
Thanksgiving Day 2014

By Jeff Salter

Since I’m the Hound and Hound Day is on Thursdays, I always get the Thanksgiving Day post. And I have much to be thankful for. Yesterday, for example, we had our son and daughter and their spouses and five of our six grandchildren all around the same table for supper. That should be the same group for our Turkey dinner this afternoon at my daughter’s house.

I’m thankful for my two publishers, Astraea Press and Dingbat Publishing, and for their willingness to offer me contracts for the eight novels and two novellas which have been released so far (including one on the way next month).

I’m thankful for my church and Sunday School class, and for the terrific folks I get to work with in AWANA. And for the wonderful kids I’ve worked with over the past six-and-a-half years.

Previous years

Here are links to my columns for the past three Thanksgivings, here at 4F1H. Hope you have a minute to take a look.

November 2013


November 2012


For November 2011, I had a guest author — Laurie Ryan



What are YOU thankful for?

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