Earlier this year, Upekshapriya took over as director of The Clear Vision Trust, in Manchester, UK. Clear Vision is a Triratna video project, providing Buddhst video for Triratna and for schools.
As the longest-standing member of the team, Upekshapriya has shown enormous commitment and dedication; since 1997 he’s worked as cameraman, video editor and director as well as providing the team with IT support. He works alongiside Munisha (previous director and still education officer) and Graham Dellow (cameraman, video editor and finance worker).
He’s probably best known for his qualities of kindness and helpfulness, but many European Order members will have seen him at Conventions, sitting alone in the middle of the shrine room with his camera and tripod, tirelessly filming every speaker. www.VideoSangha.net, a repository for huge quantities of FWBO/Triratna video old and new, is his creation: he’s passionate about providing Buddhist video, free, online, everywhere.
Clear Vision was founded by Mokshapriya in the early 1990s to record talks by Sangharakshita and other Order members, and to create documentaries and newsreels for the FWBO (as it was then). It became very well known in British schools for its video materials for Buddhism in the classroom, sales of which have largely funded its FWBO/Triratna work for many years.
Conditions have changed: in today’s financial climate, schools are less likely to buy materials and in any case the growth of online communications has produced an increased appetite for online Buddhist video. The Clear Vision team has slimmed down and, while maintaining existing services and materials for schools and children, is putting renewed energy into video for the Triratna community worldwide.
Upekshapriya’s team are working hard on a series of 5 videos for daily release as part of this year’s Urban Retreat, 9th - 17th November.
Find out more about the Urban Retreat.
Follow Clear Vision on Facebook.
Check out Triratna video, old and new, at VideoSangha.net.
See what Clear Vision offers Triratna, children and schools.
If you like what Clear Vision does, please make a donation or take out a standing order.
Upekshapriya, Clear Vision, video, Videosangha