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How to use yacht cruises to become more socially popular.

Or the envy of some friends, at the least. Royal Caribbean and Carnival cruise lines used to be the happening thing. Back in the day when you were younger. Yeah, maybe. But, now you’re older, more mature and have a few more dollars in the bank. So, the class of people you tend to associate yourself with now do different things. So now, you do different things. That weekend cruise vacation on Carnival has now turned into a 7 day cruise on a yacht. Everybody’s doing it.

Everybody who’s got money that is. Your friends describe the yacht to you. They tell you the difference it makes to cruise the same seas on a yacht. They even tell you that these yachts travel to different places than the ordinary cruise ships. It sounds so intriguing. You have the talk with the missus. You two agree on a cruise, a timetable, and a savings plan. It’s only a few grand more than Carnival.


But, the guys have been raving about this yacht thing. Every day it’s the same thing. Seven nights here. Nine nights there. A cruise to Greece, Italy, Portugal, and not the average destinations. These are yacht cruises, so you cruise to exquisite paces. Just like Carnival and Royal Caribbean have their own islands and cruises. The yachts have their own private destinations. For about five to ten grand, sometimes twenty you can cruise to beautiful Italy, Greece, Turkey, or anywhere in the West Mediterranean. Enjoy a peaceful, serene cruise across the Mediterranean and ‘ball out’. All your friends are doing it, so it’s time you start doing it. So get out that tuxedo. Be prepared for some stepping and some more stepping, because as good as you’re going to look. ‘All aboard!’

But, the tux won’t be for the entire cruise. Dress is casual. Elegant casual by day. Casually elegant by night. Show up to show out! Casual and sophisticated. These cruises are definitely for the grown and sexy! Send the kids to Ma’s, and come aboard for a good looking time. Ask anyone aboard the yacht. Is this a cruise line? The answer in short, No way! This is a yacht. The most elegant, sophisticated cruising experience around. And yacht cruising ‘just ain’t your typical cruising’. The yacht boasts not just elegance, but privacy, serenity, and sanctuary. Average cruise lines may offer you your own suite or balcony, but while aboard a yacht it’s almost like your own condo equipped with all the same amenities and sometimes more. Small space big enough to entertain in.


Most yacht cruises go to the same destinations: Greece, Italy, and Portugal. Now, although these may very well be the most exquisite destinations out there. Let’s just say you don’t wish to visit either of those places. You’ve got choices: Thailand, The Virgin Islands, Even Croatia. Two different Croatias, to be exact, black and red. What’s the difference, you ask? Well, apparently it has everything to do with the routes sailed during ‘Yacht Week’. ‘Yacht Week’ is a week of sailing board a yacht for seven days in Croatia. By far the best yacht cruise I have heard of. Now, I must warn you cruising on a yacht is not only different in sailing experience. While cruising a yacht, certain Skippers have their guests swab decks, help with the sailing and/or cooking. Yes, of course, you get to sun bathe, enjoy new friends, dance and drink and play sports even. Some of the Croatian cruises have ships within the ship. Whole, entire cities within the ship. Amazingly adventurous and guaranteed to be the best seven days with your best buds ever.

It’s just as any good vacation if you’re into it. All inclusive drink packages. the fancy restaurant deals, and the spa and wellness package. Pamper yourself, you deserve it! Besides. The cruise was planned with just that in mind, right? If you happen to be on the cruise with the family and Mom couldn’t come through for you, there’s an all inclusive drink package for the kids that includes virgin cocktails. If the kids are with you, tell me you took advantage of the kids cruise free deal?


To keep the experience unique, you have plenty of ways to relax, have fun, and pamper yourself. Croatia, I feel is the place you want to be. The black and red routes are not that different except they departure from different locations and different days. They both sail the same route. I’m not so sure what the fascination Croatia has with colors, but there’s the Blue Caves and the Green Caves. Haven’t had that much fun yet? Try the theaters or the casino for musicals, dance shows, and plays.

Now, the biggest thing that makes Yacht Week rock is meeting all the cool folks from all around the world. People from everywhere and all walks of life. They are not a dull at all. There’s deck games, and a sports section, everything. You must be at least 20 on some yachts, unless arranged long before setting sail. The average guest is at least 25. That is a great mature crowd. Before booking your trip, make sure to have a passport and any other travel documents you may need. The most important thing I could say right now. Croatia has it’s own money, so convert your cash!

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Photo Credit: Getty Images

The post A Cruise is a Cruise. Why Not a Yacht appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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