Current editorial changes and additions
Current editorial changes and additions to IHF Rules of the Game 2010 and the IHF Questions on the Rules of the Game and the correct answers
IHF Publication 2011 for Rules of the Games 2010-2012 update
2011 Clarifications of IHF Rules of the Game
Rules of the Game (Indoor Handball)
These Rules of the Game will take effect on July 1, 2010. The Rules Text, the Comments, the IHF Hand Signals, the Clarifications to the Rules of the Game, and the Substitution Area Regulations are all components of the overall Rules. This does not apply to the Guidelines for Playing Courts and Goals, which are simply included in the rule book for the convenience of the users of that text.
Overview of the changes to the Rules of the Game 2010 (Indoor Handball)
Apart from a number of editorial changes and necessary changes in field of reference, the new edition of the IHF rulebook also provides explanations for sake of clarity, which are to support a consistent and improved application of the rulebook. Based on experience in recent years some parts needed structural and fundamental changes. The following overview therefore is composed according to the significance of the changes and not in a chronological order.
Technical Regulations (Floor Regulations)
1. General principles These Regulations are to define the International Handball Federation’s criteria for floors which have to be met for the floor concerned to be provided with the IHF seal of approval.
Technical Regulations (Goal Regulations)
1. General principles These Regulations are to define the International Handball Federation’s criteria for goals which have to be met for the goal concerned to be provided with the IHF seal of approval.
Technical Regulations (Ball Regulations)
1. General principles These Regulations are to define the International Handball Federation’s criteria for handballs which have to be met for the ball concerned to be provided with the IHF seal of approval.
Rules of the Game (Beach Handball)
These Rules of the Game will take effect on 8 July 2014. For the sake of simplicity, this rule book generally uses the male form of words with respect to female and male players, officials, referees and other persons. However, the rules apply equally to both female and male participants, except Rule 3 (size of the ball). The Philosophy of Beach Handball is based on the principles of “Fair Play”. Every decision has to be taken in accordance with these principles
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