The Good Men Project is a participatory media company. As such, we have multiple ways you can actively participate in the conversation. As you become a deeper part of “The Conversation No One Else is Having,” you will learn all of the ways we support our Writer’s Community: community FB groups, weekly conference calls, classes in writing, editing, platform building, and more. If you’d like to be a contributing author but aren’t sure what to write about, this post is for you.
Following is a list of Calls for Submissions (CFS). They are presented here in alphabetical order by article title. Click on the title of the CFS to read the full description.
This list will be updated from time to time.
A Conversation With My Younger Self
— by Barbara Abramson
What advice would you share, what stories would you tell?
Am I the Man I Hoped to Be?
— by Barbara Abramson
Life is a journey. What has your been about?
Do You Want to Be Led or Ruled?
— by The Editors
Why is calling out government injustices only a right for rich white men?
Human Trafficking
— by Lisa M. Blacker
July 30 is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Modern-day slavery is real and ever-present.
I Don’t Want to Vote for Anyone!
— by The Editors
Is the only wasted vote the one not cast? Or does disgust outweigh civic duty?
Making Trump Own it!
— by The Editors
Don’t get fooled now, Donald Trump is who he said he was.
Masculinity and Tattoos
— by Barbara Abramson
Send us some ink about your INK.
Men and Melody
— by Susheela Menon
Are you passionate about music? Tell us your stories!
‘Men of a Certain Age’ Have a Home at the Good Men Project
— by The Editors
The Good Men Project is always looking for new voices, and has much to learn from seasoned and examined lives.
Men Saying ‘No More’ to Societal Expectations
— by Lisa M. Blacker
Tell us how you would like to be more of your own person rather than playing roles you don’t want to play.
My Lover and I Had a Fight, but We’re Stronger Because of it
— by The Editors
Whether you fought about money, sex, the kids, or the chores, if it made your relationship better we want to read the story.
Plastic Bags
— by Lisa M. Blacker
July 3 is Internation Plastic Bag-Free Day. Tell our readers why that is so very important.
Prepping for 2020
— by The Editors
Who is emerging today that can be a factor in four years?
Serving My Country
— by Barbara Abramson
How did being in the military affect your life?
So What Are You Waiting For?
— by The Editors
The one that got away—or the one you never chased—whether it was a person, job, moment, or choice, how did it make you who you are today?
The Language of Fatherless Scenarios
— by Lisa M. Blacker
Is the language of fatherlessness so accusatory that it is preventing the engagement of men who need help?
Teaching Boys Sportsmanship, Compassion, and Emotions
— by Lisa M. Blacker
How do we console our boys when they lose a game? How do we teach them good sportsmanship when they win?
The Day I Became a Dad
— by Barbara Abramson
Babies change everything!
What Do Men Worry About Most?
— by Barbara Abramson
Hey guys, we want to know what’s on your mind.
What Do You Really Want In A President?
— by The Editors
Everyone easily says what they are against, but what are we for?
What Have We Really Done About Bullying?
— by The Editors
We give a lot of lip service to ending bullying, but do we really care?
What we did on our Summer Vacation
— by Lisa M. Blacker
What did you do this summer that will make a difference down the road?
When Did You Realize You Were a Bully?
— by The Editors
Your “just kidding around,” could have been a totally different experience for the target.
Who Showed You the Way?
— by The Editors
Whether in life, at work, or in relationships, who or what showed you the better side of things?
Why Don’t We Speak Up For Others?
— by Susheela Menon
What stops us from standing up against discrimination?
Young Writers Have a Home at the Good Men Project
— by The Editors
Writers in their college and post-college years have plenty to pen—are you one of them?
Join the conversation at The Good Men Project. Here’s how:
Write on one of these topics or anything else you think is relevant.
Then click below to send your post through our submission system.
If you have a relationship with an editor, please name that person on the submission form.
Please indicate that you are responding to a specific Call for Submissions.
The Good Men Project is different from most media companies. We are a “participatory media company”—which means we don’t just have content you read and share and comment on but it means we have multiple ways you can actively be a part of the conversation. As you become a deeper part of “The Conversation No One Else is Having,” you will learn all of the ways we support our Writer’s Community: community FB groups, weekly conference calls, classes in writing, editing, platform building, and more.
Here are more ways to become a part of The Good Men Project community:
Request to join our private Facebook Group for Writers—it’s like our virtual newsroom where you connect with editors and other writers about issues and ideas.
Click here to become a Premium Member of The Good Men Project Community. 1) Get access to an exclusive “Members Only” Group on Facebook, 2) View the website with no ads 3) Get free access to classes, workshops, and exclusive events 4) Be invited to an exclusive weekly “Call with the Publisher” with other Premium Members 4) Free commenting badge, listing on our Friends page, and more.
Are you stuck on what to write? Sign up for our Writing Prompts emails, you’ll get ideas directly from our editors every Monday and Thursday.
Join our exclusive weekly “Call with the Publisher” — where community members are encouraged to discuss the issues of the week, get story ideas, meet other members and get known for their ideas? To get the call-in information, either join as a member or wait until you get a post published with us. Here are some examples of what we talk about on the calls.
Want to learn practical skills about how to be a better Writer, Editor or Platform Builder? Want to be a Rising Star in Media? Want to learn how to Create Social Change? We have classes in all of those areas. Classes are included free of charge with our $20 a year Gold Membership.
However you engage with The Good Men Project—you can help lead this conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century.
Photo: Pixabay
The post Want to Write for The Good Men Project and Need Some Content Ideas? appeared first on The Good Men Project.