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Life stresses us out, and stressors are toxic to our health.

And toxins surround us all day, every day.

You already know this.

Our bodies are designed to handle daily toxic exposures, in fact it is can be healthy to challenge your immune system and detoxification pathways.

So far we’ve learned that everything is toxic and it is only the dose that separates the toxic from the non-toxic and a moderate amount of toxins are required for a healthy immune system.

There are however, natural toxins that could have deleterious effects even at small doses (ie. food poisoning, heavy metals), but for the most part, it is the accumulation that stresses our bodies and have them working sub-optimally.

We take in toxins in a variety of ways, including external and internal processes.

My recommendation is NOT to make all these changes. And if you have already, I would question if your “healthy lifestyle” is more of an obsession. There are dangers in going too far, it’s called orthorexia. Limiting some of these toxic exposures and accumulations one step at a time will bring you closer to optimal health and vitality.


Work, family relationships, and financial stressors

SOLUTION – Our personal and financial relationships can be difficult to remove or change, but surrounding yourself with positive people and a healthy mindset can have you effectively tackling even the most difficult situations.

Gratitude journalling is a phenomenal way to remind yourself of the positive things in your life and about yourself

Practice deep breathing during stressful times and calm your nervous system down to allow problem-solving and creative thought processes to surface

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been shown to be very beneficial for people with emotional, mental and also physical stress

For many more practices, such as meditation and exercise, see The Research Supporting A Healthy State Of Mind


SOLUTION – Dependencies can be to foods, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or activity (ie. shopping, gambling, stealing, sex, etc).

Replace your negative habits with positive ones, such as healthy eating, deep breathing during a craving, creative arts and writing

Quit or limit addictions with programs such as the Allen Carr’s Easyway to stopping smoking

High dose multi-vitamines and N-acetyl choline have been shown to help cut addition patterns

Get a partner who can keep you accountable and practicing healthy life choices

Sedentary behaviors

SOLUTION – Being sedentary is not a toxin, but it is toxic for the body. Inactivity is related to so many obesity-type dysfunctions of the body, such as diabetes, heart disease, infertility, erectile dysfunction, fatty liver, etc.

Moderate exercise and activity 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes is the minimum recommendations

Choose the right activity for you, with The Best Exercises For YOU

Keep consistent by doing something you love and have fun with

Poor sleep due to stimulants especially at night or mental restlessness

SOLUTION – Lack of sleep is toxic for your mind and body’s ability to heal, grow, and function. It’s key to limit the following stimulants after 4pm, but especially after dinner and 2 hours before you go to bed (click here for other Healthy Sleep Hygeine Tips):

Caffeine – Coffee, green or black tea, yerba, soda, red bull, etc.

Herbal stimulants – Ginkgo, Ginseng, Glycerrhiza, etc.

Sugar – energy drinks, pop, concentrated fruit juices, etc.

Electronic usage – TV, computer, tablets, video games (especially violent or emotionally stimulating content)

High energy activities: Cardio, weight training and yes, even sex could be potential stimulants

Write down a to-do list before you go to bed so that you aren’t constantly worrying and thinking about these things before you go to bed


Witnessed or experienced physical, emotional, and sexual assault

SOLUTION – Trauma can take all forms and degrees. If you are significantly impacted by a direct or indirect incident, find yourself unable to be around certain people and situations, or frequently relive the event in your thoughts you should seek professional attention.

Visit a counselor and doctor for unresolved or physical concerns

Practice deep breathing during stressful times and calm your nervous system down to allow problem-solving and creative thought processes to surface

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been shown to be very beneficial for people with emotional, mental and also physical traumas

For many more practices, such as meditation and exercise, see The Research Supporting A Healthy State Of Mind

Recurrent or persistent injuries and infections

SOLUTION – If you continuously injure yourself or get frequent infections, this is your body’s way of telling you something isn’t functioning properly.

Strengthen your weak areas and stabilizing muscles to prevent injury re-occurrence and physical imbalances (see the Best Core Stabilizing Exercises)

Strengthen your postural muscles (learn more about Healthy Posture)

Modify your habits, activities, and sports or the intensity at which you are playing to limit injuries

Stretch your tight muscles prior to any exercise with active movements and use held stretches after the activity

Avoid over-stretching flexible joints that can cause joint laxity and increase chances of injury

Boost your immune system with vitamin C, zinc, and botanical herbs (see here for a full list of Natural Cold and Flu Preventions)

Nasal lavage and steam inhalation with essential oils (see Sinusitis for more information)

Give your body time to heal and rest after an injury or infection

Visit your Naturopathic doctor prior to every change of season to support optimal health (Find an ND in your area)


Unnecessary medications

SOLUTION – Unnecessary medications can easily go unnoticed if you are starting multiple meds at the same time. Some medications will have side effects that require another pharmaceutical to counter those effects, and so on.

Tracking your symptoms and ensuring you are taking the correct dosages with each change of medication is as much your responsibility as your doctor’s.

Track your symptoms and treatments by taking advantage of my free “Symptom Tracker” and “Physician Info & Treatment Protocol” Chart.

Note: NEVER ABRUPTLY STOP MEDICATION, especially for chronic conditions. ALWAYS consult with your medical practitioner. Ask about the dose, length of time to take meds, side effects and risks if not taking the medication and when to re-evaluate the plan.


