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I started playing piano at 5 years old.
I never took lessons and I wasn’t formally trained, so I didn’t understand or know what I was doing technically, but one thing I do know…
Music was in my Soul.
I was born with it.
It calls me.
It speaks to me.
It heals me.
It makes me happy.
It makes me feel.
And it brings me joy.
The piano and my music would turn out to be my sacred, private space to retreat to anytime that I felt angry, depressed, or afraid, it would keep me from being swallowed up by my own pain during childhood and into my adult years.
I’d let my fingers move up and down the keyboard until they found the notes and tones that spoke to me, that made me feel something, like a vibrational match to my heart. I’d keep playing until something opened in me, released, and let go, and when I did, I didn’t want to stop.
Music as well as all good art and entertainment, let’s us go inside ourselves, on an inner journey to the truth, we come alive, it wake us up, touches us, inspires us, and changes us.
I’d literally play the piano for four to five hours straight with my eyes closed. I’d feel an unfamiliar yet healing energy move through me that I couldn’t explain. My body felt like it disappeared, and I’d even see a kaleidoscope of colors on the other side of the darkness behind my closed eyes.
It was a direct connection to Source, to the Universe, to my Highest Self, and the energy of love. It was a way for me to turn down the dials on my pain and loneliness and dive into the arms of something that fed and nourished my Soul.
I craved it, I longed for it, but wasn’t sure what IT was, I only knew that it was powerful.
It was like coming home.
I found my Soul.
And every time I get lost, it brings me back.
When I was a child, I felt like I didn’t fit in, like I was from somewhere else.
I saw things differently, I felt differently, and I never understood what all the craziness, drama, and insanity of the world was all about.
Politicians, paparazzi, gossip, red carpets, violence, mindless TV, things that seem so superficial.
Even as a kid, I felt there was something deeper and bigger, more meaningful in life.
Music opened that door for me.
I don’t think our world would ever survive without it.
Music is special…
It makes us cry.
It makes us dance.
It makes us laugh.
It makes us play.
It makes us feel passionate and sexy.
It makes us remember.
It gives us hope.
It makes us know that we’re not alone with all the ups and downs of our human emotions and feelings that run through us on a daily basis.
Music as well as all good art and entertainment, let’s us go inside ourselves, on an inner journey to the truth, we come alive, it wake us up, touches us, inspires us, and changes us.
It can also play a huge role in leading the way for massive change in our world, spiritually, socially, culturally, and even politically. (Lord knows we can use some big ass help there.)
Art is a gift to ALL of us.
So if art and entertainment, music, films, plays, storytelling etc. and all the incredible artistic expressions are SO important to us, and such a big part of our lives that can and does literally change and heal the world…why aren’t more people doing it?
I had to go through hell and back, more than once, to get the message.
Because we’re still spewing out the “starving artist” mentality and stereotypes that are so prevalent in our world, and besides that being false, (there’s actually a great deal of money in art if you value yourself and aren’t afraid to put yourself out there and claim in it), that lie rips the heart out of so many gifted creative dreamers who are SO NEEDED, and then they give up before they even start, and become accountants, lawyers, dentists, managers, and work in cubicle nation for the rest of their lives.
There’s nothing wrong with any of those professions if you love it and it’s your passion, but if you throw away your creative dreams under the illusion that you’ll starve, thinking that these other jobs are easier, then you’ve tossed away a part of your own soul, and it will do major damage in one way or another.
I was told early on that artists can’t make a living.
I know it’s bullsh*t now, but when I was younger, I bought into the lie, and shut down the best part of me that I’d have to bring back to life decades later, it created emotional trauma which is what happens when you bury your truest heart’s desire.
I did the American dream thing and it sucked the life force right out of me.
I became a successful trader, had a million dollar year, and I felt like death warmed over EVEN with all that success because something in me knew that I was put here for something bigger, deeper, and more meaningful, a life that I loved and that would impact people throughout the world with me sharing my art, my music, and my voice.
I had to go through hell and back, more than once, to get the message.
The idea of a starving artist is a cancer in our society, because artists are some of the most important assets in our world.
They feed our souls, they bring the light, they bring vision, and they make the world a better place every day, they have since the beginning of time, they bring the heart and Soul to the insanity of the human condition.
There may have been some truth to this old story from the past, it was a lot harder to make a living, let alone get wealthy being an artist unless you were the best of the best, but now with the internet, and the falling away of the gatekeepers, the studios, music companies, and publishers have lost their grip and it has been taken over by us, the people with a calling, with a dream, and some heart hustle, we can now thrive.
When we give up on something we love or we’re put on this earth to do, in lieu of “making a living” our souls begin to die a slow death causing incredible pain, depression, suffering, and even sickness.
This is what happens when we attempt to shut down our heart and soul and follow the hypnotic programming of an unawakend , agenda driven society, and ignore our own callings, our own voice, and our NEED for self expression and creativity.
We are ALL creative, we’re born that way.
We as a society, and secretly and in our own hearts, tend to put artists, musicians, singers, actors, rockstars, athletes, and celebrities, especially the successful ones, on a pedestal and love to be around them, watch them, listen to them, and even secretly dream about living an inspired, creative life and being just like them.
