health research.

Mental health research will see funding increase to nearly £70 million, dementia to over £45 million, deafness and hearing problems will receive over £15 million and antimicrobial resistance research rises to around £45 million.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said:

The UK has so often led the world in health research – from the invention of the smallpox vaccine to the discovery of penicillin and the development of DNA sequencing. Today, we are making sure the UK stays ahead of the game by laying the foundations for a new age of personalised medicine.

We are supporting the great minds of the NHS to push the frontiers of medical science so that patients in this country continue to benefit from the very latest treatments and the highest standards of care.

The funding has been awarded to 20 NHS and university partnerships across England through the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). Each of the 20 biomedical research centres will host the development of new, ground-breaking treatments, diagnostics, prevention and care for patients in a wide range of diseases like cancer and dementia.

Chief Scientific Advisor Professor Chris Whitty said:

The future of NHS care depends on the science we do now. This new funding will enable clinical researchers to keep pushing for medical breakthroughs. The NIHR biomedical research centres announced today offer huge potential benefits for patients across the country.

The table shows the successful applicants who will receive a share of the £816 million investment. Each local partnership between the NHS and university will be known as an NIHR biomedical research centre.

NHS host organisation

Academic partner

Research themes

Funding for 5 years from 1 April 2017

Barts Health NHS Trust

Queen Mary University of London

Cardiovascular devices and innovative trials, inherited cardiovascular disorders


Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

University of Cambridge

Antimicrobial resistance, cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory disease, dementia and neurodegenerative disease, gastrointestinal disease, integrative genomics, mental health, metabolism, endocrinology and bone, neuroscience, nutrition, diet and lifestyle, population and quantitative science, transplantation and regenerative science, women’s health and paediatrics


Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

University of Manchester

Advanced radiotherapy, cancer prevention and early detection, cancer precision medicine, dermatology, hearing health, respiratory medicine, targeted therapy in musculoskeletal diseases


Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust

University College London

Advanced treatments for structural malformation and tissue damage, gene, stem and cellular therapies, genomics and systems medicine, novel therapeutics and their translation into childhood disease


Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

King’s College London

Cardiovascular disease, cutaneous medicine, genomic medicine, imaging sciences, infection and immunity, oral health, regenerative medicine and cellular therapy, transplantation, women and children’s health


Imperial College Healthcare Trust

Imperial College London

Brain sciences, cancer, cardiovascular, gut health, immunology, infection and AMR, metabolic medicine and endocrine, surgery and technology


Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

University of Leeds

Preventing disease and disability in immune mediated inflammatory disease, improving treatment of osteoarthritis


Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

University College London

Gene therapy, genomic medicine and informatics, inflammation and immunotherapy, regenerative medicine and pharmaceutics, visual assessment and imaging


Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Newcastle University

Dementia, liver disease, musculoskeletal disease, neuromuscular disease, skin and oral disease


Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

University of Nottingham

Deafness and hearing problems, gastrointestinal and liver disorders, mental health and technology, musculoskeletal disease, respiratory disease


Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

University of Oxford

Adult mental health, older adults and dementia, precision psychological treatments


Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

University of Oxford

Antimicrobial resistance and microbiology, cardiovascular, diabetes and metabolism, gastroenterology and mucosal immunity, genomic medicine, haematology and stem cells, multi-modal cancer therapies, multimorbidity and long term conditions, musculoskeletal, neurological conditions, obesity, diet and lifestyle, respiratory, stroke and vascular dementia, surgical innovation and evaluation, technology and digital health, vaccines for emerging and endemic diseases


The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

The Institute of Cancer Research

Breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, novel cancer therapeutics, prostate cancer, targeted physical therapies, uncommon cancers


Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

University of Sheffield

Translational neuroscience for chronic neurological disorders


South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

King’s College London

Affective disorders and interface with medicine, bioinformatics and statistics, biomarkers and genomics, child and neurodevelopmental disorders, clinical and population informatics, dementia and related disorders, mobile health, neuroimaging, obesity, pain, patient and carer involvement and engagement, psychosis and neuropsychiatry, substance use, translational therapeutics


University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

University College London

Cancer, cardiovascular disease, deafness and hearing, dementia and mental health, immunity, inflammation and immunotherapeutics, neurological diseases, obesity, oral health and disease


University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

University of Birmingham

Inflammatory arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory sarcopaenia


University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust

University of Bristol

Cardiovascular disease, mental health, nutrition, diet and lifestyle (including obesity), reproductive and perinatal health, surgical innovation


University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

University of Leicester

Cardiovascular, lifestyle, respiratory


University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

University of Southampton

Life-course nutrition, lifestyle and health, respiratory and critical care


The UK is already a world leader in pioneering medical breakthroughs and this record investment will ensure this strong tradition continues. It is estimated that for every £1 the Department of Health invests, hospitals/universities will generate £6 from public funders of research, charities and industry partners.

Previous rounds of funding have led to medical breakthroughs, including:

genetically engineering patients’ own cells to attack cancer

gene-edited immune cells to treat ‘incurable’ leukemia

clinical trials of new T-cell treatment for cancer

MRI brain scans to detect early Parkinson’s

detection of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease

multi-gene DNA sequencing to help predict cancer patients’ responses to treatment

new immunotherapy trial to test cancer vaccine

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