SOLUTION – Many supplements can also be toxic if it you are taking a product of poor quality, with allergic ingredients, is taken at too high of a dose or for too long. Supplementation is a science and art, read more on the “Top 8 Self-Prescribing Mistakes You MUST Avoid”

Visit a Naturopathic doctor to evaluate your supplement regiment (Find an ND in your area)

Track your symptoms and treatments by taking advantage of my free “Symptom Tracker” and “Physician Info & Treatment Protocol” Chart.

Read labels carefully for fillers, allergens and harmful chemicals

Purchase professional-quality brands, such as Seroyal (Genestra),MediHerb, St. Francis Herb Farm, A. Vogel, AOR, Thorne Research,Restorative Formulation, Metagenics, Cytomatrix, Douglas Labs, NFH, etc.

Limiting Internal Toxin Accumulation

One type of toxin that hasn’t been discussed so far but can be even more poisonous than any physical substance is the internal or intrinsic toxic affect our minds have on our physical and mental health. How many times a day do you have negative thoughts?

It might be about yourself when you look in the mirror, about your job, the salad you’re eating, a celebrity you see on the cover of a magazine, the weather, or the sound of heavy breathing by the person sitting beside you.

Emotional and mental stress

SOLUTION – Use stress management tools or visit a counselor to create successful practices to use during difficult times.

Journalling your experiences and writing down ways to overcome the challenges or let them go

Practice deep breathing during stressful times to calm your sympathetic nervous system down and allow problem-solving and creative thought processes to surface

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been shown to be very beneficial for people with emotional, mental and also physical stress

For many more practices, such as meditation and exercise, see The Research Supporting A Healthy State Of Mind

Negative, demoralizing and hateful self-talk and perspectives

SOLUTION – We can be so hard on ourselves most of the time. Sometimes it can be motivating to do something productive, but most of the time it has us stuck in a self-defeated attitude.

Gratitude journalling is a phenomenal way to remind yourself of the positive things in your life and about yourself

Setting an intention for the day will start your day off with focus and positive direction for manifestation

Being kind and flexible with yourself

For many more practices, such as meditation and exercise, see The Research Supporting A Healthy State Of Mind

Comparisons, judgements, and rumination

SOLUTION – Humans are almost always comparing and judging ourselves to others and our past self. Rumination on things we could have done, should have said, or about future occurrences can have us paralyzed in fear.

Limit social media use and looking back at old photos

Limit your rumination to a maximum of 3 times– if you find yourself talking about the same situation 3 times without actionable problem-solving steps to resolve the issue or let it go

Stand in front of the mirror and find at least one characteristic that you love

Do the “Love Your Body Challenge” by Molly Galbraith

For many more practices, such as meditation and exercise, see The Research Supporting A Healthy State Of Mind

Despite the long list of external factors, intrinsic toxins can often have as much of a long-term effect on the body. Our hormones are all connected to one another and cortisol levels have major effects on mood, thyroid function, libido, sleep and cognitive processes.

Removal of external and internal toxins often reveal significant positive results immediately. It is however, possible for sudden changes to negatively affect mood and organ functions, especially those that cause withdrawal symptoms (ie. sugar, alcohol, cigarettes, illicit drugs and medications), so be use to have your medical physician monitor your health.

Toxic load

The toxic load of your body can be estimated with lab tests and general lifestyle habits over your lifetime. It is the difference between the toxins you take in (extrinsic and intrinsic) and the toxins you release.

Along with limiting toxin exposure and accumulation, gentle detox methods can be helpful. Detox stands for detoxification. It is your body’s natural way of protecting itself from potentially harmful toxins. It works to store, then safely excrete waste at a regulated interval. Your body is built to maintain homeostasis or otherwise balance. Therefore, taking a pill or manually forcing the body to speed up this process can be dangerous.

If you take in any of the above toxins quicker than the body can process and excrete safely, they will be stored, usually in fat or in the liver (or emotionally as sympathetic nervous system stress).

Only until you lighten the load of toxins into your body and support optimal function of your eliminating organs will you readily release the stored toxins.

I encourage you to read more about organs of detoxification and the hoax of the “magic pill”:

–> Find a complete explanation of the 14 BEST GENTLE DETOXIFIERS now

Drink more water and start your day with morning lemon water- keep hydrated and encourage sweating and urination

Castor oil packs over liver – if not taking medication or birth control pills

Try some Magic socks- let your feet do the work as you sleep

Drink Taraxicum (dandelion) tea- gentle diuretic

Drink green tea- antioxidant and metabolic supporter

Dry skin brushing and lymph massage- lymph mover

Alternating showers- get your pores opening and closing to pump your lymph

Gratitude journalling- increase positivity in your thoughts everyday

Get more active and exercise- sweat, contract those muscles and lose fat to increase toxin release

Daily fresh air- oxygen carried in your blood gives nutrients to your whole body (muscle, nerves, brain, vital organs)

More fiber (fresh fruit, fresh veg, grain) – be careful with inflammatory digestive issues

Abdominal massages – always massage in a clock-wise direction to stimulate bowel movements

Eat more healthy fats- stimulates bile secretion to promote cholesterol and waste elimination through your stool

Practice deep belly breathing- eliminate as much residual ‘stale’ air with each breath and maximize oxygen consumption

Cheers to a healthier you!


Photo: Getty Images

This essay originally appeared on Dr. Alison Chen, ND’s blog.

Read Dr. Alison Chen, ND every week here on The Good Men Project!

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The post Men Can’t Let Lifestyle Stessors Toxify Their Lives appeared first on The Good Men Project.

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