Even when we see artists who are not “famous” take the stage, share their talent, their songs, their art, their voice, something happens inside all of us.
It touches something deep in us.
And my take on it is this.
Artists, entertainers, musicians, poets, even bad ass entrepreneurs too, represent seeing what’s possible for us, what we COULD BE if we’d step up, take a chance, and don’t give up on ourselves, our dreams, or who we are.
To live our potential.
If we just BELIEVED in ourselves, our hearts, our art, our creativity, and our inner wisdom, if we just had some faith, and went for it, in some way, and it doesn’t have to be to become a Grammy winning artist or an Oscar winning actor, then we’d be in the mindset and heartset to create a life and world beyond our wildest dreams.
Since I’ve stepped onto my creative path as an artist, singer, songwriter, comedian, and producer, along with starting my new entertainment company and creative adventure…
I’ve learned to put my heart and soul front and center, giving my inner truth and creative self expression a voice and a priority.
I gave myself and my soul permission to SPEAK through me, CREATE through me, LOVE through me, LIVE through me, putting it out into the world, as scary as it is, and as long as it took me to FINALLY step into my calling and my biggest heart’s desires, there is NO looking back.
What I’ve learned about this path is this.
When I was willing to walk away from what I SHOULD do, and started doing what I was MEANT to do, CALLED to do, EVERYTHING changed, and it continues to blow me away every single day.
I believe we look up to artists, singers, musicians, and creatives that go for it and put themselves out there…
Because we admire the courage it takes in the face of rejection, the requirement to live on the edge, the way they give us a glimpse into their souls, this is what inspires people and what touches us, the raw honesty, vulnerability, courage, strength, and heart, that it takes to live your truth in such an open, honest, and vulnerable, creative way is BIG TIME INSPIRATIONAL.
It’s the definition of being spiritually naked in the world, but not of it, and very few people will do it because it’s f**king scary.
I get it.
The same is true for ANYONE that gets on stage, makes a video, creates a song, shares a poem, makes a film, creates something from nothing from within their our soul and puts it out into the world, risking rejection and criticism.
Give yourself permission to express your truth and creativity.
There’s a lot of repressed creatives, blocked artists, critics, and haters who attack us, because we’re the risk takers, we follow our hearts, while they sit behind their computers and throw darts, I know they’re hurting because they never took a chance on their own dreams, so they lash out at the people who are actually going for and living their dreams.
Artists and all creatives have something in common that pulls us towards our potential, so that we can expand, express, and enjoy the fruits of our soul’s calling.
We push our edge.
We’re willing to get uncomfortable, face uncertainty, and the unexpected, because we have something to say.
We face our fears.
We face criticism.
We face the haters, but we do it anyway because our hearts say that WE MUST.
We’re bold, honest, authentic, and courageous.
We’re scared and we do it anyway.
We’re unapologetic, edgy, and we live undefended.
We’ve learned to embody the messiness, the grit, and the not knowingness of life and not only being OK with it, but LOVING it.
Artists bring the truth from the deepest place, and we as humans need that badly.
If you’re creative, and we ALL are in some way, I ask you to search deep into your heart, your soul, and your very BE-ING to see what wants to express through you.
Then take a step.
Take a risk.
Give yourself permission to express yourself, to love yourself enough to let it come through you…even if it’s something that no one will ever see, do it for yourself, but I hope that you do share what you create with us all.
This single act of creativity and self expression might be the one thing that opens something up in you, that you never knew existed or was missing from your life and might be the catalyst to change your life and all those around you forever.
Yes, artists change the world, and we’re ALL artists, we’re ALL creative.
It just means if you have something to express and you feel it, let it out, it might save your life literally.
I KNOW you’ve got something amazing in you to share.
So if you feel the call…
If you have something to say.
If you have a story to tell.
If you have music to create.
A song to sing.
A poem to share.
A message for us…
Then I hope you answer the call.
Because if you do, we will all be better off because of it.
So take a risk.
Give yourself permission to express your truth and creativity.
Share your heart.
Give us a glimpse of your Soul.
I BELIEVE in you.
I SEE You.
I’ll leave you with lyrics from one of my new songs called “Rise Up,” it’s about leaving the past behind and walking into the future you were meant to live…
Rise Up
© Scott Brandon Hoffman
I got lost chasing the American dream
Standing in the pits taught to scream
It put me on the floor in a fetal position
All because I was too afraid to listen
Bombarded with messages from society and family
Was told who I was supposed to be
I played the pretender with my heart on a shelf
Living in the shadow of my true self
I’m not here to make my father proud
This is my life to live out loud
It’s down to the eleventh hour
And I’m gonna stand in my true power
I had to learn to let the lies go
That it’s ok to let my shadows show
I’m not the mask I used to wear
Yeah it’s courage that finally got me here
This is my soul calling
This is my heart talking
This is my fear walking
This is love calling me home
Rise Up
Today I’m gonna stay connected
Rise Up
Today I’m gonna set myself free
Rise Up
I don’t need to do what’s expected anymore
Rise Up
It’s time to give the world the REAL me
Photo: Getty Images
The post PLEASE Rise UP and Be Creative, it Might Just Save You and the World appeared first on The Good Men Project.